14 research outputs found

    High spectral resolution ozone absorption cross-sections – Part 1: Measurements, data analysis and comparison with previous measurements around 293 K

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    In this paper we discuss the methodology of taking broadband relative and absolute measurements of ozone cross-sections including uncertainty budget, experimental set-ups, and methods for data analysis. We report on new ozone absorption cross-section measurements in the solar spectral region using a combination of Fourier transform and echelle spectrometers. The new cross-sections cover the spectral range 213–1100 nm at a spectral resolution of 0.02–0.06 nm in the UV–visible and 0.12–0.24 nm in the IR at eleven temperatures from 193 to 293 K in steps of 10 K. The absolute accuracy is better than three percent for most parts of the spectral region and wavelength calibration accuracy is better than 0.005 nm. <br><br> The new room temperature cross-section data are compared in detail with previously available literature data. The temperature dependence of our cross-sections is described in a companion paper (Serdyuchenko et al., 2014)

    Uncertainty budgets of major ozone absorption cross sections used in UV remote sensing applications

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    Detailed uncertainty budgets of three major ultraviolet (UV) ozone absorption cross-section datasets that are used in remote sensing application are provided and discussed. The datasets are Bass&ndash;Paur (BP), Brion&ndash;Daumont&ndash;Malicet (BDM), and the more recent Serdyuchenko&ndash;Gorshelev (SG). For most remote sensing application the temperature dependence of the Huggins ozone band is described by a quadratic polynomial in temperature (Bass&ndash;Paur parameterization) by applying a regression to the cross-section data measured at selected atmospherically relevant temperatures. For traceability of atmospheric ozone measurements, uncertainties from the laboratory measurements as well as from the temperature parameterization of the ozone cross-section data are needed as input for detailed uncertainty calculation of atmospheric ozone measurements. In this paper the uncertainty budgets of the three major ozone cross-section datasets are summarized from the original literature. The quadratic temperature dependence of the cross-section datasets is investigated. Combined uncertainty budgets is provided for all datasets based upon Monte Carlo simulation that includes uncertainties from the laboratory measurements as well as uncertainties from the temperature parameterization. Between 300 and 330 nm both BDM and SG have an overall uncertainty of 1.5 %, while BP has a somewhat larger uncertainty of 2.1 %. At temperatures below about 215 K, uncertainties in the BDM data increase more strongly than the others due to the lack of very low temperature laboratory measurements (lowest temperature of BDM available is 218 K)

    High spectral resolution ozone absorption cross-sections &ndash; Part 2: Temperature dependence

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    We report on the temperature dependence of ozone absorption cross-sections measured in our laboratory in the broad spectral range 213–1100 nm with a spectral resolution of 0.02–0.24 nm (full width at half maximum, FWHM) in the atmospherically relevant temperature range from 193 K to 293 K. The temperature dependence of ozone absorption cross-sections was established using measurements at eleven temperatures. This investigation is superior in terms of spectral range and number of considered temperatures compared to the previous studies. The methodology of the absolute broadband measurements, experimental procedures and spectra processing were described in our companion paper together with the associated uncertainty budget. In this paper, we report in detail on our data below room temperature and compare them with literature data using direct comparisons as well as the standard approach using a quadratic polynomial in temperature fitted to the cross-section data

    Dispersion of lifetimes of excited states of single molecules in organic matrices at ultralow temperatures

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    Abstract: Fluorescence excitation spectra of single terrylene molecules in transparent naphthalene and polyethylene matrices at ultralow (30–100 mK) temperatures have been studied under the conditions where the widths of zero-phonon spectral lines are determined only by the lifetime T of the excited electronic state. The experimentally observed dispersion of T values for identical molecules is attributed to local field effects, which are responsible for the dependence of T on the effective value of refractive index n of the matrix, which is characteristic of the localization region of each molecule. It has been shown that the dependence T(n) for ensembles of point emitters in organic matrices is satisfactorily explained within the model of a “virtual cavity” around the emitter inside a continuous medium, as well as within the developed quantum kinetic approach including various contributions of the local environment to the lifetime T. The recalculation of average T values to the corresponding n values with the use of the expressions obtained for T(n) has shown that the difference of the calculated refractive indices of naphthalene and polyethylene from the well-known tabulated n values is less than 1%

    Temperature dependent ozone absorption cross section spectra measured with the GOME-2 FM3 spectrometer and first application in satellite retrievals

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    The Global Ozone Monitoring Experiment-2 (GOME-2) Flight Model (FM) absorption cross section spectra of ozone were measured under representative atmospheric conditions in the laboratory setup at temperatures between 203 K and 293 K in the wavelength range of 230–790 nm at a medium spectral resolution of 0.24 to 0.54 nm. Since the exact ozone amounts were unknown in the gas flow system used, the measured ozone cross sections were required to be scaled to absolute cross section units using published literature data. The Hartley, Huggins and Chappuis bands were recorded simultaneously and their temperature dependence is in good agreement with previous studies (strong temperature effect in the Huggins band and weak in the Hartley and Chappuis bands). The overall agreement of the GOME-2 FM cross sections with the literature data is well within 3%. The total ozone column retrieved from the GOME-2/MetOp-A satellite using the new cross section data is within 1% compared to the ozone amounts retrieved from the standard retrieval performed for GOME-2

    Recommendation of a consensus value of the ozone absorption cross-section at 253.65 nm based on a literature review

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    International audienceA detailed review and analysis of literature values for the absorption cross-section of ozone at room temperature at the mercury-line wavelength (253.65 nm, air) is reported. Data from fourteen independent sets of measurements spanning the years 1959-2016 were considered. The present analysis is based upon a revised assessment of all Type A and Type B uncertainty components for each previously reported cross-section. A consensus value for the absorption cross-section of 1.1329(35) × 10 −17 cm 2 molecule −1 is recommended based on statistical analysis of the weighted data. This new cross-section value is 1.23% lower and its uncertainty sixfold smaller than the uncertainty of the conventionally accepted reference value reported by Hearn (1961 Proc. Phys. Soc. 78 932-40)