77 research outputs found

    Bioethics: Reincarnation of Natural Philosophy in Modern Science

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    The theory of evolution of complex and comprising of human systems and algorithm for its constructing are the synthesis of evolutionary epistemology, philosophical anthropology and concrete scientific empirical basis in modern (transdisciplinary) science. «Trans-disciplinary» in the context is interpreted as a completely new epistemological situation, which is fraught with the initiation of a civilizational crisis. Philosophy and ideology of technogenic civilization is based on the possibility of unambiguous demarcation of public value and descriptive scientific discourses (1), and the object and subject of the cognitive process (2). Both of these attributes are no longer valid. For mass, everyday consciousness and institutional philosophical tradition it is intuitively obvious that having the ability to control the evolutionary process, Homo sapiens came close to the borders of their own biological and cultural identity. The spontaneous coevolutionary process of interaction between the «subject» (rational living organisms) and the «object» (material world), is the teleological trend of the movement towards the complete rationalization of the World as It Is, its merger with the World of Due. The stratification of the global evolutionary process into selective and semantic (teleological) coevolutionary and therefore ontologically inseparable components follows. With the entry of anthropogenic civilization into the stage of the information society, firsty, the post-academic phase of the historical evolution of scientific rationality began, the attributes of which are the specific methodology of scientific knowledge, scientific ethos and ontology. Bioethics as a phenomenon of intellectual culture represents a natural philosophical core of modern post- academic (human-dimensional) science, in which the ethical neutrality of scientific theory principle is inapplicable, and elements of public-axiological and scientific-descriptive discourses are integrated into a single logic construction. As result, hermeneutics precedes epistemology not only methodologically, but also meaningfully, and natural philosophy is regaining the status of the backbone of the theory of evolution – in an explicit for


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    Sources of evolutionary risk for stable strategy of adaptive Homo sapiens are an imbalance of: (1) the intra-genomic co-evolution (intragenomic conflicts); (2) the gene-cultural co-evolution; (3) inter-cultural co-evolution; (4) techno-humanitarian balance; (5) inter-technological conflicts (technological traps). At least phenomenologically the components of the evolutionary risk are reversible, but in the aggregate they are in potentio irreversible destructive ones for biosocial, and cultural self-identity of Homo sapiens. When the actual evolution is the subject of a rationalist control and/or manipulation, the magnitude of the 4th and 5th components of the evolutionary risk reaches a level of existential significance

    Haematopoietic chimerism expressivity in bovine heterosexual twins

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    The aim of the experiment was to study the haematopoietic chimerism in bovine heterosexual twins conceived through artificial insemination and post-embryo transfer. Both animal groups were revealed to have a wide individual range of variability for the expressivity of chimerism that varied from 0 to 96% of cells with the chromosomes of an opposite sex. The study also revealed the tendency towards increased frequency of cytogenetic anomalies in immigrant cells


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    The phenomenon of rationalism and irrationalism, contextually related to the transformation methodology and the social function of modern (post-industrial) science – social verification, interpretation and knowledge, etc., are analyzes

    Functional Insights into Genic Neighbourhood Organization of Helitron Transposons in Bos taurus Genomes

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    Transposable elements (TEs) represent well-known factors of genomic variability and evolution. TEs are important providers of regulatory elements that are able to significantly influence the architecture and expression of the host genome. Currently, of a special interest are the DNA transposons helitrons. They are supposed to be involved in horizontal transfer of genetic material between distant taxa and to dramatically impact the host genomes via phenomena of exon-shuffling and gene capture. Thereby, and due to their high level of polymorphism and relatively high frequency in the eukaryotic genomes, helitrons can be used as “anchors” for genome scanning of different breeds of farm animals aimed at revealing their “gene pool standards”. Currently, there are no comprehensive studies dedicated to helitrons and their interaction and impact on host genomic landscape in cattle (Bos taurus). Earlier we showed the possibility of using the 3’-end consensus sequence of Heligloria helitrons for estimation of consolidation of different cattle breeds via multilocus genotyping. In the present study, in order to investigate the context features of the DNA regions flanked by the inverted repeats of Heligloria helitrons fragments in Bos taurus genomes, we pyrosequenced such fragments (of about 550 bp in length) from three cattle breeds and analyzed the functional implications of the identified genes. Thus, here we provide an insight into the functional organization of the genic neighbourhood of helitron transposons in the genomes of different Bos taurus breeds and an attempt to understand possible consequences of such distribution of helitrons on these genome


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    The co-evolutionary concept of three-modal stable evolutionary strategy of Homo sapiens is developed. The concept based on the principle of evolutionary complementarity of anthropogenesis: value of evolutionary risk and evolutionary path of human evolution are defined by descriptive (evolutionary efficiency) and creative-teleological (evolutionary correctness) parameters simultaneously, that cannot be instrumental reduced to other ones. Resulting volume of both parameters define the vectors of biological, social, cultural and techno-rationalistic human evolution by two gear mechanism — genetic and cultural co-evolution and techno-humanitarian balance. Explanatory model and methodology of evaluation of creatively teleological evolutionary risk component of NBIC technological complex is proposed. Integral part of the model is evolutionary semantics (time-varying semantic code, the compliance of the biological, socio-cultural and techno-rationalist adaptive modules of human stable evolutionary strategy)

