14 research outputs found


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    The breeding program for daikon in Crimea was carried out according to the following plan: the seed sowing in the third decade of July, and root selection for economically valuable traits after 58-70 days; storage during the winter; planting in the short warm periods of February, under temporary tunnel coverage for parental lines used for hybridization; seed production in second decade of July; seed sowing in third decade of July; assessment of progenies in 58-70 days. The annual cycle was repeated until the constant lines were obtained. As result of that, the middle-maturing variety was developed, the periods from shoots to root formation, to root harvesting, to seed maturation were 26 days, 63 days and 90 days, respectively. Variety ‘Solol’ had 3% less of dry matter than standard variety ‘Klyck Slona’ and 10% higher than standard variety ‘Guliver’. The variety ‘Sokol’ had 6-14% more total sugar than both standard varieties. The variety was characterized by high ultrastability and agrochemical stability (86%), average value of yield variation V=13.6%, whereas correlation with sum of effective temperature, r = -0.34 and sum of rainfall, r = +0.58. The yield of daikon root in the variety ‘Sokol’ was 47 t/ha that was 27-31% higher than yield in the standard variety.Селекцию дайкона в Крыму проводили по схеме: посев семян в 3 декаде июля и отбор корнеплодов по хозяйственно ценным признакам через 58-70 суток, зимнее хранение, затем высадку в «февральские окна» под временные туннельные укрытия родительских пар на гибридизацию, получение семян во 2 декаде июля, посев семян в 3 декаде июля и оценка потомства корнеплодов через 58-70 суток. Далее годичный цикл повторялся до получения константных линий. В итоге создан среднеспелый сорт: от всходов до образования корнеплодов 26 суток, до их уборки – 63 и созревания семян – 90 суток. По химическому составу сорт Сокол содержит на 3% меньше сухого вещества, чем стандарт Клык слона и на 10% больше стандарта – Гулливер. По сумме сахаров сорт Сокол на 6-14% превышал оба стандарта. Общая оценка вкусовых качеств была на уровне стандарта Клык слона и на 0,4 балла выше, чем у сорта Гулливер. Сорт характеризуется высокой гомеостатичностью и агрохимической стабильностью (86%), средними значениями изменчивости урожайности (V=13,6%) и корреляционной зависимости от суммы эффективных температур (r = -0,34) и от суммы осадков (r = +0,58). Урожайность корнеплодов дайкона сорта Сокол составляла 47 т/га, что выше стандартов на 27-31%.


