320 research outputs found

    Feynman Path Integral on the Noncommutative Plane

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    We formulate Feynman path integral on a non commutative plane using coherent states. The propagator for a free particle exhibits UV cut-off induced by the parameter of non commutativity.Comment: 7pages, latex 2e, no figures. Accepted for publication on J.Phys.

    Correlated and zonal errors of global astrometric missions: a spherical harmonic solution

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    We propose a computer-efficient and accurate method of estimation of spatially correlated errors in astrometric positions, parallaxes and proper motions obtained by space and ground-based astrometry missions. In our method, the simulated observational equations are set up and solved for the coefficients of scalar and vector spherical harmonics representing the output errors, rather than for individual objects in the output catalog. Both accidental and systematic correlated errors of astrometric parameters can be accurately estimated. The method is demonstrated on the example of the JMAPS mission, but can be used for other projects of space astrometry, such as SIM or JASMINE.Comment: Accepted by AJ, to be published in 201

    UV divergence-free QFT on noncommutative plane

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    We formulate Noncommutative Qauntum Field Theory in terms of fields defined as mean value over coherent states of the noncommutative plane. No *-product is needed in this formulation and noncommutativity is carried by a modified Fourier transform of fields. As a result the theory is UV finite and the cutoff is provided by the noncommutative parameter theta.Comment: 6 pages, Latex, no figures. Accepted for publication in J.Phys.A. New references adde

    Isotropic representation of noncommutative 2D harmonic oscillator

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    We show that 2D noncommutative harmonic oscillator has an isotropic representation in terms of commutative coordinates. The noncommutativity in the new mode, induces energy level splitting, and is equivalent to an external magnetic field effect. The equivalence of the spectra of the isotropic and anisotropic representation is traced back to the existence of SU(2) invariance of the noncommutative model.Comment: 15 pages, RevTex4, no figures; article format, improved version of the previous paper; new references and aknowledgements adde

    Gauge Field Theory in the Infrared Regime

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    We propose that the low energy behavior of a pure gauge theory can be studied by simply assuming violation of Lorentz invariance which is implemented through a deformation of the canonical Poisson brackets of the theory depending on an infrared scale. The resulting theory is equivalent to a pure gauge theory with a Chern-Simons like term. It is shown that at low energies this theory can be identified with three dimensional QCD where the mass of the fermion is related to the infrared scale.Comment: 4pp, ReVte

    Summing up Non-anti-commutative Kaehler potential

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    We offer a simple non-perturbative formula for the component action of a generic N=1/2 supersymmetric chiral model in terms of an arbitrary number of chiral superfields in four dimensions, which is obtained by the Non-Anti-Commutative (NAC) deformation of a generic four-dimensional N=1 supersymmetric non-linear sigma-model described by arbitrary Kaehler superpotential and scalar superpotential. The auxiliary integrations responsible for fuzziness are eliminated in the case of a single chiral superfield. The scalar potential in components is derived by eliminating the auxiliary fields. The NAC-deformation of the CP(1) Kaehler non-linear sigma-model with an arbitrary scalar superpotential is calculated as an example.Comment: 9 pages, LaTeX, no figures; section 5 and references adde

    Substance use and its association with mental health among Swiss medical students: A cross-sectional study.

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    Studies on mental health and substance use among medical students indicated worrying prevalence but have been mainly descriptive. To evaluate the prevalence of substance use in a sample of medical students and investigate whether mental health variables have an influence on substance use. The data were collected as part of the first wave of the ETMED-L, an ongoing longitudinal open cohort study surveying medical students at the University of Lausanne (Switzerland). N = 886 students were included and completed an online survey including measures of mental health (depression, suicidal ideation, anxiety, stress, and burnout) and use of and risk related with several substances (tobacco, alcohol, cannabis, cocaine, stimulants, sedatives, hallucinogens, opioids, nonmedical prescription drugs, and neuroenhancement drugs). We evaluated the prevalence of use of each substance and then tested the association between mental health and substance use in an Exploratory Structural Equation Modeling framework. Statistical indices indicated a four-factor solution for mental health and a three-factor solution for substance use. A factor comprising risk level for alcohol, tobacco, and cannabis use - which were the most prevalent substances - was significantly associated with a burnout factor and a factor related to financial situation and side job stress. There was a significant association between a factor comprising depression, anxiety, and suicidal ideation and a factor related to the use of sedatives, nonmedical prescription drugs and neuroenhancement drugs. Although their use was less prevalent, a factor comprising the risk level of stimulants and cocaine use was significantly but more mildly related to the burnout factor. A factor comprising stress related to studies and work/life balance as well as emotional exhaustion was not related to substance use factors. In this sample of medical students, the prevalence of substance use was substantial and poorer mental health status was related with higher substance use risk levels

    Revisiting the Quantum Group Symmetry of Diatomic Molecules

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    We propose a q-deformed model of the anharmonic vibrations in diatomic molecules. We analyse the applicability of the model to the phenomenological Dunham's expansion by comparing with experimental data. Our methodology involves a global consistency analysis of the parameters that determine the q-deformed system, when compared with fitted vibrational parameters to 161 electronic states in diatomic molecules. We show how to include both the positive and the negative anharmonicities in a simple and systematic fashion.Comment: 15 pages, 3 Table

    Vacuum structure of spontaneously broken N=2 supersymmetric gauge theory

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    We analyze the vacuum structure of spontaneously broken N=2 supersymmetric gauge theory with the Fayet-Iliopoulos term. Our theory is based on the gauge group SU(2) \times U(1) with N_f=1,2 massless quark hypermultiplets having the same U(1) charges. In the classical potential, there are degenerate vacua even in the absence of supersymmetry. It is shown that this vacuum degeneracy is smoothed out, once quantum corrections are taken into account. In N_f=1 case, the effective potential is found to be so-called runaway type, and there is neither well-defined vacuum nor local minimum. On the other hand, in N_f=2 case, while there is also the runaway direction in the effective potential, we find the possibility that there appears the local minimum with broken supersymmetry at the degenerate dyon point.Comment: 27 pages, revtex, 14 figures, some typographical errors are corrected. To be published in Phys. Rev.

    Finite temperature effective action, AdS_5 black holes, and 1/N expansion

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    We propose a phenomenological matrix model to study string theory in AdS_5 \times S_5 in the canonical ensemble. The model reproduces all the known qualitative features of the theory. In particular, it gives a simple effective potential description of Euclidean black hole nucleation and the tunnelling between thermal AdS and the big black hole. It also has some interesting predictions. We find that there exists a critical temperature at which the Euclidean small black hole undergoes a Gross-Witten phase transition. We identify the phase transition with the Horowitz-Polchinski point where the black hole horizon size becomes comparable to the string scale. The appearance of the Hagedorn divergence of thermal AdS is due to the merger of saddle points corresponding to the Euclidean small black hole and thermal AdS. The merger can be described in terms of a cusp (A_3) catastrophe and divergences at the perturbative string level are smoothed out at finite string coupling using standard techniques of catastrophe theory.Comment: 41 pages, 3 eps figures, uses harvma