    The health of soil ecosystem as self-maintenance and sustainable bioproductivity review article

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    In the review traditional characteristics of the soil quality are discussed. Soil health (SH) along with its soil quality and fertility, is considered as the most important, functional characteristic of any soil ecosystem (SE). The consistent patterns and results of the study of structure and functions of the microbial community (MC) of the soil ecosystem were generalized to substantiate the quantitative parameters of soil health. The author’s developments for definitions of soil and soil health are given. The prospects of using the parameters of SH for diagnostics at recovery and biological rehabilitation of technogenically disturbed soils are proposed

    Особенности синтеза триамилцитрата

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    Objectives. To find an effective way for obtaining triamyl citrate, an environmentally friendly, biodegradable citric acid ester used as a plasticizer for PVC-based polymer compositions.Methods. The possibilities of heterogeneous catalysis were analyzed using the case study of three commercial samples of macroporous sulfocationites (Amberlyst™ 15, Amberlyst™ 70, and TULSION® 66). Homogeneous catalysis was studied using the example of orthophosphoric acid (H3PO4), while self-catalysis was investigated during esterification of citric acid with amyl alcohol (ROH). The syntheses were carried out under identical conditions: T = 110 °C, the ratio of CA:ROH = 1:5 (mol) amount of catalyst 1 wt % on the reaction mass in a thermostatically controlled reactor of ideal mixing with continuous distillation of the resulting water.Results. It was found that in all variants (even under self-catalysis conditions), the conversion of citric acid in 180 min reached 94–99%. Triamyl citrate was formed after 9 h with a yield of 90% only when using a homogeneous catalyst (H3PO4) and in the presence of a heterogeneous catalyst sample (Amberlyst ™ 15).Conclusions. The revealed differences in the reactivity of the studied sulfocationites (Amberlyst™ 15, Amberlyst ™ 70, and TULSION® 66) confirm the well-known theoretical positions, according to which the kinetic pseudo-homogeneous model of the esterification process of hydroxy acids in excess of aliphatic alcohols is based on the law of acting masses and depends on the specific surface area of the catalyst, which for Amberlyst ™ 15 is of the greatest importance as compared to Amberlyst ™ 70 and TULSION® 66 (m2/g): 53:36:35, respectively.Цели. Поиск эффективного метода получения триамилцитрата – экологически чистого, биоразлагаемого сложного эфира лимонной кислоты, используемого в качестве пластификатора полимерных композиций на основе поливинилхлорида.Методы. Выявлены возможности гетерогенного катализа на примере трех коммерческих образцов макропористых сульфокатионитов (Амберлист™ 15, Амберлист™ 70 и Тулсион® 66); гомогенного катализа на примере ортофосфорной кислоты (H3PO4) и самокатализа при этерификации лимонной кислоты (ЛК) амиловым спиртом (ROH). Синтезы проводили в одинаковых условиях: T = 110 °С отношение ЛК:ROH = 1:5 (мольн.) количество катализатора 1 мас. %. на реакционную массу в термостатированном реакторе идеального смешения с непрерывным отгоном образующейся воды.Результаты. Установлено, что во всех вариантах конверсия лимонной кислоты за 180 мин достигает 94–99%. Триамилцитрат с выходом 90% образуется через 9 ч только при использовании гомогенного катализатора (H3PO4) и в присутствии образца гетерогенного катализатора – Амберлист™ 15.Выводы. Выявленные различия в реакционной способности исследованных сульфокатионитов Амберлист™ 15, Амберлист™ 70 и Тулсион® 66 подтверждают известные теоретические положения, в соответствии с которыми кинетическая псевдогомогенная модель процесса этерификации гидроксикислот в избытке алифатических спиртов основывается на законе действующих масс и зависит от удельной поверхности катализатора, которая для Амберлист™ 15 имеет наибольшее значение по сравнению с Амберлист™ 70 и Тулсион® 66 (м2/г): 53:36:35 соответственно


