1,192 research outputs found

    WMAP constraints on the Intra-Cluster Medium

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    We devise a Monte-Carlo based, optimized filter match method to extract the thermal Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (SZ) signature of a catalog of 116 low-redshift X-ray clusters from the first year data release of the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP). We detect an over-all amplitude for the SZ signal at the ~ 8-sigma level, yielding a combined constraint of f_{gas}h = 0.08 +/- 0.01 (ran) +/- 0.01 (sys) on the gas mass fraction of the Intra-Cluster Medium. We also compile X-ray estimated gas fractions from the literature for our sample, and find that they are consistent with the SZ estimates at the 2-sigma level, while both show an increasing trend with X-ray temperature. Nevertheless, our SZ estimated gas fraction is 30-40% smaller than the concordance LCDM cosmic average. We also express our observations in terms of the SZ flux-temperature relation, and compare it with other observations, as well as numerical studies. Based on its spectral and spatial signature, we can also extract the microwave point source signal of the clusters at the 3-sigma level, which puts the average microwave luminosity (at ~ 41 GHz) of bright cluster members (M_K < -21) at (2.4 +/- 0.8) x 10^{27} h^{-2} erg/s/Hz. Furthermore, we can constrain the average dark matter halo concentration parameter to c_{vir}=3.4+0.6-0.9, for clusters with T_x > 5 kev. Our work serves as an example for how correlation of SZ surveys with cluster surveys in other frequencies can significantly increase our physical understanding of the intra-cluster medium.Comment: 34 pages, 6 ps figures, Extended discussion of theoretical uncertainties, radio sources, and future prospects, Accepted for Publication in Ap

    Traçabilité dans la filiÚre viande. I. La traçabilité administrative.

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    peer reviewedLe secteur de la viande a Ă©tĂ© secouĂ© ces derniĂšres annĂ©es par quelques scandales, tels ceux des hormones et de la dioxine, avec pour consĂ©quences une perte de confiance de la part du consommateur et une perturbation du marchĂ© de la viande. Pour redresser l’image des produits carnĂ©s belges, il est important de pouvoir en dĂ©terminer et en garantir l’origine. En Belgique, il existe divers systĂšmes de traçabilitĂ© administrative dont le principal est le systĂšme SANITEL qui comprend un systĂšme automatisĂ© de traitement de donnĂ©es relatives Ă  l’identification et l’enregistrement des animaux. Au-delĂ  de l’aspect lĂ©gal et rĂ©glementaire, diffĂ©rentes initiatives, visant une amĂ©lioration de la qualitĂ©, fleurissent : "les labels". Ceux-ci intĂšgrent frĂ©quemment la traçabilitĂ© dans leur cahier des charges. La traçabilitĂ© administrative n’est pas infaillible, la perte de documents et les fraudes peuvent ternir l’image de celle-ci. C’est pourquoi le systĂšme documentaire a Ă©tĂ© associĂ© aux empreintes gĂ©nĂ©tiques des animaux.

    Discovery of a Galaxy Cluster via Weak Lensing

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    We report the discovery of a cluster of galaxies via its weak gravitational lensing effect on background galaxies, the first spectroscopically confirmed cluster to be discovered through its gravitational effects rather than by its electromagnetic radiation. This fundamentally different selection mechanism promises to yield mass-selected, rather than baryon or photon-selected, samples of these important cosmological probes. We have confirmed this cluster with spectroscopic redshifts of fifteen members at z=0.276, with a velocity dispersion of 615 km/s. We use the tangential shear as a function of source photometric redshift to estimate the lens redshift independently and find z_l = 0.30 +- 0.08. The good agreement with the spectroscopy indicates that the redshift evolution of the mass function may be measurable from the imaging data alone in shear-selected surveys.Comment: revised version with minor changes, to appear in ApJ

    Unequal-mass galaxy mergers and the creation of cluster S0 galaxies

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    It is a longstanding and remarkable problem when and how red S0 galaxies were formed in clusters of galaxies. We here propose that the major mechanism for the S0 creation is galaxy merging between two spirals with unequal mass. Our numerical simulations demonstrate that galaxy merging exhausts a large amount of interstellar medium of two gas-rich spirals owing to the moderately enhanced star formation, and subsequently transforms the two into one gas-poor S0 galaxy with structure and kinematics strikingly similar to the observed ones. This secondary S0 formation with enhanced star formation explains a smaller fraction of S0 population recently observed in some distant clusters of galaxies. Unequal-mass galaxy mergers thus provide an evolutionary link between a larger number of blue spirals observed in intermediate redshift clusters and red S0s prevalent in the present-day ones.Comment: 14 pages 3 figures (ps file), ApJL in pres

    Fluid force and symmetry breaking modes of a 3D bluff body with a base cavity

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    International audienceA cavity at the base of the squareback Ahmed model at Re 4 × 10 5 is able to reduce the base suction by 18% and the drag coefficient by 9%, while the geometry at the separation remains unaffected. Instantaneous pressure measurements at the body base, fluid force measurements and wake velocity measurements are investigated varying the cavity depth from 0 to 35% of the base height. Due to the reflectional symmetry of the rectangular base, there are two Reflectional Symmetry Breaking (RSB) mirror modes present in the natural wake that switch from one to the other randomly in accordance with the recent findings of Grandemange et al. (2013b). It is shown that these modes exhibit an energetic 3D static vortex system close to the base of the body. A sufficiently deep cavity is able to stabilize the wake toward a symmetry preserved wake, thus suppressing the RSB modes and leading to a weaker elliptical toric recirculation. The stabilization can be modelled with a Langevin equation. The plausible mechanism for drag reduction with the base cavity is based on the interaction of the static 3D vortex system of the RSB modes with the base and their suppression by stabilization. There are some strong evidences that this mechanism may be generalized to axisym-metric bodies with base cavity

