51 research outputs found

    Валидация и первые результаты клинического применения модуля EORTC QLQ PRT-23 для оценки качества жизни больных лучевым ректитом

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    Objective: to make the language adaptation and testing of an EORTC QLQ PRT-23 module, a method to assess quality of life, which has been elaborated in conjunction with the European organization for research and treatment of cancer quality of life questionnaire group (EORTC QLQ group), in clinical practice. Subjects and methods. An initiative study of the language adaptation of the EORTC QLQ PRT-23 module was completed. The elaborated questionnaire was tested in clinical practice. The criteria for including patients (n = 176) in the study were successful radical antitumor therapy; at least three months’ duration of small pelvic radiotherapy (RT); clinical Stage 0–IV according to the Radiation Therapy Oncology Group (RTOG) and EORTC; and endoscopically verified signs of developed radiation-induced rectitis (Stages 0–IV after M.S. Bardychev); no recurrence of the underlying disease throughout the follow-up; patient compliance; availability of a patient to be followed. Results. The range of performed RT in the patients included in the study protocol was as follows: 61 (34.6 %) patients had a total focal dose of RT, which was not higher than the tolerance values for the rectal mucosa (from 60 to 70 Gy); 115 (65.4 %) patients had a radiation dose range of 70 to 80 Gy. At least 3 months passed from the completion of the given RT to the study inclusion. With the EORTC QLQ PRT-23 module, the differences between RTOG/EORTC 0 and RTOG/EORTC II–IV groups were as follows: p0–II < 0.02, p0–III < 0.0001, and p0–IV < 0.0006. When the EORTC QLQ С-30 and QLQ PRT-23 in RTOG/EORTC III group (n = 7) and the RTOG/EORTC 0 group, this was p0–III < 0.002.Assessment of the QLQ С-30 and QLQ PRT-23 modules and comparison of patients with RTOG/EORTC Stages I, II, and IV and those with RTOG/EORTC stage 0 revealed no statistically significant group difference: p0–I < 0.81, p0–II < 0.07, and p0–IV < 0.07, respectively. The use of the QLQ PRT-23 module only yielded significantly different results between the patients without chronic radiation-induced rectitis (Stage 0) and those with the endoscopic manifestations of Stages III and IV radiation-induced rectitis (p0–III < 0.0006; p0–IV < 0.0004). The values of the EORTC QLQ С-30 and QLQ PRT-23 questionnaires were statistically significantly different in the patients with endoscopically verified radiation-induced rectitis and in those without this condition (p0–I < 0.03; p0–II < 0.02; p0–III < 0.0016; p0–IV < 0.00009). Conclusion. The EORTC QLQ С-30 and QLQ PRT-23 questionnaires may be used in the patients with chronic radiation-induced rectitis for assessment of the quality-of-life index, for determination of the integral values over time (before, during, and after treatment), for informed involvement of a patient during treatment, for estimation of patient satisfaction with the therapy performed. The EORTC QLQ С-30 questionnaire supplemented by the QLQ PRT-23 module is a subjective method. Our study provided support for the fact that the QLQ С-30 and QLQ PRT-23 questionnaires for staging chronic radiation-induced rectitis must be used in combination with any third questionnaire. Цель исследования – провести языковую адаптацию и апробацию в клинической практике модуля EORTC QLQ PRT-23 – метода оценки качества жизни, разработанного нами совместно с Группой оценки качества жизни Европейской организации исследования и лечения рака (European organization for research and treatment of cancer quality of life questionnaire group, EORTC QLQ group). Материалы и методы. Выполнено инициативное исследование по языковой адаптации модуля EORTC QLQ PRT-23. Разработанный опросник апробирован в клинической практике. Критериями включения пациентов (n = 176) в исследование послужили: успешно проведенная радикальная противоопухолевая терапия, срок давности лучевой терапии (ЛТ) на органы малого таза не менее 3 мес, клинически (0–IV стадии по шкале RTOG/EORTC (Radiation therapy oncology group – Радиологическая онкологическая группа)) и эндоскопически подтвержденные признаки развившегося лучевого ректита (0–IV стадии по М.С. Бардычеву), отсутствие рецидива основного заболевания за все время наблюдения, исполнение пациентом предложенного протокола исследования и доступность больного для наблюдения. Результаты. Диапазон проведенной ЛТ у больных, включенных в протокол исследования: 61 (34,6 %) пациент – суммарная очаговая доза ЛТ не выше уровня толерантных значений для слизистой оболочки прямой кишки (от 60 до 70 Гр); у 115 (65,4 %) больных диапазон лучевой нагрузки составил от 70 до 80 Гр. От момента завершения указанного радикального лечения до включения в наше исследование прошло не менее 3 мес. При использовании модуля QLQ PRT-23 различия между RTOG/EORTC 0 и группами RTOG/EORTC II–IV: p0–II < 0,02; p0–III < 0,0001; p0–IV < 0,0006. При использовании опросников EORTC QLQ С-30 и QLQ PRT-23 в группе RTOG/EORTC III (n = 7) и в группе RTOG/EORTC 0: p0–III < 0,002.При оценке совместно базовым опросником QLQ С-30 и разработанным модулем QLQ PRT-23, сопоставлении больных по RTOG/EORTC I, II, IV стадий с RTOG/EORTC 0 между группами не наблюдается статистически значимой разницы: p0–I < 0,81; p0–II < 0,07; p0–IV < 0,07 соответственно. При использовании только модуля QLQ PRT-23 получены достоверно различные результаты между группой пациентов без хронического лучевого ректита (стадия 0) и пациентами с эндоскопическими проявлениями лучевого ректита III и IV стадий выраженности (p0–III < 0,0006; p0–IV < 0,0004). Значения опросников EORTC QLQ С-30 и QLQ PRT-23 статистически достоверно отличались у больных с эндоскопически подтвержденным лучевым ректитом от пациентов без лучевого ректита (p0–I < 0,03; p0–II < 0,02; p0–III < 0,0016; p0–IV < 0,00009). Выводы. Опросник EORTC QLQ С-30, дополненный модулем QLQ PRT-23, может применяться у больных хроническим лучевым ректитом для оценки показателя качества жизни, определения интегральных значений в динамике (до, в процессе и после лечения), для информированного вовлечения больного в процесс лечения и оценки его удовлетворенности проводимой терапией. Но этот метод оценки нельзя применять для стадирования хронического лучевого ректита.