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    There is an ever increasing interest in the production and use of bio-based chemical substances for the preparation of polymeric materials designed to obtain children's toys, medical equipment and materials that are in contact with food. Trifunctional esters of citric acid - trialkyl citrates - obtained by esterification of citric acid with aliphatic alcohols C2-C5 are of hazard class 4, good plasticizing ability, compatibility with the polymer, a high flash temperature. Citric acid (global production of 0.85-1 mtpa) is a readily available raw material obtained from the waste of sugar production. The purpose of the study is to develop a model of citric acid esterification with linear alcohols C2-C5 in the presence of homogeneous acidic catalysts for the creation of a domestic technology for the synthesis of plasticizing compositions based on renewable raw materials. The selected catalyst is sulfuric acid. The correlation of reactivity of the aliphatic alcohols C2-C5 with their structure in the esterification of citric acid was studied. Some kinetic parameters (lnk0, Ea) were estimated. Synthesis modes were proposed. The reaction time of the preparation of trialkyl citrates at 96% conversion of citric acid (t = 90 °C) was calculated. Laboratory samples were obtained and tested. Some operational characteristics were determined.Существует постоянно растущий интерес к производству и использованию биовозобновляемых химических веществ в производстве полимерных материалов, предназначенных для получения детских игрушек, медицинского оборудования, находящихся в контакте с пищевыми продуктами. Тризамещенные эфиры лимонной кислоты - триалкилцитраты, получаемые этерификацией лимонной кислоты алифатическими спиртами C2-C5, имеют 4 класс опасности, хорошую пластифицирующую способность, совместимость с полимером, высокую температуру вспышки. Лимонная кислота (объем мирового производства 0.85-1 млн. т/год) является доступным сырьем, получаемым из отходов сахарных производств. Цель исследования - разработка модели этерификации лимонной кислоты линейными спиртами С2-С5 на гомогенных кислотных катализаторах для создания отечественной технологии синтеза пластифицирующих композиций на основе возобновляемого сырья. Выбран катализатор - серная кислота; изучена связь реакционной способности алифатических спиртов С2-С5 с их строением в реакции этерификации лимонной кислоты, оценены некоторые кинетические параметры (lnk0, Eакт), предложены режимы синтеза, рассчитано время реакции получения триалкилцитратов при конверсии лимонной кислоты 96% (t = 90 ºС). Наработаны лабораторные образцы и определены некоторые эксплуатационные характеристики


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    Polyhydric alcohols - neopolyols and their derivatives due to the nature of the structure have a row of unique properties - high thermal stability, moisture resistance, chemical resistance and are widely used in the production of synthetic oils, resins, varnishes, surfactants and plasticizers. Esters of neopolyols with several ester groups have excellent characteristics at low temperatures, as well as high environmental friendliness, which meets modern requirements. The variation in the production of esters of neopolyols, alcohol and acid components in various combinations allows to obtain a wide range of products with different characteristics and consumer properties. Currently, neopolyol esters are not produced in Russia. However, the technical capabilities of the development of R-Oxo technology based on natural gas are not in doubt, which will allow in the near future to organize its own production of neopolyol esters for the production of high-tech materials. In the present work, the possibility of obtaining plasticizers based on trimethylolpropane esters and C2-C5 acids of various structures was investigated. Samples of 7 trimethylolpropane triesters were synthesized and their certain physicochemical properties were determined. It is shown that the most promising is the synthesis of a plasticizer using acetic acid. Conducted kinetic studies on the esterification of trimethylolpropane with acetic acid. A differential method was used to estimate the reaction rate from the initial consumption rates of acetic acid. The first orders of reaction are determined by alcohol and catalyst under the conditions studied; the value of the observed activation energy of the obtained reaction of the pseudo-second order, in the temperature range of 80-115 °C, was 57.9±8.1 kJ/mol. The results obtained allow us to recommend the conditions for the implementation of the process in the industry.Многоатомные спирты - неополиолы и их производные - в силу особенностей структуры обладают рядом уникальных свойств: высокой термостабильностью, влагоустойчивостью, химической стойкостью и находят широкое применение в производстве синтетических масел, смол, лаков, поверхностно-активных веществ и пластификаторов. Сложные эфиры неополиолов с несколькими сложноэфирными группами обладают прекрасными характеристиками при низких температурах, а также высокой экологичностью, что отвечает современным требованиям. Варьирование при производстве эфиров неополиолов спиртового и кислотного компонентов в различном сочетании позволяет получить широкий спектр продуктов с различными характеристиками и потребительскими свойствами. В настоящее время сложные эфиры неополиолов в России не производятся. Однако технические возможности освоения технологии R-Oxo на базе природного газа не вызывают сомнений, что позволит в ближайшее время организовать собственное производство сложных эфиров неополиолов для производства высокотехнологичных материалов. В представленной работе исследована возможность получения пластификаторов на основе сложных эфиров триметилолпропана и кислот С2-С5 различного строения. Синтезированы образцы 7 триэфиров триметилолпропана и определены их некоторые физико-химические свойства. Показано, что наиболее перспективным является синтез пластификатора с использованием уксусной кислоты. Проведены кинетические исследования по этерификации уксусной кислоты триметилолпропаном. Использовали дифференциальный метод оценки скорости реакции по начальным скоростям расходования уксусной кислоты. Определены первые порядки реакции по спирту и катализатору в изученных условиях; значение наблюдаемой энергии активации изученной реакции псевдовторого порядка в температурном интервале 80-115 °С составило 57.9±8.1 кДж/моль. Полученные результаты позволяют рекомендовать условия для реализации процесса в промышленности