28 research outputs found

    Fruit Shop Tool: Fruit Classification and Recognition using Deep Learning

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    Fruit image classification and recognition is a challenging application of computer vision. The computer vision system is used to recognize a fruit based on artificial neural networks. Deep neural network is widely used for various classification problems. In this paper Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) is used to recognize the fruits. The dataset contains 1877 images of ten categories which are used for the experimental purpose. CNN is constructed with sixteen layers which are used to extract the features from images and Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifier is used for classification. The proposed system has the classification accuracy of 99.2% and the recognition accuracy of 99.02%

    Prevalence and Risk Factors of Vitamin D Deficiency in Children with Cerebral Palsy: A Case Control study

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    INTRODUCTION: Cerebral palsy (CP) is a disorder of aberrant control of movement and posture, appearing early in life secondary to a central nervous system (CNS) lesion or dysfunction that is not the result of recognized progressive or degenerative brain disease. Children with CP face myriad challenges to normal growth. Vitamin D deficiency, known to occur in children with cerebral palsy is one such challenge and if left untreated can cause osteopenia and fractures. The reasons attributed are multifactorial and include poor sunlight exposure due to their nonambulant nature, nutritional impairment due to feeding difficulties and use of long term anticonvulsants in these children. Vitamin D deficiency is common even amongst normal children in India despite plenty of sunshine. All Indian studies point to low 25 hydroxy vitamin D levels in the healthy normal pediatric population. The prevalence data of Vitamin D deficiency in healthy children from various studies in India and abroad ranged from 8% to 80% and the reason attributed is low intake of dietary calcium and phosphorus. AIM OF THE STUDY: 1. The aim of the study is to find the prevalence of vitamin D status –Vitamin D deficiency and insufficiency in children with Cerebral Palsy and to compare them with normal children. 2. To identify the risk factors associated with Vitamin D deficiency in these children. DISCUSSION: Vitamin D deficiency is a common association in children with Cerebral Palsy due to known reasons like poor sunlight exposure, nonambulatory nature, anticonvulsant use and feeding difficulties. Though the association is existent and well described in literature, the epidemiological data available regarding the same is less. This made us to do this study to highlight the proportion of children with cerebral palsy who have Vitamin D deficiency and to compare them with normal controls to find statistical significance and also to identify the possible risk factors causing it to enable early identification, periodic monitoring and supplementation with calcium and vitamin D to prevent the development of fractures and deformities. In this study, we have tried to correlate the vitamin D status in children with cerebral palsy in relation to the nutritional status, anticonvulsant use, feeding difficulty, poor sunlight exposure, and type of CP and functional grade of CP which have been implicated as possible causes for vitamin D deficiency in these children. VITAMIN D AND CP: It is a popular belief that rickets and vitamin D deficiency are not common in India, a tropical country, because of abundant sunlight exposure. But there is now increasing evidence that this statement is not correct. Vitamin D deficiency has been well documented among all age groups like neonates, toddlers, school children, pregnant women, and adult males and females residing in rural and urban India. There are studies from both north and south India. These studies clearly state the fact that approximately 75 to 85% of the groups studied have varying degrees of vitamin D deficiency or insufficiency (hypovitaminosis D). One more important data drawn out in these studies is the fact that dietary intake of vitamin D, nutrition and amount of sunlight exposure has a great impact on the vitamin D levels in the population. One of the studies has shown a big impact on dietary calcium supplementation to a group of children. The usage of different cut off points for vitamin D levels for insufficiency and deficiency by various authors has made it difficult to compare the results of published research by different authors and has complicated comparisons between different communities and populations. Also the latitude, solar zenith angle, uv radiation, amount of cloud cover, time duration of exposure to sunlight, body surface area exposed to sunlight is different among different parts of the world and also different in various areas of our own country and therefore comparisons between the different groups are not possible. CONCLUSION: The prevalence of vitamin D deficiency in children with CP was found to be 37.5% while insufficiency amounted to 56.3% and a total alteration in vitamin D status in CP children was 93.8%. The prevalence of vitamin D deficiency in age and sex matched controls was found to be 3.13% while insufficiency amounted to 37.5% and a total alteration in vitamin D status was 40.63%. The presence of feeding difficulties, poor sunlight exposure, poor nutritional status, and the use of antiepileptic drugs, type of CP and the functional grade of CP had statistically significant association with Vitamin D deficiency in these children. Periodic monitoring, early identification and appropriate calcium and vitamin D supplements may prevent complications like fractures, etc. Hypovitaminosis D is very common and represents latent stage of vitamin D deficiency. Appropriate treatment with vitamin D supplements and calcium is necessary for treatment of vitamin deficiency and replenishment of stores

