21 research outputs found

    Change acidity sifted peat

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    The results of the reaction medium to neutralize the separated research in peat milling workpiece in “Dokshitsyraygaz”. Peat is taken is characterized as a pine-sphag num (Sphagnum magellansky – 35%, Sphagnum angustifolium – 25%, Scots pine – 25%, vaginal cotton grass – 15%), the degree of decom-position – 18%, ash content – 4.7%, pHKCl – 3.2, 50–60% relative humidity. To change the environment of the reaction as a calcareous material used dolomite flour and chalk. Doze of material is de-signed to skim 1 m3 peat milling blank, which at a relative humidity of 50–60% and the addition of a natural weight of about 250 kg. Studies have shown that the introduction of dolomite chalk and substrate in the reaction medium varies according to the dosage and duration of action of inter-substrate material with lime. The reaction medium in peat substrate is installed after 7-day interaction with chalk and a 10-day interaction with dolomite flour

    Humidity of peat substrate during growing of indoors seedlings

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    The results of studies of moisture content and wa ter holding capacity of the substrate in the cell cassettes “Plantek” 64F for the cultivation of containe r planting material. The moisture content of the substrate of cassette is taken at the output line of the Italian company “MosaGreenSrl” in RLSC, and then immersed in water for 48 hours is changed by the va riants of experiment in the range of 19.1–48.0%. The absolute humidity for different versions is 414.9–539.6%. With the high amount of moisture in the substrate air is virtually absent, wh at adversely affects the growth of plants. Adding more moisture will be run-off from substrate with nutrient depletion. The relative humidity in this case is 80%. The results of de-termining the absolute and relative humidity of the substrate in the cell depending on the weight of the cassette are presented. The mass range was significant – from 2.9 to 7.4 kg for “Plantek” 64F and from 3.4 to 9.7 kg for “Plantek” 35F. To visualize and understand the relationship of humidity of the substrate and mass of the built cassette diagrams was build. They are revealed that the optimal mass range for the cassettes “Plantek” 35F is in the range of from 5.0 to 6.5 kg, brand “Plantek” 64F – 4.0–5.5 kg

    Определение оптимальной силы контактного взаимодействия инструмента и детали при отделочно-упрочняющей обработке методом алмазного выглаживания

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    The main factors of the process of diamond smoothing are considered in the work: the force of the contact interaction of the tool and the part in the deformation zone and the friction on the contact surface of the part and the smoother. The technique of analytical determination of the optimal smoothing force for the finishing-hardening treatment mode is presented. The calculated values were obtained for some characteristic grades of materials of small and medium hardness (≤ 210 HB, indenter radius 3.4 mm) and a number of hardened steels of high hardness (indenter radius 2.0 mm). The force values are also determined using expressions for the deformation component of the friction coefficient. A comparative analysis of the results indicates that the calculation options are adequate for practical purposes. On specific examples of processed materials, graphical dependencies are shown, which reflect the relationship between the coefficient of friction, including its deformation component, and the smoothing force. With an increase in the leveling force, the friction coefficient increases, this is explained by an increase in the depth of penetration of the diamond tip and, consequently, an increase in the deformation component. The depth of penetration of the indenter into the surface to be treated, and therefore the coefficient of friction during ironing, depends on the hardness of the material being processed. With increasing hardness, the penetration depth decreases, which leads to a decrease in the deformation component and in general the coefficient of friction. The friction coefficient is also affected by the radius of the working part of the tool, since the indenter penetration depth also depends on its value. The research results can be used in the development of technology for finishing and hardening diamond smoothing, the development of the process and its introduction into production.Рассмотрены основные факторы процесса алмазного выглаживания: сила контактного взаимодействия инструмента и детали в зоне деформации и трение на контактной поверхности детали и выглаживателя. Представлена методика аналитического определения оптимальной силы выглаживания для отделочно-упрочняющего режима обработки. Расчетным путем получены значения силы для некоторых характерных марок материалов небольшой и средней твердости (≤210 HB, радиус индентора – 3,4 мм) и ряда закаленных сталей высокой твердости (радиус индентора – 2,0 мм). Также определены значения сил с использованием выражений для деформационной составляющей коэффициента трения. Сравнительный анализ результатов свидетельствует о достаточной для практических целей адекватности вариантов расчета. На конкретных примерах обрабатываемых материалов показаны графические зависимости, отражающие связь коэффициента трения, в том числе его деформационной составляющей, и силы выглаживания. С увеличением силы выглаживания увеличивается коэффициент трения, что объясняется увеличением глубины внедрения алмазного наконечника и, следовательно, ростом деформационной составляющей. Глубина внедрения индентора в обрабатываемую поверхность, а следовательно, коэффициент трения при выглаживании зависит от твердости обрабатываемого материала. С повышением твердости глубина внедрения уменьшается, что приводит к снижению деформационной составляющей и в целом коэффициента трения. На коэффициент трения также влияет радиус рабочей части инструмента, так как от его величины тоже зависит глубина внедрения индентора. Результаты исследований могут быть использованы при разработке технологии отделочно-упрочняющего алмазного выглаживания, освоении процесса и внедрении его в производство