    Optical conductivity of the Frohlich polaron

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    We present accurate results for optical conductivity of the three dimensional Frohlich polaron in all coupling regimes. The systematic-error free diagrammatic quantum Monte Carlo method is employed where the Feynman graphs for the momentum-momentum correlation function in imaginary time are summed up. The real-frequency optical conductivity is obtained by the analytic continuation with stochastic optimization. We compare numerical data with available perturbative and non-perturbative approaches to the optical conductivity and show that the picture of sharp resonances due to relaxed excited states in the strong coupling regime is ``washed out''by large broadening of these states. As a result, the spectrum contains only a single-maximum broad peak with peculiar shape and a shoulder.Comment: 4 pages, 6 ps-figure

    A High Throughput Workflow Environment for Cosmological Simulations

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    The next generation of wide-area sky surveys offer the power to place extremely precise constraints on cosmological parameters and to test the source of cosmic acceleration. These observational programs will employ multiple techniques based on a variety of statistical signatures of galaxies and large-scale structure. These techniques have sources of systematic error that need to be understood at the percent-level in order to fully leverage the power of next-generation catalogs. Simulations of large-scale structure provide the means to characterize these uncertainties. We are using XSEDE resources to produce multiple synthetic sky surveys of galaxies and large-scale structure in support of science analysis for the Dark Energy Survey. In order to scale up our production to the level of fifty 10^10-particle simulations, we are working to embed production control within the Apache Airavata workflow environment. We explain our methods and report how the workflow has reduced production time by 40% compared to manual management.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures. V2 corrects an error in figure

    The Asymptotic Form of Cosmic Structure: Small Scale Power and Accretion History

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    We explore the effects of small scale structure on the formation and equilibrium of dark matter halos in a universe dominated by vacuum energy. We present the results of a suite of four N-body simulations, two with a LCDM initial power spectrum and two with WDM-like spectra that suppress the early formation of small structures. All simulations are run into to far future when the universe is 64Gyr/h old, long enough for halos to essentially reach dynamical equilibrium. We quantify the importance of hierarchical merging on the halo mass accretion history, the substructure population, and the equilibrium density profile. We modify the mass accretion history function of Wechsler et al. (2002) by introducing a parameter, \gamma, that controls the rate of mass accretion, dln(M) / dln(a) ~ a^(-\gamma), and find that this form characterizes both hierarchical and monolithic formation. Subhalo decay rates are exponential in time with a much shorter time scale for WDM halos. At the end of the simulations, we find truncated Hernquist density profiles for halos in both the CDM and WDM cosmologies. There is a systematic shift to lower concentration for WDM halos, but both cosmologies lie on the same locus relating concentration and formation epoch. Because the form of the density profile remains unchanged, our results indicate that the equilibrium halo density profile is set independently of the halo formation process.Comment: 17 pages, submitted to ApJ. Full resolution version avaliable at http://www-personal.umich.edu/~mbusha/Papers/AccretionHistory.pd

    Cluster-Supercluster Alignments

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    We study correlations in spatial orientation between galaxy clusters and their host superclusters using a Hubble Volume N-body realization of a concordance cosmology and an analytic model for tidally-induced alignments. We derive an analytic form for distributions of the alignment angle as functions of halo mass (M), ellipticity (epsilon), distance (r) and velocity (v) and show that the model, after tuning of three parameters, provides a good fit to the numerical results. The parameters indicate a high degree of alignment along anisotropic, collapsed filaments. The degree of alignment increases with M and epsilon while it decreases with r and is independent of v. We note the possibility of using the cluster-supercluster alignment effect as a cosmological probe to constrain the slope of the initial power spectrum.Comment: accepted by ApJ, revised version, new analysis using those superclusters with more than 5 clusters include

    The overdensity and masses of the friends-of-friends halos and universality of the halo mass function

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    The friends-of-friends algorithm (hereafter, FOF) is a percolation algorithm which is routinely used to identify dark matter halos from N-body simulations. We use results from percolation theory to show that the boundary of FOF halos does not correspond to a single density threshold but to a range of densities close to a critical value that depends upon the linking length parameter, b. We show that for the commonly used choice of b = 0.2, this critical density is equal to 81.62 times the mean matter density. Consequently, halos identified by the FOF algorithm enclose an average overdensity which depends on their density profile (concentration) and therefore changes with halo mass contrary to the popular belief that the average overdensity is ~180. We derive an analytical expression for the overdensity as a function of the linking length parameter b and the concentration of the halo. Results of tests carried out using simulated and actual FOF halos identified in cosmological simulations show excellent agreement with our analytical prediction. We also find that the mass of the halo that the FOF algorithm selects crucially depends upon mass resolution. We find a percolation theory motivated formula that is able to accurately correct for the dependence on number of particles for the mock realizations of spherical and triaxial Navarro-Frenk-White halos. However, we show that this correction breaks down when applied to the real cosmological FOF halos due to presence of substructures. Given that abundance of substructure depends on redshift and cosmology, we expect that the resolution effects due to substructure on the FOF mass and halo mass function will also depend on redshift and cosmology and will be difficult to correct for in general. Finally, we discuss the implications of our results for the universality of the mass function.Comment: 19 pages, 17 figures, submitted to ApJ supplemen