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    At the first stage of breeding, the new source material was created to obtain a variety of daikon resistant to abiotic factors with high productivity and commercial qualities, better taste, and biochemical properties. Eighteen samples from Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, China, Korea, and Japan were in the nursery of the original forms. The following breeding types were used in the hybrid nursery: 1) crossing of several morphologically close samples originating from geographically remote areas; 2) paired crosses of morphologically and biologically different samples. Breeding was carried out on an accelerated scheme: before harvesting, samples were evaluated for resistance to bolting, shape and color of the roots, taste qualities, and affection with diseases; in February, the roots were planted in temporary greenhouses in pairs for hybridization; seeds were threshed in mid-July; the hybrid seeds were sown on the roots in early August; the roots were harvested and evaluated 60-65 days after the moment of sprouting. Then, the 1.5-year cycle was repeated until the constant lines were obtained. Yield fluctuations were determined by taking into account the sum of effective temperatures and precipitation for the period “sprouting – harvest” [4]. Slight variability in the yield at high agronomic stability was observed for the varieties Sokol, Gulliver, and hybrid No. 41. The standard (variety Klyk slona) differed from other varieties by high variability in the yield and insufficiently high agronomic stability (66%). We found that there was the fluctuation of the yield of modern varieties: Klyk slona by 22 t/ha, Gulliver by 9 t/ha, Sokol by 14 t/ha, and hybrid No. 41 by 15 t/ha. It was estimated that for every 1 degree Celsius rise in the amounts of effective temperatures the yield of the aforementioned varieties decreased: 9.7; 38; 7.4 and 66 kg/ha, respectively. And, vice versa, if the amount of precipitation increased by 1 mm, the yield of Klyk slona would increase by 17 kg/ha, Gulliver - by 10 kg/ha, Sokol - by 11 kg/ha, and hybrid No. 41 – by 6 kg/ha. The technology and method for initial seed production of daikon have been developed with the preserved economic and biological characteristics. The daikon variety Sokol was created and included in the State Register.На первичном этапе селекции создан новый исходный материал для получения сорта дайкона, устойчивого к абиотическим факторам среды с высокими продуктивными и товарными качествами, повышенными вкусовыми и биохимическими свойствами. Питомник исходных форм включал 18 образцов из России, Украины, Белоруссии, Китая, Кореи и Японии. В питомнике гибридизации использовали скрещивания морфологически близких образцов из разных географических зон и парные скрещивания морфологически и биологически различных образцов. Селекцию вели по ускоренной схеме: перед уборкой оценивали образцы на устойчивость к цветушности, форму и окраску корнеплодов, их вкусовые качества, пораженность болезнями. В «февральские окна» корнеплоды попарно высаживали для гибридизации под временные укрытия, в середине июля обмолачивали семена, а в начале августа гибридные семена высевали, оценивали и убирали корнеплоды через 60-65 суток после всходов. Далее 1,5 годичный цикл повторялся до получения константных линий. Учет сумм эффективных температур и осадков от момента всходов до уборки корнеплодов определил колебания урожайности [4]. Незначительная изменчивость урожайности корнеплодов при высокой агрономической стабильности была характерна для сортов Сокол, Гулливер и гибрида №41. Стандарт сорт Клык слона отличался высокой изменчивостью урожайности корнеплодов и недостаточно высокой агрономической стабильностью (66%). Выявлено, что при колебании урожайности сортов, т/га: Клык слона на 22, Гулливер – 9, Сокол – 14 и гибрид №41 – 15, выход продукции на каждый 1°С повышения сумм эффективных температур снижался соответственно по сортам, кг/га: на 9,7; 38; 7,4 и 66. При увеличении количества осадков на каждый 1 мм, наблюдали повышение урожайности, кг/га: Клык слона на 17, Гулливер – 10, Сокол – 11 и гибрида №41 на 6. Отработана технология и метод первичного семеноводства дайкона при сохранении хозяйственных и биологических признаков, создан и внесен в Госреестр сорт дайкона Сокол

    Оценка мутагенных образцов чеснока озимого

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    Relevance. The use of chemical mutagenesis on garlic is relevant for the creation of new forms with stable characteristics, better biochemical qualities, increased yield, for use in breeding practice.Results. The reaction of garlic treated with two chemical mutagens was evaluated: DES (diethyl sulfate) – 0.025; 0.05 and 0.1% (mutants 2, 3 and 4), as well as DMS (dimethyl sulfate) – 0.02; 0.04 and 0.08% solutions (mutants 5, 6 and 7). The aftereffect of chemical mutagens was noted with low and medium variability of signs in the second–fifth generation. According to the low variability of 1.6–9.4%, the height of plants (samples M 3 and 6), the number of leaves (M 5), the height of the false stem (M 3), the diameter of bulbs (M 6), as well as the length of leaves and the weight of bulbs samples M 3, 5 and 6 were distinguished. The effect of mutagens on morphometric signs of garlic were also tracked in the second generation (re-growing from air bulbs), where the parameters of low and medium variability of signs are marked. The majority of samples on 7 signs reflected a low variability of 5.5–10.0% and only 2 mutants showed an average variability of 11.4–16.4%: M 6 in plant height and false stem and M 3 in bulb diameter and yield. The correlation between their value in the 5th generation and in the 2nd generation also revealed strong direct and average connections. High heritability of h2 signs = 0.74–0.99 for DES preparations – 0.05%, VMI – 0.02 and 0.04%, was the most important indicator of the selection of valuable signs.Актуальность. Использование химического мутагенеза на чесноке актуально для создания новых форм со стабильными признаками, лучшими биохимическими качествами, повышенной урожайностью, с целью использования в селекционной практике.Результаты. Оценивалась реакция чеснока, обработанного двумя химическими мутагенами: ДЭС (диэтилсульфат) – 0,025; 0,05 и 0,1% (мутанты 2, 3 и 4), а также ДМС (диметилсульфат) –0,02; 0,04 и 0,08% растворами (мутанты 5, 6 и 7).Последействие химических мутагенов отмечено при низкой и средней вариабельности признаков во втором–пятом поколении. По низкой изменчивости 1,6–9,4% выделилась высота растений (образцы М 3 и 6), количество листьев (М 5), высота ложного стебля (М 3), диаметр луковиц (М 6), а также по длине листьев и массе луковиц образцы М 3, 5 и 6. Действие мутагенов на морфометрические признаки чеснока также отслежено во второй генерации (повторное выращивание из воздушных луковиц), где отмечены параметры низкой и средней вариабельности признаков. Большинство образцов по 7 признакам отражали низкую изменчивость 5,5–10,0% и только 2 показали среднюю изменчивость 11,4–16,4%: М 6 по высоте растений и ложному стеблю и М 3 – по диаметру луковиц и урожайности. Корреляция между их значением в 5-ом поколении и во 2-й генерации также выявило сильные прямые и средние связи. Высокая наследуемость признаков h2 = 0,74–0,99 по препаратам ДЭС – 0,05%, ДМС – 0,02 и 0,04%, явилась важнейшем показателем отбора ценных признаков