    Трудности лечения осложнений и реабилитации после COVID-19. Клинический случай

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    The severe course of the new coronavirus infection (COVID-19) is associated with multiple life-threatening complications that lead to delayed initiation of active rehabilitation and unfavorable long-term treatment outcomes. Tracheoesophageal fistula is one of these complications. The specific feature of this event in COVID-19 is delayed tissue regeneration which requires a non-standard approach to management of such patients.The article presents a clinical case of a pregnant patient after a complicated severe course of COVID-19 with the development of tracheoesophageal fistula, sepsis, and weakness syndrome acquired in ICU. The combination of complications of the disease led to a prolonged (about five months) period of rehabilitation.Modern standard components of intensive therapy of such patients including regular monitoring of endotracheal/tracheostomy tube cuff pressure, dynamic assessment of nutritional status and its correction, rational antimicrobial therapy, screening of psychiatric disorders and early rehabilitation, will minimize the number of both early and delayed complications of COVID-19.  Тяжелое течение новой коронавирусной инфекции (COVID-19) сопряжено со множеством жизнеугрожающих осложнений, которые приводят к отсрочке начала активных реабилитационных мероприятий и ухудшению долгосрочных результатов лечения. Одним из таких осложнений является формирование трахеопищеводного свища. Особенностью этой патологии при COVID-19 является замедленная регенерация тканей, что требует нестандартного подхода к тактике ведения таких пациентов.В статье представлен клинический случай лечения беременной пациентки после осложненного тяжелого течения COVID-19 с развитием трахеопищеводного свища, сепсиса, синдрома приобретенной в отделении реанимации и интенсивной терапии слабости. Комбинация осложнений заболевания привела к затяжному (около 5 мес.) периоду реабилитации.Современные стандартные компоненты интенсивной терапии таких пациентов, включая регулярный контроль давления в манжете эндотрахеальных/трахеостомических трубок, динамическую оценку нутритивного статуса и его коррекцию, рациональную антимикробную терапию, скрининг психических нарушений и раннюю реабилитацию, позволят минимизировать число как ранних, так и отсроченных осложнений COVID-19