    High intensity exercise training programme following cardiac transplant

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    A 26-year-old male patient who presented with symptoms of end stage cardiac failure as a result of dilated cardiomyopathy, had an orthotopic cardiac transplantation. A comprehensive cardiac rehabilitation programme was provided to him and he was introduced to a sport (tennis). The exercise training programme progressed from low intensity training to high intensity programme over a period of 15 months. A cardio-pulmonary exercise test done 22 months after surgery suggested that he was able to achieve the aerobic capacity comparable to that of a normal South Indian subject. He participated successfully in the World Transplant Games in Sydney and returned safely. This suggests that after a proper cardiac rehabilitation programme, patients undergoing heart transplantation can achieve normal physiological responses to lead a normal active lif

    Early heart disease detection using data mining techniques with hadoop map reduce Early Heart Disease Detection Using Data Mining Techniques with Hadoop Map Reduce

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    International audienceHeart and other organs are important parts in human body. As per World Health Organisation(WHO)'s statistics, the cause of death in all over world is mostly due to cardiovascular diseases. The reason behind this are sedentary lifestyle which may lead to obesity, increase in cholesterol level, high blood pressure and hypertension. In this paper, by using various data mining techniques, such as Naive Bayes(NB), Decision Tree(DT), Artificial Intelligence (AI), Neural Network (NN) and clustering algorithms such as Association Rules. Support Vector Machine (SVM) and K-NN algorithms are used to extract the Knowledge from the large number of data set. The generated reports help doctors and nurses to identify about disease and their levels with which they can provide a better treatment to the patient. Text Mining is most commonly used mining technique in health care industry. In this paper we compare K-means clustering algorithm with Map Reduce Algorithm's implementation efficiency in parallel and distributed systems

    Comparative evaluation of PCR using IS6110 and a new target in the detection of tuberculous lymphadenitis

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    We evaluated TRC4 primers using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) which amplify a new target sequence from Mycobacterium tuberculosis genome to diagnose tuberculous lymphadenitis and compared the results with PCR using the widely used IS6110 primers. The PCR results were also compared with conventional methods like smear, culture and histopathology. The sensitivity of PCR using both probes is higher than the conventional methods. Out of 101 samples analysed (49 fresh and 52 fixed specimens), PCR using IS6110 and TRC4 primers was positive in 64 and 70 samples, respectively, whereas results with culture and histopathology methods were positive only in 49 and 58 samples, respectively. The problem of false negativity of IS6110 due to the absence of IS6110 copy in 4 M. tuberculosis isolates was overcome by using TRC4 primers. The results indicate that with improvement in PCR techniques, PCR using both probes, IS6110 and TRC4 can be a rapid and sensitive adjunct to conventional techniques in the diagnosis of tuberculous lymphadenitis

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    Not AvailableAbout 6.74 million ha (CSSIR, 2019) land in India is under the adverse impact of salinity and solidity making agriculture unproductive. Large extent of states like Uttar Pradesh, Gujarat, Andhra Pradesh, Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan and Maharashtra are affected. ICAR-CIFE's R&D has led to productive and profitable use of some of these lands for P vannamei farming. Salicornia species is a salt tolerant (halophytic) plant, known as "chicken feet", has enormous potential as a candidate crop for cultivation in inland salt affected areas. It has significant domestic as well as export demand in European countries due to their nutritional and medicinal importance. High seed oil concentration makes it as a cost-effective biofuel. This paper proposes farming of chicken feet crop, preferably on a contract basis, on the bunds of shrimp farms as well as in salt affected lands. It offers a golden opportunity and a win-win scenario for both farmers and entrepreneurs. As an eco-friendly technology, it can be an effective counter to second-generation environmental externalities arising from expansion of shrimp farming in inland salt-affected areas. Following a value-chain approach would be the best strategy for promotion of chicken feet farming in not only coastal areas but also the inland saltaffected areas in states.Not Availabl

