1,340,604 research outputs found

    Stochastic simulations for the time evolution of systems which obey generalized statistics: Fractional exclusion statistics and Gentile's statistics

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    We present a stochastic method for the simulation of the time evolution in systems which obey generalized statistics, namely fractional exclusion statistics and Gentile's statistics. The transition rates are derived in the framework of canonical ensembles. This approach introduces a tool for describing interacting fermionic and bosonic systems in non-equilibrium as ideal FES systems, in a computationally efficient manner. The two types of statistics are analyzed comparatively, indicating their intrinsic thermodynamic differences and revealing key aspects related to the species size.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figures, IOP forma

    On avoiding cosmological oscillating behavior for S-brane solutions with diagonal metrics

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    In certain string inspired higher dimensional cosmological models it has been conjectured that there is generic, chaotic oscillating behavior near the initial singularity -- the Kasner parameters which characterize the asymptotic form of the metric "jump" between different, locally constant values and exhibit a never-ending oscillation as one approaches the singularity. In this paper we investigate a class of cosmological solutions with form fields and diagonal metrics which have a "maximal" number of composite electric S-branes. We look at two explicit examples in D=4 and D=5 dimensions that do not have chaotic oscillating behavior near the singularity. When the composite branes are replaced by non-composite branes chaotic oscillatingComment: Corrected typos, published in Phys. Rev. D72, 103511 (2005

    On the cancellation of 4-derivative terms in the Volkov-Akulov action

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    Recently Kuzenko and McCarty observed the cancellation of 4-derivative terms in the D=4N=1D=4 {\cal N}=1 Volkov-Akulov supersymmetric action for the fermionic Nambu-Goldstone field. Here is presented a simple algebraic proof of the cancellation based on using the Majorana bispinors and Fiertz identities. The cancellation shows a difference between the Volkov-Akulov action and the effective superfield action recently studied by Komargodski and Seiberg and containing one 4-derivative term. We find out that the cancellation effect takes place in coupling of the Nambu-Goldstone fermion with the Dirac field. Equivalence between the KS and the VA Lagrangians is proved up to the first order in the interaction constant of the NG fermions.Comment: 18 pages; the version accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. D; new section regarding the proof of the equivalence between the Komargodski-Seiberg and the Volkov-Akulov actions is added: some comments and new references are include

    Anisotropic glass-like properties in tetragonal disordered crystals

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    The low temperature acoustic and thermal properties of amorphous, glassy materials are remarkably similar. All these properties are described theoretically with reasonable quantitative accuracy by assuming that the amorphous solid contains dynamical defects that can be described at low temperatures as an ensemble of two-level systems (TLS), but the deep nature of these TLSs is not clarified yet. Moreover, glassy properties were found also in disordered crystals, quasicrystals, and even perfect crystals with a large number of atoms in the unit cell. In crystals, the glassy properties are not universal, like in amorphous materials, and also exhibit anisotropy. Recently it was proposed a model for the interaction of two-level systems with arbitrary strain fields (Phys. Rev. B 75, 64202, 2007), which was used to calculate the thermal properties of nanoscopic membranes at low temperatures. The model is also suitable for the description of anisotropic crystals. We describe here the results of the calculation of anisotropic glass-like properties in crystals of various lattice symmetries, emphasizing the tetragonal symmetry.Comment: 5 pages, no figure

    `Thermodynamics' of Minimal Surfaces and Entropic Origin of Gravity

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    Deformations of minimal surfaces lying in constant time slices in static space-times are studied. An exact and universal formula for a change of the area of a minimal surface under shifts of nearby point-like particles is found. It allows one to introduce a local temperature on the surface and represent variations of its area in a thermodynamical form by assuming that the entropy in the Planck units equals the quarter of the area. These results provide a strong support to a recent hypothesis that gravity has an entropic origin, the minimal surfaces being a sort of holographic screens. The gravitational entropy also acquires a definite physical meaning related to quantum entanglement of fundamental degrees of freedom across the screen.Comment: 12 pages, 1 figur

    On cosmological-type solutions in multi-dimensional model with Gauss-Bonnet term

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    A (n + 1)-dimensional Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet (EGB) model is considered. For diagonal cosmological-type metrics, the equations of motion are reduced to a set of Lagrange equations. The effective Lagrangian contains two "minisuperspace" metrics on R^n. The first one is the well-known 2-metric of pseudo-Euclidean signature and the second one is the Finslerian 4-metric that is proportional to n-dimensional Berwald-Moor 4-metric. When a "synchronous-like" time gauge is considered the equations of motion are reduced to an autonomous system of first-order differential equations. For the case of the "pure" Gauss-Bonnet model, two exact solutions with power-law and exponential dependence of scale factors (with respect to "synchronous-like" variable) are obtained. (In the cosmological case the power-law solution was considered earlier in papers of N. Deruelle, A. Toporensky, P. Tretyakov and S. Pavluchenko.) A generalization of the effective Lagrangian to the Lowelock case is conjectured. This hypothesis implies existence of exact solutions with power-law and exponential dependence of scale factors for the "pure" Lowelock model of m-th order.Comment: 24 pages, Latex, typos are eliminate

    Resonating-valence-bond structure of Gutzwiller-projected superconducting wave functions

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    Gutzwiller-projected (GP) wave functions have been widely used for describing spin-liquid physics in frustrated magnets and in high-temperature superconductors. Such wave functions are known to represent states of the resonating-valence-bond (RVB) type. In the present work I discuss the RVB structure of a GP singlet superconducting state with nodes in the spectrum. The resulting state for the undoped spin system may be described in terms of the "path integral" over loop coverings of the lattice, thus extending the known construction for RVB states. The problem of the topological order in GP states may be reformulated in terms of the statistical behavior of loops. The simple example of the projected d-wave state on the square lattice demonstrates that the statistical behavior of loops is renormalized in a nontrivial manner by the projection.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, some numerical data adde

    Scattering of phonons on two-level systems in disordered crystals

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    We calculate the scattering rates of phonons on two-level systems in disordered trigonal and hexagonal crystals. We apply a model in which the two-level system, characterized by a direction in space, is coupled to the strain field of the phonon via a tensor of coupling constants. The structure of the tensor of coupling constants is similar to the structure of the tensor of elastic stiffness constants, in the sense that they are determined by the same symmetry transformations. In this way, we emphasize the anisotropy of the interaction of elastic waves with the ensemble of two-level systems in disordered crystals. We also point to the fact that the ratio γl/γt\gamma_l/\gamma_t has a much broader range of allowed values in disordered crystals than in isotropic solids.Comment: 5 pages, no figure

    Non-Abelian brane cosmology

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    We discuss isotropic and homogeneous D-brane-world cosmology with non-Abelian Born-Infeld (NBI) matter on the brane. In the usual Friedmann-Robertson-Walker (FRW) model the scale non-invariant NBI matter gives rise to an equation of state which asymptotes to the string gas equation p=ϵ/3p=-\epsilon/3 and ensures a start-up of the cosmological expansion with zero acceleration. We show that the same state equation in the brane-world setup leads to the Tolman type evolution as if the conformal symmetry was effectively restored. This is not precisely so in the NBI model with symmetrized trace, but the leading term in the expansion law is still the same. A cosmological sphaleron solution on the D-brane is presented.Comment: 6 pages, latex, 1 figure. Submitted to the Proceedings of the VFC workshop at JENAM2002, Portu, Portugal, 1-6 september 200