649,046 research outputs found

    Coulombic effects on magnetoconductivity oscillations induced by microwave excitation in multisubband two-dimensional electron systems

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    We develop a theory of magneto-oscillations in photoconductivity of multisubband two-dimensional electron systems which takes into account strong Coulomb interaction between electrons. In the presence of a magnetic field oriented perpendicular, internal electric fields of fluctuational origin cause fast drift velocities of electron orbit centers which affect probabilities of inter-subband scattering and the photoconductivity. For the electron system formed on the liquid helium surface, internal forces are shown to suppress the amplitude of magneto-oscillations, and change positions of magnetoconductivity minima which evolve in zero-resistance states for high radiation power.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figure

    Energy losses of fast heavy-ion projectiles in dense hydrogen plasmas

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    It has been recently shown that the Bethe-Larkin formula for the energy losses of fast heavy-ion projectiles in dense hydrogen plasmas is corrected by the electron-ion correlations [Phys. Rev. Lett. \textbf{101}, 075002 (2008)]. We report numerical estimates of this correction based on the values of gei(0)g_{ei}(0) obtained by numerical simulations in [Phys. Rev. E \textbf{61}, 3470 (2000)]. We also extend this result to the case of projectiles with dicluster charge distribution. We show that the experimental visibility of the electron-ion correlation correction is enhanced in the case of dicluster projectiles with randomly orientated charge centers. Although we consider here the hydrogen plasmas to make the effect physically more clear, the generalization to multispecies plasmas is straightforward.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure. International Conference on Strongly Coupled Coulomb Systems 2008, Camerino (Italy). To appear in J. Phys.

    Jet Methods in Time-Dependent Lagrangian Biomechanics

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    In this paper we propose the time-dependent generalization of an `ordinary' autonomous human biomechanics, in which total mechanical + biochemical energy is not conserved. We introduce a general framework for time-dependent biomechanics in terms of jet manifolds associated to the extended musculo-skeletal configuration manifold, called the configuration bundle. We start with an ordinary configuration manifold of human body motion, given as a set of its all active degrees of freedom (DOF) for a particular movement. This is a Riemannian manifold with a material metric tensor given by the total mass-inertia matrix of the human body segments. This is the base manifold for standard autonomous biomechanics. To make its time-dependent generalization, we need to extend it with a real time axis. By this extension, using techniques from fibre bundles, we defined the biomechanical configuration bundle. On the biomechanical bundle we define vector-fields, differential forms and affine connections, as well as the associated jet manifolds. Using the formalism of jet manifolds of velocities and accelerations, we develop the time-dependent Lagrangian biomechanics. Its underlying geometric evolution is given by the Ricci flow equation. Keywords: Human time-dependent biomechanics, configuration bundle, jet spaces, Ricci flowComment: 13 pages, 3 figure

    Nonlinear Dynamics of Nuclear-Electronic Spin Processes in Ferromagnets

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    Spin dynamics is considered in ferromagnets consisting of electron and nuclear subsystems interacting with each other through hyperfine forces. In addition, the ferromagnetic sample is coupled with a resonance electric circuit. Under these conditions, spin relaxation from a strongly nonequilibrium initial state displays several peculiarities absent for the standard set-up in studying spin relaxation. The main feature of the nonlinear spin dynamics considered in this communication is the appearance of ultrafast coherent relaxation, with characteristic relaxation times several orders shorter than the transverse relaxation time T2T_2. This type of coherent spin relaxation can be used for extracting additional information on the intrinsic properties of ferromagnetic materials and also can be employed for different technical applications.Comment: 1 file, 4 pages, RevTex, no figure

    Microwave-resonance-induced magnetooscillations and vanishing resistance states in multisubband two-dimensional electron systems

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    The dc magnetoconductivity of the multisubband two-dimensional electron system formed on the liquid helium surface in the presence of resonant microwave irradiation is described, and a new mechanism of the negative linear response conductivity is studied using the self-consistent Born approximation. Two kinds of scatterers (vapor atoms and capillary wave quanta) are considered. Besides a conductivity modulation expected near the points, where the excitation frequency for inter-subband transitions is commensurate with the cyclotron frequency, a sign-changing correction to the linear conductivity is shown to appear for usual quasi-elastic inter-subband scattering, if the collision broadening of Landau levels is much smaller than thermal energy. The decay heating of the electron system near the commensurability points leads to magnetooscillations of electron temperature, which are shown to increase the importance of the sign-changing correction. The line shape of magnetoconductivity oscillations calculated for wide ranges of temperature and magnetic field is in a good accordance with experimental observations.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figure

    Twist-2 Light-Cone Pion Wave Function

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    We present an analysis of the existing constraints for the twist-2 light-cone pion wave function. We find that existing information on the pion wave function does not exclude the possibility that the pion wave function attains its asymptotic form. New bounds on the parameters of the pion wave function are presented.Comment: 7 pages, LaTeX, 1 PS-figure, one reference added, minor changes in the tex

    Energy dependence of cross section of photonuclear reactions on indium isotopes

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    Experimental isomeric yield ratios for the 113In({\gamma},n)112m,gIn reactions on the betatron B25/30 bremsstrahlung gamma beam of energy range 12-25 MeV are measured. Effective cross-sections of ({\gamma},n)-reactions with 112mIn and 114mIn isomers output are calculated. The Penfold-Leiss and Tikhonov methods are applied to solve the Volterra integral equation. The obtained experimental cross-sections are compared with theoretical calculations using the TALYS-1.6 code.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, 6 table

    The role of energy-momentum conservation in emission of Cherenkov gluons

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    The famous formula for the emission angle of Cherenkov radiation should be modified when applied to hadronic reactions because of recoil effects. They impose the upper limit on the energy of the gluon emitted at a given angle. Also, it leads to essential corrections to the nuclear refractive index value as determined from the angular position of Cherenkov rings.Comment: 6