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    Yaltinskiy onion is one of the symbols of the Crimea, the very name of which is tied to the famous resort, which emphasizes belonging to the Crimean Peninsula. Salad sweet onion is in constant demand among the guests of the peninsula and locals. Its price is several times higher than the price of other onion varieties. Unfortunately, under the guise of Yaltinskiy sortotype, products that are much inferior to it according to taste peculiarities are often sold. In this regard, creation of new cultivar of sweet salad onion, exceeding palatability of the existing cultivar Yaltinskiy Rubin is an urgent task, having an undeniable economic direction. The source material was collected at various zones of the Crimean Peninsula. During the research, hybridization and selection in hybrid progeny were carried out. The plants were analyzed using various methods of evaluation. Much attention was paid to biochemical analysis. The palatability traits are important for the onion cultivars of salad direction. The best indicators for sugars and vitamin C were identified in salad onion of a new cultivar Yaltinskiy plus. Reducing the content of essential oil has improved the taste and its consumer properties. Useful properties were also supplemented by the fact that the presence of selenium antioxidant 68 μg/kg and anthocyanins of 1.66 mg/100 g in salad onions was established, which is 1.5 and 2.3 times higher than the standard sample showed. The content of quercetin and other polyphenols was also noted. The cultivar is characterized by high agronomic stability (90%), product quality (88%), and productivity (49 tons per ha).Ялтинский лук является одним из символов Крыма, само название которого привязано к известному курорту, что подчеркивает принадлежность к Крымскому полуострову. Салатный сладкий лук пользуется неизменным спросом у гостей полуострова и местных жителей, и цена на него в несколько раз выше цены других сортов лука. К сожалению, под видом Ялтинского сортотипа зачастую реализовывается продукция, значительно уступающая ему по вкусовым качествам. В этой связи создание нового сорта сладкого салатного лука, превышающего по вкусовым качествам существующий сорт Ялтинский рубин – задача актуальная и нужная, имеющая неоспоримую хозяйственную направленность. Исходный материал собирали из различных зон Крымского полуострова. В ходе исследований проводили гибридизацию и отбор в гибридном потомстве. Растения анализировали с привлечением разных методов оценки. Большое внимание уделялось биохимическому анализу, так как именно вкусовые качества важны для сорта лука салатного направления. В салатном луке нового сорта Ялтинский плюс отмечены лучшие показатели по сахарам и витамину С, где снижение содержания эфирного масла улучшило его вкусовые качества и потребительские свойства. Также установлено в салатном луке наличие антиоксидантов: селена – 68 мкг/кг и антоцианов – 1,66 мг/100 г, что в 1,5 и 2,3 раза превышает стандарт. Отмечено также на уровне стандарта содержание кверцетина и других полифенолов. Сорт отличается высокой агрономической стабильностью – 90%, товарностью продукции – 88% при урожайности 49 т/га

