3 research outputs found

    Simulation of Logging While Drilling Tools Based on Amorphous Si:H and LaBr3:Ce Detectors

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    Bore hole logging data represent the properties of rocks, such as porosity, density and constitutiveelements of formation, as a function of depth in a well. Properties of rocks are obtained from thermal neutron counting and gamma ray radiation due to neutron activation. Transport of neutrons, from an Am-Be source situated in a bore-hole tool, through rock media to detectors, has been simulated using a GEANT4 radiation transport code. The high precision GEANT4 cross section library was used to gain better analyses about well formation. In this paper we present the results of simulation of logging tools based on boron coated amorphous silicon detector for thermal neutron detection and LaBr3:Ce detector for gamma spectroscopy. Key words: Well logging; Spectroscopy; GEANT