9 research outputs found

    Екологічна безпека складів і сховищ отрутохімікатів і відновлення земель навколо них

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    Досліджено дифузійне проникнення пестицидів у товщу ґрунту та на відстань поблизу сховищ отрутохімі-катів і отримано залежність, близьку до експоненційної. Встановлено перевищення ГДК для деяких пестицидів на відстань до 50 метрів, а їх залишкові концентрації –до 500 метрів, а також у товщу ґрунту на глибину до 6 метрів. Виявлено необхідність проведення рекультиваційних і відновлювальних робіт для земель з перевищен-ням максимально допустимого вмісту отрутохімікатів.Використано методи газової та газорідинної хроматог-рафіїдля визначення залишкових концентрацій таких пестицидів, як ГХЦГ, ДДТ, метафос, карбофос, Бі–58, хлорофос.Проаналізовано сучасні методи відновлення забруднених пестицидами земель, конструкцій будівель складів ісховищ. Запропоновано алгоритм дій при відновленні земель з багатократним перевищенням ГДК пестицидів. Встановлено, що найбільш оптимальними для ґрунтів із незначним перевищенням ГДК пестицидів є методи біологічної рекультивації.Исследована диффузное проникновение пестицидов в толщу грунта и на расстояние вблизи хранилищ отрутохими-палачей и получена зависимость, близкую к экспоненциальной. Установлено превышение ПДК для некоторых пестицидов на расстояние до 50 метров, а их остаточные концентрации -до 500 метров, а также в толщу грунта на глубину до 6 метров. Выявлена ​​необходимость проведения рекультивационных и восстановительных работ для земель с превышен нием максимально допустимого содержания отрутохимикатив.Використано методы газовой и газожидкостной хроматог-рафиидля определения остаточных концентраций таких пестицидов, как ГХЦГ, ДДТ, метафос, карбофос, Би-58, хлорофос.Проанализовано современные методы восстановление загрязненных пестицидами земель, конструкций зданий складов исховищ. Предложен алгоритм действий при восстановлении земель с многократным превышением ПДК пестицидов. Установлено, что наиболее оптимальными для почв с незначительным превышением ПДК пестицидов являются методы биологической рекультивации.Studied diffuse infiltration of pesticides in soil and thickness on distance or near otrutohimi-dependence of executioners and close to exponential. Established excess of the MCL for some pesticides at a distance of 50 meters, and their residual concentration -to 500 meters, as well as the thickness of the soil to a depth of 6 meters. Revealed the need for remediation and restoration works for land-tion of exceeded maximum allowable blood otrutohimikativ.Vykorystano methods of gas and gas-liquid-chromatogra rafiyidlya determine residual concentrations of pesticides such as HCH, DDT, metaphos, karbofos, B-58, hlorofos.Proanalizovano modern methods remediation of contaminated land with pesticides, compositions of buildings ishovysch. The algorithm of actions in the recovery of land with multiple exceedance of pesticides. Found that the most optimal for soils with insignificant exceedance of pesticides is biological remediation methods

    Increase of precision of casting blocks by applying acoustical oscillations in gas-impulsive moulding

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    The present article shows the results of the theoretical and empirical research of the study of the impact made by acoustical oscillations on the working process of a gas-impulsive moulding device with the purpose of increasing the quality of the casting blocks’ seal and decreasing the roughness of the surface of a casting block. It has been shown that acoustical oscillations intensify the working process of the gas-impulsive moulding device. With the increase of frequency and power of oscillations the hardness of a casting block first sharply rises, but then gradually decreases. It has been found out that oscillations may help to adjust the precision of a casting block due to high sensitivity of a gas-impulsive process to the frequency of oscillations. The use of acoustical oscillations broadens technological opportunities of the moulding device


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    Текст статьи не публикуется в открытом доступе в соответствии с политикой журнала.In work short results of a technique of development of laboratory schemes of obtaining the textured metal sheet with anisotropy of physicomechanical properties, on the basis of the principle of symmetrization-dissymmetrization of Shubnikov-Curie method of the differential longitudinal rolling drawing developed are presented

    Deformation features of the central layers of Fe –3% Si(110)[hkl]alloy by rolling with a roll diameter of 90 mm

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    Текст статьи не публикуется в открытом доступе в соответствии с политикой журнала.The article presents the results of studies of the effect of initial crystallographic orientation and deformation modes on rolling texture in the central layer of Fe –3% Si (110)[hkl] single crystals. Several groups of samples of single crystals were rolled under laboratory conditions. The groups of samples were classified according to the final deformation rate, the ideal crystallographic orientation of the rolling plane and deflections of the direction of the ideal orientation plane from the rolling direction. The methodology of the experiment took into account the amount of reduction rate during one rolling. Radiographic method was used to analyze the results of rolling. The obtained data was superimposed on a stereographic projection, and straight pole figures were built. The results of decoding direct pole figures revealed differences in the formation of the texture from the previously obtained results. The research shows the manifestation of the one-component deformation texture in the central layer


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    The article presents the results of studies of the effect of initial crystallographic orientation and deformation modes on rolling texture in the central layer of Fe - 3%Si(110)[hkl] single crystals. Several groups of samples of single crystals were rolled under laboratory conditions. The groups of samples were classified according to the final deformation rate, the ideal crystallographic orientation of the rolling plane and deflections of the direction of the ideal orientation plane from the rolling direction. The methodology of the experiment took into account the amount of reduction rate during one rolling. Radiographic method was used to analyze the results of rolling. The obtained data was superimposed on a stereographic projection, and straight pole figures were built. The results of decoding direct pole figures revealed differences in the formation of the texture from the previously obtained results. The research shows the manifestation of the one-component deformation texture in the central layer


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    The process of metal forming is widely used in metallurgy, machine-building and other industries of production of semi-finished and finished products made of ferrous and nonferrous metals and their alloys. From this standpoint, the important value obtains scientific research aimed at designing the properties of metallurgical blank of the machine-building complex. In work short results of a technique of development of laboratory schemes of obtaining the textured metal sheet with anisotropy of physicomechanical properties, on the basis of the principle of symmetrization-dissymmetrization of Shubnikov-Curie method of the differential longitudinal rolling drawing developed are presented. The method is based on the symmetry approach for modeling processes on the basis of the identified relationships between the kinematic factor and the impact that allows to predict the result of processing, and conversely, setting the result, it is possible to design technology