81 research outputs found
Рівень пролактину у пацієнтів з ХХН V стадії, які лікуються гемодіалізом
Розповсюдженість гіперпролатинемії у пацієнтів, які лікуються гемодіалізом (ГД), становить 30-65%.
Метою нашої роботи було дослідити рівень пролактину (ПЛ) у пацієнтів з хронічною хворобою нирок (ХХН) V стадії, які лікуються ГД.
Матеріали та методи. Відкрите проспективне нерандомізоване дослідження за участю 43 пацієнтів з ХХН VД стадії, які лікуються гемодіалізом. Критеріями включення пацієнтів до дослідження були: інформована згода хворого прийняти участь у дослідженні, лікування ГД понад трьох місяців, Кt/V>1,2; судинний доступ АВ-фістула. Критеріями виключення були: відмова хворого від участі у дослідженні, цироз печінки, гострі гепатити В, С, гіпотиреоз, гострий коронарний синдром, гостре порушення мозкового кровообігу, вагітність, пацієнти з злоякісними новоутвореннями; ті хто, системно отримує такі медикаменти, як трициклічні антидепресанти, інгібітори моноамінооксидази, резерпін, метилдопу, похідні фенотіазину, протиблювотні препарати (зокреама метоклопрамід), інгібітори синтезу дофаміну, нейролептики. Всім хворим проводили визначення ПЛ в сироватці крові.
Результати. У хворих, які лікуються ГД констатовано підвищений рівень ПЛ у 32 (74%) пацієнтів. Рівень ПЛ сироватки крові у хворих, які лікуються ГД, був вищим порівняно з групою контролю: 47,17 ± 32,4 проти 11,76 ± 4,33нг/мл (р<0,001). Порушення місячного циклу склало 85% у групі жінок з підвищеним рівнем ПЛ проти 20% у жінок з нормальним рівнем ПЛ (р<0,05). У групах жінок та чоловіків з підвищеним рівнем ПЛ достовірно нижчий рівень Нb (р<0,05). Встановлено, що рівень ПЛ мав негативний кореляційний зв'язок з рівнем Нb(r=-0,36; p=0,02) та позитивний кореляційний звʼязок між рівнем ПЛ та СРБ (r=0,32; p=0,03).
Висновки. Розповсюдженість гіперпролактинемії в нашому дослідженні склала 74%. Порушення менструального циклу зустрічалося достовірно частіше у жінок з гіперпролактинемією (85% проти 20%). Підвищення концентрації ПЛ має негативний зв'язок з рівнем Нb та позитивний зв'язок з рівнем СРП, що дозволяє припускати причетність ПЛ до процесів хронічного запалення
The level of chorionic gonadotropin in postmenopausal women with CKD V stage treated with hemodialysis
The chorionic gonadotropin (CGT) test is used to diagnose and monitor the course ofpregnancy, including ectopic, to detect fetal abnormalities, trophoblastic diseases, preeclampsia, ovarian tumors, lungs, stomach, intestine, bladder, kidneys, prostate. The level of CGT is often elevated in postmenopausal women treated with hemodialysis (HD). Its significance is still not well understood, and therefore requires further study. The aim of our work was to investigate the level of CGT in postmenopausal women treated with HD.
Methods. The determination of the level of CGT in 23 postmenopausal women treated with HD. The main inclusion criteria were as follows: oral informed consent of the patient to participate in the study, the presence of CKD stage VD and treatment of HD for at least 6 months. Exclusion criteria: severe functional disorders (liver, heart, respiratory failure), cancer processes, smoking, taking substitution hormonal therapy, lack of consent of the patient. The results were compared with the CGT levels in 20 healthy menopausal women (group II).