    Change acidity sifted peat

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    The results of the reaction medium to neutralize the separated research in peat milling workpiece in “Dokshitsyraygaz”. Peat is taken is characterized as a pine-sphag num (Sphagnum magellansky – 35%, Sphagnum angustifolium – 25%, Scots pine – 25%, vaginal cotton grass – 15%), the degree of decom-position – 18%, ash content – 4.7%, pHKCl – 3.2, 50–60% relative humidity. To change the environment of the reaction as a calcareous material used dolomite flour and chalk. Doze of material is de-signed to skim 1 m3 peat milling blank, which at a relative humidity of 50–60% and the addition of a natural weight of about 250 kg. Studies have shown that the introduction of dolomite chalk and substrate in the reaction medium varies according to the dosage and duration of action of inter-substrate material with lime. The reaction medium in peat substrate is installed after 7-day interaction with chalk and a 10-day interaction with dolomite flour

    Humidity of peat substrate during growing of indoors seedlings

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    The results of studies of moisture content and wa ter holding capacity of the substrate in the cell cassettes “Plantek” 64F for the cultivation of containe r planting material. The moisture content of the substrate of cassette is taken at the output line of the Italian company “MosaGreenSrl” in RLSC, and then immersed in water for 48 hours is changed by the va riants of experiment in the range of 19.1–48.0%. The absolute humidity for different versions is 414.9–539.6%. With the high amount of moisture in the substrate air is virtually absent, wh at adversely affects the growth of plants. Adding more moisture will be run-off from substrate with nutrient depletion. The relative humidity in this case is 80%. The results of de-termining the absolute and relative humidity of the substrate in the cell depending on the weight of the cassette are presented. The mass range was significant – from 2.9 to 7.4 kg for “Plantek” 64F and from 3.4 to 9.7 kg for “Plantek” 35F. To visualize and understand the relationship of humidity of the substrate and mass of the built cassette diagrams was build. They are revealed that the optimal mass range for the cassettes “Plantek” 35F is in the range of from 5.0 to 6.5 kg, brand “Plantek” 64F – 4.0–5.5 kg

    Organoantimony(V) Cyanoximates: Synthesis, Spectra and Crystal Structures

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    A series of 25 new organoantimony(V) cyanoximates has been synthesized and studied using IR, visible, and NMR spectroscopy and X-ray analysis. Crystal structures were determined for compounds (C6H5)4Sb{ONC(CN)C(O)NH2} (1) and (C6H5)4Sb{ONC(CN)C(O)N(CH3)2} (2). Both complexes crystallized in the monoclinic space group P21/c (Z = 4) with unit cell parameters (Å, grad) of a = 14.921(3), b = 10.165(2), c = 17.571(7), β = 113.26(6) for compound 1, and a = 16.415(4), b = 10.406(3), c = 17.152(3), β = 117.79(2) for compound 2. For 5438 and 5056 independent reflections the refinement yielded R-factors 0.022 and 0.037 for the structures of 1 and 2, respectively. Cyanoxime anions are bound to the antimony(V) atoms in a monodentate fashion via the oxygen atoms of the oxime groups. The ligands adopt trans-anti configuration in these compounds. The coordination polyhedron in both complexes is a distorted trigonal bipyramid with the axial location of the cyanoxime ligand. A similar binding mode of other anions in synthesized organoantimony(V) complexes has been offered on the basis of the similarity of their IR spectra to those of the compounds whose structures were determined crystallographically. The exact assignment of vibrations involving the oxime group was carried out using synthesized 15N (53%) isotopomers

