28 research outputs found

    Long-term and real-world safety and efficacy of retroviral gene therapy for adenosine deaminase deficiency

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    Adenosine deaminase (ADA) deficiency leads to severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID). Previous clinical trials showed that autologous CD34+ cell gene therapy (GT) following busulfan reduced-intensity conditioning is a promising therapeutic approach for ADA-SCID, but long-term data are warranted. Here we report an analysis on long-term safety and efficacy data of 43 patients with ADA-SCID who received retroviral ex vivo bone marrow-derived hematopoietic stem cell GT. Twenty-two individuals (median follow-up 15.4 years) were treated in the context of clinical development or named patient program. Nineteen patients were treated post-marketing authorization (median follow-up 3.2 years), and two additional patients received mobilized peripheral blood CD34+ cell GT. At data cutoff, all 43 patients were alive, with a median follow-up of 5.0 years (interquartile range 2.4-15.4) and 2 years intervention-free survival (no need for long-term enzyme replacement therapy or allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation) of 88% (95% confidence interval 78.7-98.4%). Most adverse events/reactions were related to disease background, busulfan conditioning or immune reconstitution; the safety profile of the real world experience was in line with premarketing cohort. One patient from the named patient program developed a T cell leukemia related to treatment 4.7 years after GT and is currently in remission. Long-term persistence of multilineage gene-corrected cells, metabolic detoxification, immune reconstitution and decreased infection rates were observed. Estimated mixed-effects models showed that higher dose of CD34+ cells infused and younger age at GT affected positively the plateau of CD3+ transduced cells, lymphocytes and CD4+ CD45RA+ naive T cells, whereas the cell dose positively influenced the final plateau of CD15+ transduced cells. These long-term data suggest that the risk-benefit of GT in ADA remains favorable and warrant for continuing long-term safety monitoring. Clinical trial registration: NCT00598481 , NCT034786

    CTL Escape Mediated by Proteasomal Destruction of an HIV-1 Cryptic Epitope

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    Cytotoxic CD8+ T cells (CTLs) play a critical role in controlling viral infections. HIV-infected individuals develop CTL responses against epitopes derived from viral proteins, but also against cryptic epitopes encoded by viral alternative reading frames (ARF). We studied here the mechanisms of HIV-1 escape from CTLs targeting one such cryptic epitope, Q9VF, encoded by an HIVgag ARF and presented by HLA-B*07. Using PBMCs of HIV-infected patients, we first cloned and sequenced proviral DNA encoding for Q9VF. We identified several polymorphisms with a minority of proviruses encoding at position 5 an aspartic acid (Q9VF/5D) and a majority encoding an asparagine (Q9VF/5N). We compared the prevalence of each variant in PBMCs of HLA-B*07+ and HLA-B*07- patients. Proviruses encoding Q9VF/5D were significantly less represented in HLA-B*07+ than in HLA-B*07- patients, suggesting that Q9FV/5D encoding viruses might be under selective pressure in HLA-B*07+ individuals. We thus analyzed ex vivo CTL responses directed against Q9VF/5D and Q9VF/5N. Around 16% of HLA-B*07+ patients exhibited CTL responses targeting Q9VF epitopes. The frequency and the magnitude of CTL responses induced with Q9VF/5D or Q9VF/5N peptides were almost equal indicating a possible cross-reactivity of the same CTLs on the two peptides. We then dissected the cellular mechanisms involved in the presentation of Q9VF variants. As expected, cells infected with HIV strains encoding for Q9VF/5D were recognized by Q9VF/5D-specific CTLs. In contrast, Q9VF/5N-encoding strains were neither recognized by Q9VF/5N- nor by Q9VF/5D-specific CTLs. Using in vitro proteasomal digestions and MS/MS analysis, we demonstrate that the 5N variation introduces a strong proteasomal cleavage site within the epitope, leading to a dramatic reduction of Q9VF epitope production. Our results strongly suggest that HIV-1 escapes CTL surveillance by introducing mutations leading to HIV ARF-epitope destruction by proteasomes

    Dissolution Enhancement and Characterization of Nimodipine Solid Dispersions with Poloxamer 407 or PEG 6000

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    The solid dispersion approach is an alternative to increase drug solubility. Many carriers have been studied, but there is few information about poloxamer 407 (P407). Consequently, the objective of this study was to evaluate P407 as a carrier for nimodipine solid dispersions and to compare its solubility and dissolution rates with those from polyethylene glycol (PEG 6000). The solid dispersions were prepared by the hot melting and solvent methods and they were characterized by FTIR, DSC, solubility, and dissolution tests. The results indicated a three-fold increase in solid dispersions solubility in the presence with P407 than those prepared with PEG

    <b>Desenvolvimento e Teste Preliminar da Estabilidade de formulações cosméticas acrescidas de extrato comercial de <i>Trichilia catigua</i> Adr. Juss (e) <i>Ptychopetalum olacoides</i> Bentham</b>

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    <p class="MsoNormal" style="margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt; line-height: normal; text-align: justify; mso-layout-grid-align: none;"> O presente estudo apresenta etapas de desenvolvimento de emulsões cosméticas, contendo 5% do extrato comercial de <i>Trichilia catigua</i> Adr. Juss (e) <i>Ptychopetalum olacoides</i> Bentham. Desenvolveramse 14 formulações-teste e avaliou-se a obtenção de emulsões macroscopicamente estáveis, com valores de viscosidade aparente variados, pH compatível com o da pele e características organolépticas adequadas, por meio dos Testes de Estabilidade Preliminar e Acelerada. Estas formulações foram divididas em dois grupos: um com emulsões fluidas e outro com emulsões mais viscosas. Após análise, oito formulações-teste foram consideradas aptas para serem submetidas ao Teste de Estabilidade Preliminar. Após os ensaios, cinco formulações-teste foram selecionadas para o Teste de Estabilidade Acelerada. Os ensaios foram conduzidos em condições de armazenamento, de luminosidade e de temperatura extremas. Ao final do estudo, duas formulações-teste foram consideradas aprovadas por apresentarem os perfis mais estáveis durante o estudo, sendo ambas, emulsões fluidas constituídas de ceras auto-emulsionantes e 0,3% p/p de um polímero natural, e uma delas adicionada também de 2,0% lecitina de soja. Palavras-chave: estabilidade de emulsões cosméticas; desenvolvimento de emulsões; <i>Trichilia catigua</i> Adr. Juss (e) <i>Ptychopetalum olacoides</i> Bentham</p&gt