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    Abstract. Present study dealt with efficiency of melatonin implementation in a combination therapeutic schedule of bronchial asthma (BA). A group of 248 patients with atopic, or mixed clinical forms of BA being in exacerbation, or medication remission state, and 36 healthy donors were included into the study. Melatonin (Melaxen, Unifarm, USA) was administered as a single daily dose of 0.003 g, at 21.00, accompanied by a standard therapy in twenty BA patients for 21 days. We determined contents and functional properties of Т- and B-lymphocytes, mononuclear phagocytes, IgE, IL-4, IFNγ levels, as well as melatonin concentrations in blood serum in the morning and evening time. When included into BA treatment protocol, melatonin proved to cause partial restoration of circadian rhythm for Tand B cell subpopulations, mononuclear phagocytes, cytokine production, due to its chronotropic and immunomodulating activity. This effect is associated with a more pronounced clinical effect, thus presuming reversibility of desynchronosis state

    Analysis of the Incidence of the Female Population Omsk Region with Breast Cancer for Ten Years of (2003 - 2012)

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    The paper presents the epidemiological characteristics of diseases of the female population of the Omsk region of breast cancer (BC) from 2003 to 2012, Determined the dynamics of morbidity. A comparative analysis of breast cancer incidence rates in urban and rural residents of the area. In the structure of malignant tumors of the female population of the Omsk region the proportion of breast cancer was 23.3% and was lower than the national average (20.0%). In rural areas, compared with the regional center had higher growth rates of incidence of breast cancer (1.5-fold)

    Method of Prediction the Performance of Electrochemical Batteries, Long Working in Power Plant of Space-rocket Objects

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    Abstract Causes of degradation of electrochemical batteries, constituent in the power-supply system of objects of space-rocket technology, in the article are studied. Methods of determin ing the battery life time reduced. With no possibility of an experiment or a lack of time, the method of battery life time predict ion is proposed for use. This method is based on the mathematical model, wh ich is based on experimental data obtained in the battery life tests. The equations included in this mathematical model are presented. Reco mmendations for the use of method of prediction are p resente

    Validation and the first results of clinical use of an EORTC QLQ PRT-23 module to assess quality of life in patients with radiation-induced rectitis