    Пищевая ценность салатного лука крымской селекции

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    Relevance. Allium cepa L. is considered to be one of the most important agricultural crops in most countries of the world. High nutritional value is especially pronounced in salad onion which vegetation needs high temperature and significant insulation.Material and methods. The first biochemical characteristics are given for 9 Crimean salad onion genotypes and varieties (red onions Festivalny, Yaltinsky plus, Yaltinsky foros, Yaltinsky rybin, Yaltinsky 6А, Yaltinsky 7А, Yaltinsky 8А and yellow cultivars Kendy and Bean promine) with the comparison with the appropriate data for popular Italian sweet onion cultivar Tropea and semi-pungent varieties grown in Moscow region, Italy and Stavropol region (Zolotnichok, Cherny prince).Results. Warm climate is shown to increase the amount of antioxidants, monosaccharides and organic acids in onion bulbs. Compared to the Italian Tropea variety Crimean genotypes were characterized by higher levels of ascorbic acid (12.8±1.4 mg/100 g fresh weight) and organic acids (1.58±0.03 mg malic acid per g of dry weight), relatively similar levels of polyphenols (21.0±2.3 mg-eq Gallic acid per g of dry weight), and quercetine. (3.09±0.42 mg-eq Gallic acid per g of dry weight) and antocyanines (2.78±1.03 mg/g fresh weight). New genotypes Yaltinsky 6A, Yaltinsky 7A, Yaltinsky 8A were shown to accumulate higher levels of antioxidants. A direct correlation between the peel/inner layers ratio of antioxidant activities with the appropriate ratio for polyphenols was demonstrated (r=+0.93). A direct correlation between flavonoids content in peel and inner layers was also revealed (r=+0.83). Polyphenols and flavonoids ratios between peel and inner layers were shown to be higher for the Crimean genotypes compared to semi-pungent Moscow region varieties which indicates the prospects of utilization of the Crimean onion peel in production of functional food products with elevated levels of antioxidants.Актуальность. Лук репчатый (Allium cepa) является одной из наиболее важных овощных культур в большинстве стран мира. Высокая пищевая ценность особенно выражена в луках салатного направления, выращивание которых требует высоких температур и значительной инсоляции.Материал и методика. В работе впервые приведены данные биохимического состава 9 сортов и сортообразцов салатного лука Крыма (красные Фестивальный, Ялтинский плюс, Ялтинский форос, Ялтинский рубин, Ялтинский 6А, Ялтинский 7А, Ялтинский 8А и желтые Кендли и Bean promine) в сравнении с популярным в Италии салатным луком Tropea и полуострыми сортами селекции Федерального Научной Центра Овощеводства, выращенными в Московской области, Италии и Ставропольском крае (Золотничок и Черный принц).Результаты. Установлено, что теплый климат Средиземноморья способствует более интенсивному накоплению полифенолов, флавоноидов и высокой общей антиоксидантной активности, а также органических кислот при достоверном повышении доли моносахаров от общего количества сахаров. По сравнению с итальянским сортом Tropea крымские сладкие сорта лука характеризуются более высоким содержанием витамина С (12.8±1.4 мкг/100 г сырой массы) и сходными уровнями накопления полифенолов (21.0±2.3 мг-экв ГАК/г с.м.), кверцетина (3.09±0.42 мг-экв ГАК/г с.м.) и антоцианидинов (2.78±1.03 мг/г сырой массы). Показано, что новые перспективные сортообразцы Ялтинский 6А, Ялтинский 7А и Ялтинский 8А отличаются повышенной антиоксидантной активностью. Установлена прямая корреляция между соотношением антиоксидантной активности в шелухе/луковице с соответствующим показателем для полифенолов (r=+0.93), а также прямая корреляция между содержанием флавоноидов во внутренних и внешних чешуях (r=+0.83). Показано, что соотношение уровней накопления полифенолов и флавоноидов в луковице и шелухе крымских луков достоверно выше, чем соответствующий показатель у подмосковных полуострых сортов, что предполагает перспективность использования шелухи крымских луков в производстве функциональных продуктов питания с повышенным содержанием антиоксидантов

    The paradigm of induced chemical mutagenesis of Allium sativum L.

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    The scheme of induced chemical mutagenesis of treatment of Allium sativum L. air bulbs of winter garlic bred by FSBSI “Research Institute of Agriculture of Crimea”, grown in a breeding nursery, has been developed. Two chemical mutagens of the first group, capable of transferring alkyd compounds to other plant cells were used in the study. Different concentrations of treatments and monitoring of mutagenesis made it possible to determine the behavior of Allium sativum air bulbs in dynamics: one cloves – M0 mutants (large, medium and small fractions); bulbs – cloves (M1 mutants of the 1st generation); bulbs – cloves (M2 2nd generation mutants). The aim of this work is to assess the morphological changes of Allium sativum L., the effect of chemical mutagens, and the selection of visible mutation-altered forms with valuable economic traits for use in breeding, creating new varieties adapted in Crimea. Monitoring was carried out, the reaction of garlic treated with two chemical mutagens was assessed: DEP (diethyl phosphate) − 0.025; 0.05 and 0.1%, as well as DMS (dimethyl sulfate) 0.02; 0.04 and 0.08% solutions. For control, a sample of Allium sativum L. air bulbs soaked in water was taken. For 2017–2020, different concentrations of mutagens acted selectively on morphometric and economic characteristics, as well as the chemical composition of winter garlic