Results. A statistically significant difference was found between the I group (postmenopausal women treated with HD) and II group (women without chronic kidney disease (CKD) (t = 3.62, p = 0.001). It was also found that CGT was increased in 9 (39%) of 23 women treated with HD. The norm of CGT in postmenopausal women is <14.0 IU/L, therefore the deviation of the index in the I group (13.63 ± 2.83 IU/L) is within the reference values. However, it does not explain the statistically significant difference between the CGT indices in the I group compared to the II group (p<0.01). Possibly, the presence of CKD contributes to the increase in HGT.
Conclusions. Authentically higher rates of CGT in postmenopausal women treated with HD compared with women without CKD were detected. Thus, CKD can affect the serum level of CGT, probably due to disruption, but this issue has not been studied, and requires further investigation
According to opinion of European researchers the expenses, associated with in–patient treatment, constitutes the significant part of health service expenditure in population of patients on renal replacement therapy (RRT). Only in few studies the hospitalization levels were compared for population ofpatients on hemodialysis (HD) and peritoneal dialysis (PD).
Aim. The aim of this study was analysis the hospital morbidity pattern in patients with CKD stage 5D on HD and PD.
Materials and methods. It was performed the retrospective (for period 01 Jan to 31 Dec 2013) analysis of hospitalization structure and rate for patients, were treated by RRT. All hospitalization admissions were assessed in view of modality and duration of RRT, demographic/gender characteristics, and renal affection type. In 2013 the RRT treatment were provided to 351 patients, including the 296 on HD and 55 on PD.
Results. Overall 173 cases of hospitalization were recorded, including 142 (82,08%) primary and 31 (17,92%) readmissions. Irrespective of RRT modality the three most common causes of hospitalization were cardiovascular diseases (CVD), bacterial infections, and anemia. 41 hospitalization was caused by RRT initiation (28 HD and 13 PD), the most
of patients aged 45 years and older. The hospitalization rate in PD patients with was significantly higher than in patients on HD: 70,9±6,1% vs. 34,8±2,8%, respectively;p<0,0001. The duration of hospitalization was significantly higher by HD– than PD patients (30,09±17.21 vs. 21.82±10.56, respectively; p=0,0007).
Conclusions. During follow–up, at least one hospitalization had more than 40%patients with CKD stage 5D. In HD patients the most common causes of hospitalization were bacterial infections, CVD and anemia. Anemia, CVD and bacterial infections were the most frequent causes hospitalization in PD patients
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Investigation on the co-precipitation of transuranium elements from alkaline solutions by the method of appearing reagents
Highly alkaline radioactive waste solutions originating from production of plutonium for military purposes are stored in underground tanks at the U.S. Department of Energy Hanford Site. The purification of alkaline solutions from neptunium and plutonium is important in the treatment and disposal of these wastes. This report describes scoping tests with sodium hydroxide solutions, where precipitation techniques were investigated to perform the separation. Hydroxides of iron (III), manganese (II), cobalt (II, III), and chromium (III); manganese (IV) oxide, and sodium uranate were investigated as carriers. The report describes the optimum conditions that were identified to precipitate these carriers homogeneously throughout the solution by reductive, hydrolytic, or catalytic decomposition of alkali-soluble precursor compounds by a technique called the Method of Appearing Reagents. The coprecipitation of pentavalent and hexavalent neptunium and plutonium was investigated for the candidate agents under optimum conditions and is described in this report along with the following results. Plutonium coprecipitated well with all tested materials except manganese (IV) oxide. Neptunium only coprecipitated well with uranate. The report presents a hypothesis to explain these behaviors. Further tests with more complex solution matrices must be performed
Studies of the mortality structure in patients receiving hemodialysis (HD) remain relevant and are the basis for developing measures and recommendations directed to increase the lifetime of patients.
Aim. The aim was to study the assessment of death causes in patients who received programmed hemodialysis, based on the demographic and gender characteristics, the duration of dialysis treatment.
Methods. Mortality causes in 137 patients who received programmed hemodialysis from 2007 to 2011 years in Kyiv City Scientific and Practical Center of Nephrology an Dialysis were analyzed.