    A comparative analysis of fish production and consumption across different states in India

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    India’s average per capita fish consumption is 8 to 9 kg which is only half of the global average. Fish consumption among high literacy rate states and low-income states is high irrespective of their fish production. Union territories and Northeastern states are found as better fish consuming states in India. The other states have to still improve their per capita fish consumption status

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    Not AvailableChank fishing is one of the oldest professions carried out through traditional diving methods in coastal waters of Tamil Nadu. From generations, fishers have progressed from stone and rope to scuba equipmenst and other locally designed contraptions for diving into waters. Current study had been carried out to assess the role of chank fishery in fisher’s livelihood of Therespuram fishing village, Tuticorin. Primary data was collected from purposively selected forty fishers by using structured interview schedule. Results of this study reveals that 45 % of middle aged (35- 45 years) fisher’s were found to be engaged in chank diving. Fishers below 35 years of age were found to be educated but could earn less than their counter parts of middle aged ones. Fisher’s physical fitness and chank collection skills are essential traits for chank diving. Chank fishing was reported as the primary source of income for these fisher’s and their average net income was estimated as ₹ 12 lakhs/annum/boat. They spend majorily (65%) on food items followed by individual health care and children education. Due to prolonged underwater exposure, health problems followed by debt were reported as major constraints by the fishers. By performing a skilled job like chank fishing, fisher’s had to face several occupational hazards in coastal waters. Thus, appropriate onshore medical facility in case of emergency, adequate training towards scientific diving, uses of improved diving equipment and alternative employment during off season are utmost important to enhance fisher’s livelihood in Therespuram village.Not Availabl

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    Not AvailableChank fishing is one of the oldest professions carried out through traditional diving methods in coastal waters of Tamil Nadu. From generations, fishers have progressed from stone and rope to scuba equipmenst and other locally designed contraptions for diving into waters. Current study had been carried out to assess the role of chank fishery in fisher’s livelihood of Therespuram fishing village, Tuticorin. Primary data was collected from purposively selected forty fishers by using structured interview schedule. Results of this study reveals that 45 % of middle aged (35- 45 years) fisher’s were found to be engaged in chank diving. Fishers below 35 years of age were found to be educated but could earn less than their counter parts of middle aged ones. Fisher’s physical fitness and chank collection skills are essential traits for chank diving. Chank fishing was reported as the primary source of income for these fisher’s and their average net income was estimated as ₹ 12 lakhs/annum/boat. They spend majorily (65%) on food items followed by individual health care and children education. Due to prolonged underwater exposure, health problems followed by debt were reported as major constraints by the fishers. By performing a skilled job like chank fishing, fisher’s had to face several occupational hazards in coastal waters. Thus, appropriate onshore medical facility in case of emergency, adequate training towards scientific diving, uses of improved diving equipment and alternative employment during off season are utmost important to enhance fisher’s livelihood in Therespuram villageNot Availabl

    Moisture Dependent Physical Properties of Multiplier Onion (Allium cepa L. var. aggregatum)

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    The physical properties of multiplier onion (CO-4) were studied as a function of moisture content in the range of 80.87 % to 88.84 % (w.b.). The geometrical, physical and frictional properties, namely size, true density, bulk density and coefficient of friction increased with increase in moisture content. The average equatorial diameter, polar diameter and thickness of onion ranged from 30.8 to 34.0 mm, 24.2 to 25.9 mm, 18.6 to 21.0 mm, respectively at a moisture range of 80.87 % to 88.84 % (w.b.). The true density ranged from 887.0 to 933.0 kg.m-3, whereas the bulk density of onion bulbs varied from 397.54 to 462.63 kg.m-3 at the above moisture range. The highest friction was offered by rubber, followed by cardboard, mild steel, galvanised iron and stainless steel. The porosity of onion decreased from 55.13 % to 50.39 % with increase in moisture content. Linear equations comprising the thickness, polar and equatorial diameter predicted the mass of onion bulbs with highest R2 value of 0.998