59 research outputs found


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    The characteristics of cell's phases experimental aseptic inflammation with indicate levels of interleukin-1β, interleukin-10, corticosterone are presented. The area of aseptic inflammation, have logical relay of cell's populations, IL-1β, IL-10, corticosterone are regulate cell's processes. And by 20 days inflammatory process complete formation dense connective capsule


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    The regulatory mechanisms of azoximera bromide on the characteristics of cell's phases experimental microbic inflammation with indicate concentrations of interleukin-1β, interleukin-10, corticosterone are presented. The inflammation of staphylococcus is a chronic process, however azoximera bromide shorten time cell's phases of inflammation, activate functions of inflammatory cells, optimizate synthesis of interleukins and corticosterone, preclude from chronization inflammation

    Mitochondrial dysfunction at atherosclerosis and myocardial infarction: molecular and cytochemical cell-markers

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    We studied capabilities of confocal laser scanning microscopy in the analysis of lipid droplets volume and of quantity of functional mitochondria and reactive oxygen species production in liver cells for early diagnosis of cytochemical disturbances at dyslipoproteinemia (16 days of experiment). The results showed the increase of lipid droplets volume in hepatocytes, decrease of functional mitochondria and increase of reactive oxygen species production. We evaluated the potential of real-time PCR method in the analysis of mitochondrial DNA of blood plasma at early stages of dyslipoproteinemia and in experimental infarction. On the background of registered blood lipid metabolism disorders and structural and functional changes in liver cells, we determined the tendency to three-time increase in concentration of circulating cell-free mtDNA on the 16th day of dyslipoproteinemia as compared to the control data. We used a model of myocardial infarction to show statistically significant increase in the level of circulating cell-free blood mtDNA from 48 hours after adrenaline injection and we found that this level maintained up to 144 hours after adrenaline injection. Obtained data can serve as a basis for creation of technologies for diagnostic monitoring of atherosclerosis and myocardial infarction severity

    Acute myocardial ischemia: changes of free circulating mtDNA level in blood after occlusion of the upper one-third left descending branch of the coronary artery

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    The aim of the present study is to analyze the dynamics of free circulating mtDNA level in blood after occlusion of the upper one-third left descending branch of the coronary artery. We showed that the concentration of free circulating mtDNA of blood tends to decrease 24 hours after ligation; it increased and reached values close to control samples 48 and 72 hours after ligation. These data define the need in further investigation of the dynamics of this parameter during later periods of myocardial infarction modeling that will contribute to objective evaluation of its significance for acute myocardial damage diagnostics and prognosis

    Изучение биоморфологических особенностей тюльпанов (Tulipa L.) в выгоночной культуре

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    Relevance. Morphological features of 10 sorts of tulips in the conditions of early-spring forcing explored. An assessment of the influence of tulip bulb preplanting on the rate of plant growth and development as well as final product yield (cut flowers) taken. Material and methods. 10 varieties of tulips of early and middle-early flowering period: Algarve (DHT), Аvocado (TT), Crispion Sweet (FT), Davenport (FT), Destination (TT), Double Price (DVT), Luba (TT), Surrender (TT), Largo (DVT) и Snowboard (TT) were selected as objects of study. Country of origin - Netherlands. Before planting one part of tulip bulbs were completely peeled of cover scale and the other part were left unpeeled. Each variant of bulb preparation for bedding were evaluated by growth and development rate of plants, as well as the number of cut flowers on the plot. During the growing season, we studied the following morphological characteristics: plant height, flower diameter, flower height, number of leaves. Results. Studies conducted have found that all varieties under research are suitable to early spring forcing and they differ in decorativeness and fully correspond to saleable quality standards. It was found out that in case of complete removing of cover scale, the tulip bulbs root faster, start to bloom faster and give much higher percentage of flowering plants in the plots in comparison with unpeeled samples.Актуальность. Изучены морфологические особенности 10 сортов тюльпанов в условиях выгонки в ранневесенний период. Проведена оценка влияния предпосадочной подготовки луковиц на темпы роста и развития растений, а также на выход готовой продукции (срезка цветов). Материал и методы. Объектом изучения послужили 10 сортов тюльпанов раннего и среднераннего срока цветения: Algarve (DHT), Аvocado (TT), Crispion Sweet (FT), Davenport (FT), Destination (TT), Double Price (DVT), Luba (TT), Surrender (TT), Largo (DVT) и Snowboard (TT). Страна производитель – Нидерланды. Одну часть луковиц перед посадкой полностью очищали от кроющих чешуй, а вторую часть оставляли неочищенными. Оценивали каждый вариант подготовки луковиц по темпам роста и развития растений, а также по количеству срезки цветов на делянке. В процессе вегетации изучали следующие морфологические признаки: высота растений, диаметр цветка, высота цветка, количество и площадь листьев. Результаты. Выявлено, что все изучаемые сорта пригодны для ранневесенней выгонки, а также отличаются декоративностью и полностью соответствуют товарным нормам. Было установлено, что при полном удалении кроющих чешуй луковицы тюльпана быстрее укореняются, зацветают и дают намного больший процент цветущих растений на делянках в сравнении с неочищенными образцами

    Radiation damage in graphite over a wide range of temperatures and neutron flux levels

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