Results. The leading cause of death was cardiovascular complications, but their decreasing has been observed since 2008. Fatality rate in young and middle- aged women with cardiovascular diseases (CVD) was almost two times higher than that of men. At the same time CVD is a predominant cause of men’s death at the age older than 44. Cerebrovascular complications were permanently in the second place of the mortality structure. About 30% of deaths occurred during the first 90 days of HD treatment, 72,5% of them were among males.
Conclusion. Gender characteristics influence the structure of death causes in patients received programmed hemodialysis depending on age
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Timescales and settings for alteration of chondritic meteorites
Most groups of chondritic meteorites experienced diverse styles of secondary alteration to various degrees that resulted in formation of hydrous and anhydrous minerals (e.g., phyllosilicates, magnetite, carbonates, ferrous olivine, hedenbergite, wollastonite, grossular, andradite, nepheline, sodalite, Fe,Ni-carbides, pentlandite, pyrrhotite, Ni-rich metal). Mineralogical, petrographic, and isotopic observations suggest that the alteration occurred in the presence of aqueous solutions under variable conditions (temperature, water/rock ratio, redox conditions, and fluid compositions) in an asteroidal setting, and, in many cases, was multistage. Although some alteration predated agglomeration of the final chondrite asteroidal bodies (i.e. was pre-accretionary), it seems highly unlikely that the alteration occurred in the solar nebula, nor in planetesimals of earlier generations. Short-lived isotope chronologies ({sup 26}Al-{sup 26}Mg, {sup 53}Mn-{sup 53}Cr, {sup 129}I-{sup 129}Xe) of the secondary minerals indicate that the alteration started within 1-2 Ma after formation of the Ca,Al-rich inclusions and lasted up to 15 Ma. These observations suggest that chondrite parent bodies must have accreted within the first 1-2 Ma after collapse of the protosolar molecular cloud and provide strong evidence for an early onset of aqueous activity on these bodies
Методы лазерной спектроскопии в средствах непрерывного контроля содержания О2 и СО в дымовых газах котлов
Application efficiency of various absorption laser spectroscopy methods for determination of gas component concentration in boiler smoke gases has been studied in the paper, O2 and CO absorption spectra have been analyzed, optimum absorption lines in near IR spectral range (about 0.76 µm for O2 and 1.56 µm for CO) have been selected and graphical dependences of intensity and half-width of the selected lines on the investigated medium temperature and pressure have been shown. Processes of monitoring CO and O2 content in boiler smoke gases while using basic laser spectroscopy methods have been simulated and measuring errors have been analyzed. It has been found out that in order to decrease methodical errors of concentration measuring it is necessary to take into account the investigated medium temperature and pressure. The paper shows that the least errors of continuous CO and O2 concentration monitoring at the presence of variations in dissipative losses have been ensured by the modified correlation method though its threshold sensitivity is less than integral and correlation ones.Исследована эффективность применения различных методов абсорбционной лазерной спектроскопии для определения концентрации газовых компонент в дымовых газах котлов. Проанализированы спектры поглощения О2 и СО, выбраны оптимальные линии поглощения в ближней ИК области спектра (в районе 0,76 мкм для О2 и 1,56 мкм для СО) и приведены графические зависимости интенсивности выбранных линий и их полуширины от температуры контролируемой среды и давления в ней. Смоделированы процессы контроля содержания СО и О2 в дымовых газах котлов при использовании основных методов лазерной спектроскопии и проанализированы погрешности измерений. Выяснено, что для уменьшения методических погрешностей измерений концентрации необходимо учитывать температуру контролируемой среды и давление в ней. Показано, что наименьшие погрешности непрерывного контроля концентрации СО и О2 при наличии вариаций диссипативных потерь обеспечивает модифицированный корреляционный метод, хотя его пороговая чувствительность меньше, чем интегрального и корреляционного
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