    The experience of growing planting material with closed root system in the Belarusian forestries

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    Studies on the cultivation of planting material with closed root system were carried out in connection with large-scale plans of the Ministry of Forestry to introduce it in reforestation and afforestation according to the developed document “Sectoral program for growing seed lings with closed root system in the organizations of the Ministry of Forestry of the Republic of Belarus for the period up to 2020 year”. To study the experience of growing seedlings with closed root system, studi es were carried out an-nual seedlings age of Scots pine, Norway spruce and European larch in different forest enterprises in Belarus. Measured their biometric parameters, made comparisons between different rotations and calculates statistics. Perform chemical analysis of s ubstrate for growing seedlings. Revealed differences in the properties of the substrate on receipt of standard seedlings and seedlings have not reached the standard param-eters, due to the fact that the di fferentiation by size of seedlings observed indicators intact containers. In containers with seedlings standard parameters marked higher acidity, lower content of exchangeable bases and higher security nutrients. Significant differences in biometrics seedlings among the forestry enterprises is also confirmed by the properties of the substrate. This leads to the the need to prepare an optimal substrate for the cultivation of planting material with closed root system

    The experience of growing planting material with closed root system in the Belarusian forestries

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    Studies on the cultivation of planting material with closed root system were carried out in connection with large-scale plans of the Ministry of Forestry to introduce it in reforestation and afforestation according to the developed document “Sectoral program for growing seed lings with closed root system in the organizations of the Ministry of Forestry of the Republic of Belarus for the period up to 2020 year”. To study the experience of growing seedlings with closed root system, studi es were carried out an-nual seedlings age of Scots pine, Norway spruce and European larch in different forest enterprises in Belarus. Measured their biometric parameters, made comparisons between different rotations and calculates statistics. Perform chemical analysis of s ubstrate for growing seedlings. Revealed differences in the properties of the substrate on receipt of standard seedlings and seedlings have not reached the standard param-eters, due to the fact that the di fferentiation by size of seedlings observed indicators intact containers. In containers with seedlings standard parameters marked higher acidity, lower content of exchangeable bases and higher security nutrients. Significant differences in biometrics seedlings among the forestry enterprises is also confirmed by the properties of the substrate. This leads to the the need to prepare an optimal substrate for the cultivation of planting material with closed root system

    Syntheses, crystal structures and coordination compounds of some 2-hetarylcyanoximes

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    2-hetarylcyanoximes which have the general formula HO–NC(CN)–R, where R is a heterocyclic group such as 2-pyridyl, 2-quinolyl, 2-benzthiazolyl etc., have been found to be good multidentate ligands for coordination chemistry. They form intensely colored complexes with iron(II) and bis-compounds with copper(I), which are used in analytical chemistry. Stability constants for anionic Fe2+ tris-cyanoximates were determined. The detailed syntheses and crystal structures of 2-pyridilcyanoxime (HPCO), 2-quinolylcyanoxime (HQCO) and 2-thiazolylcyanoxime (HTLCO) are reported. Molecules of HPCO in the crystal state adopt a non-planar cis–anti conformation. HQCO crystallizes as a monohydrate and this cyanoxime has a trans–anti non-planar conformation in the solid state. Molecules of HTLCO showed a trans–syn planar conformation in the solid state. Crystal structures of other known cyanoxime ligands are reviewed, as well as syntheses and the coordination modes for 2-hetarylcyanoximes in various complexes with s-, p- and d-metals