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    Objective: to make the language adaptation and testing of an EORTC QLQ PRT-23 module, a method to assess quality of life, which has been elaborated in conjunction with the European organization for research and treatment of cancer quality of life questionnaire group (EORTC QLQ group), in clinical practice. Subjects and methods. An initiative study of the language adaptation of the EORTC QLQ PRT-23 module was completed. The elaborated questionnaire was tested in clinical practice. The criteria for including patients (n = 176) in the study were successful radical antitumor therapy; at least three months’ duration of small pelvic radiotherapy (RT); clinical Stage 0–IV according to the Radiation Therapy Oncology Group (RTOG) and EORTC; and endoscopically verified signs of developed radiation-induced rectitis (Stages 0–IV after M.S. Bardychev); no recurrence of the underlying disease throughout the follow-up; patient compliance; availability of a patient to be followed. Results. The range of performed RT in the patients included in the study protocol was as follows: 61 (34.6 %) patients had a total focal dose of RT, which was not higher than the tolerance values for the rectal mucosa (from 60 to 70 Gy); 115 (65.4 %) patients had a radiation dose range of 70 to 80 Gy. At least 3 months passed from the completion of the given RT to the study inclusion. With the EORTC QLQ PRT-23 module, the differences between RTOG/EORTC 0 and RTOG/EORTC II–IV groups were as follows: p0–II < 0.02, p0–III < 0.0001, and p0–IV < 0.0006. When the EORTC QLQ С-30 and QLQ PRT-23 in RTOG/EORTC III group (n = 7) and the RTOG/EORTC 0 group, this was p0–III < 0.002.Assessment of the QLQ С-30 and QLQ PRT-23 modules and comparison of patients with RTOG/EORTC Stages I, II, and IV and those with RTOG/EORTC stage 0 revealed no statistically significant group difference: p0–I < 0.81, p0–II < 0.07, and p0–IV < 0.07, respectively. The use of the QLQ PRT-23 module only yielded significantly different results between the patients without chronic radiation-induced rectitis (Stage 0) and those with the endoscopic manifestations of Stages III and IV radiation-induced rectitis (p0–III < 0.0006; p0–IV < 0.0004). The values of the EORTC QLQ С-30 and QLQ PRT-23 questionnaires were statistically significantly different in the patients with endoscopically verified radiation-induced rectitis and in those without this condition (p0–I < 0.03; p0–II < 0.02; p0–III < 0.0016; p0–IV < 0.00009). Conclusion. The EORTC QLQ С-30 and QLQ PRT-23 questionnaires may be used in the patients with chronic radiation-induced rectitis for assessment of the quality-of-life index, for determination of the integral values over time (before, during, and after treatment), for informed involvement of a patient during treatment, for estimation of patient satisfaction with the therapy performed. The EORTC QLQ С-30 questionnaire supplemented by the QLQ PRT-23 module is a subjective method. Our study provided support for the fact that the QLQ С-30 and QLQ PRT-23 questionnaires for staging chronic radiation-induced rectitis must be used in combination with any third questionnaire

    The Long-Term Dynamics of the Incidence of Prostate Cancer in the Omsk Region

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    The purpose of this study is to assess the dynamics of the incidence of prostate cancer in the Omsk region for the period 2006– 2017. Materials and methods. A retrospective epidemiological analysis of data from statistical reports (Form No. 7) of the Omsk Oblast health authorities for the period 2006–2017 was carried out. Results and its discussion. In the structure of oncological morbidity in the male population of the Omsk Region, the proportion of prostate cancer was 16.3% and was lower than the average Russian average (17%). In rural areas, compared with the regional center, higher rates of increase in the incidence of prostate cancer were observed (by 1.2 times). In general, the situation on the territory of the Omsk Region is similar to the global trend, characterized by an increase in the incidence of the male population of prostate cancer, which is a reflection of insufficient attention to primary cancer prevention, features of the socio-economic situation in the Russian Federation. Findings. 1. In the long-term dynamics of incidence of prostate cancer in the region for the period 2006–2017. there was a moderately pronounced upward trend in indicators (Tpr. = 3.94%; p < 0.05), with higher growth rates (1.2 times) in rural areas compared to the regional center (respectively, 3.56% and 3.04%; p < 0.001). 2. From 2006 to 2017 incidence of prostate cancer in the Omsk region increased 2.3 times in total (from 29.2 to 66.2 per 100 ths) and 1.8 times in standardized indicators (from 24.8 to 44.4 per 100 ths). 3. Despite the obvious relevance of the pathology, the prevalence of known risk factors for the development of prostate cancer in the Omsk Region has not been studied sufficiently, which requires scientific justification and improvement of approaches to primary prevention with regard to regional characteristics