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    The breeding program for daikon in Crimea was carried out according to the following plan: the seed sowing in the third decade of July, and root selection for economically valuable traits after 58-70 days; storage during the winter; planting in the short warm periods of February, under temporary tunnel coverage for parental lines used for hybridization; seed production in second decade of July; seed sowing in third decade of July; assessment of progenies in 58-70 days. The annual cycle was repeated until the constant lines were obtained. As result of that, the middle-maturing variety was developed, the periods from shoots to root formation, to root harvesting, to seed maturation were 26 days, 63 days and 90 days, respectively. Variety ‘Solol’ had 3% less of dry matter than standard variety ‘Klyck Slona’ and 10% higher than standard variety ‘Guliver’. The variety ‘Sokol’ had 6-14% more total sugar than both standard varieties. The variety was characterized by high ultrastability and agrochemical stability (86%), average value of yield variation V=13.6%, whereas correlation with sum of effective temperature, r = -0.34 and sum of rainfall, r = +0.58. The yield of daikon root in the variety ‘Sokol’ was 47 t/ha that was 27-31% higher than yield in the standard variety


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    At the first stage of breeding, the new source material was created to obtain a variety of daikon resistant to abiotic factors with high productivity and commercial qualities, better taste, and biochemical properties. Eighteen samples from Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, China, Korea, and Japan were in the nursery of the original forms. The following breeding types were used in the hybrid nursery: 1) crossing of several morphologically close samples originating from geographically remote areas; 2) paired crosses of morphologically and biologically different samples. Breeding was carried out on an accelerated scheme: before harvesting, samples were evaluated for resistance to bolting, shape and color of the roots, taste qualities, and affection with diseases; in February, the roots were planted in temporary greenhouses in pairs for hybridization; seeds were threshed in mid-July; the hybrid seeds were sown on the roots in early August; the roots were harvested and evaluated 60-65 days after the moment of sprouting. Then, the 1.5-year cycle was repeated until the constant lines were obtained. Yield fluctuations were determined by taking into account the sum of effective temperatures and precipitation for the period “sprouting – harvest” [4]. Slight variability in the yield at high agronomic stability was observed for the varieties Sokol, Gulliver, and hybrid No. 41. The standard (variety Klyk slona) differed from other varieties by high variability in the yield and insufficiently high agronomic stability (66%). We found that there was the fluctuation of the yield of modern varieties: Klyk slona by 22 t/ha, Gulliver by 9 t/ha, Sokol by 14 t/ha, and hybrid No. 41 by 15 t/ha. It was estimated that for every 1 degree Celsius rise in the amounts of effective temperatures the yield of the aforementioned varieties decreased: 9.7; 38; 7.4 and 66 kg/ha, respectively. And, vice versa, if the amount of precipitation increased by 1 mm, the yield of Klyk slona would increase by 17 kg/ha, Gulliver - by 10 kg/ha, Sokol - by 11 kg/ha, and hybrid No. 41 – by 6 kg/ha. The technology and method for initial seed production of daikon have been developed with the preserved economic and biological characteristics. The daikon variety Sokol was created and included in the State Register

    Creation of a Virtual Technology Laboratory and Organization of Training for Highly Qualified Personnel

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    The article describes the technology of virtual modeling which is used as a tool to improve the quality of engineering education. The authors propose an approach to the creation of a virtual technological laboratory prototype for studying the processes of organic dyes production in vAcademia software environment. The basic programming environment vAcademia was used to create the laboratory. To create the elements of the laboratory, the tools of various systems were used such as two- and three-dimensional design systems SketchUp, AutoCAD, COMPASS-3D; graphic and video editors: Adobe Photoshop, the GIMP, Photoscape, Windows Movie Maker, SONY Vegas Pro; visual simulation tool for dynamic systems SIMUL8; software for working with tables and text Microsoft Office. The virtual laboratory was created in order to simulate the real laboratory environment and the processes produced in it, as well as to simulate the learning environment in which students transform their theoretical knowledge into practical skills. The test researches on an assessment of the quality of education, with use of the developed communicative and educational environment in the form of virtual space of technological laboratory on studying of processes of production of organic dyes, showed its increase by 15,6%