1,521 research outputs found

    New technique to measure the cavity defects of Fabry-Perot interferometers

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    (Abridged): We define and test a new technique to accurately measure the cavity defects of air-spaced FPIs, including distortions due to the spectral tuning process typical of astronomical observations. We further develop a correction technique to maintain the shape of the cavity as constant as possible during the spectral scan. These are necessary steps to optimize the spectral transmission profile of a two-dimensional spectrograph using one or more FPIs. We devise a generalization of the techniques developed for the so-called phase-shifting interferometry to the case of FPIs. The technique is applicable to any FPI that can be tuned via changing the cavity spacing (zz-axis), and can be used for any etalon regardless of the coating' reflectivity. The major strength of our method is the ability to fully characterize the cavity during a spectral scan, allowing for the determination of scan-dependent modifications of the plates. As a test, we have applied this technique to three 50 mm diameter interferometers, with cavity gaps ranging between 600 micron and 3 mm, coated for use in the visible range. We obtain accurate and reliable measures of the cavity defects of air-spaced FPIs, and of their evolution during the entire spectral scan. Our main, and unexpected, result is that the relative tilt between the two FPI plates varies significantly during the spectral scan, and can dominate the cavity defects; in particular, we observe that the tilt component at the extremes of the scan is sensibly larger than at the center of the scan. Exploiting the capability of the electronic controllers to set the reference plane at any given spectral step, we develop a correction technique that allows the minimization of the tilt during a complete spectral scan. The correction remains highly stable over long periods, well beyond the typical duration of astronomical observations.Comment: 15 pages, 20+ figures, accepted for publication in A&A. Two additional movies are available in the online version of the pape

    Radiation detection properties of 4H-SiC Schottky diodes irradiated up to 10(16) n/cm(2) by 1 MeV neutrons

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    We report the results of an experimental study on the radiation hardness of 4H-SiC diodes used as alpha-particle detectors with 1 MeV neutrons up to a fluence of 8 x 10(15) n/cm(2). As the irradiation level approaches the range 10(15) n/cm(2), the material behaves as intrinsic due to a very high compensation effect and the diodes are still able to detect with a reasonable good Charge Collection Efficiency (CCE = 80%).For fluences > 10(15) n/cm(2) CCE decreases monotonically to approximate to 20 % at the highest fluence. Heavily irradiated SiC diodes have been studied, by means of Photo Induced Current Transien

    Nonlinear response of single-molecule nanomagnets: equilibrium and dynamical

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    We present an experimental study of the {\em nonlinear} susceptibility of Mn12_{12} single-molecule magnets. We investigate both their thermal-equilibrium and dynamical nonlinear responses. The equilibrium results show the sensitivity of the nonlinear susceptibility to the magnetic anisotropy, which is nearly absent in the linear response for axes distributed at random. The nonlinear dynamic response of Mn12_{12} was recently found to be very large and displaying peaks reversed with respect to classical superparamagnets [F. Luis {\em et al.}, Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 92}, 107201 (2004)]. Here we corroborate the proposed explanation -- strong field dependence of the relaxation rate due to the detuning of tunnel energy levels. This is done by studying the orientational dependence of the nonlinear susceptibility, which permits to isolate the quantum detuning contribution. Besides, from the analysis of the longitudinal and transverse contributions we estimate a bound for the decoherence time due to the coupling to the phonon bath.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figures, resubmitted to Phys. Rev. B with minor change

    Technical characteristics can make the difference in a surgical linear stapler. or not?

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    Background Anastomotic leak (AL) after gastrointestinal surgery is a severe complication associated with relevant short- and long-term sequelae. Most of the anastomosis are currently performed with a surgical stapler that is required to have appropriate characteristics to guarantee good performances. The aim of our study was to evaluate, in the laboratory, pressure resistance and tensile strength of anastomosis performed with different surgical linear staplers, available in the market. Materials and methods We have been studying three linear staplers, with diverse cartridges and staple heights, of three different companies, used for gastrointestinal anastomosis and gastric or intestinal closure. We performed 50 anastomosis for each device, with the pertinent different cartridges, on fresh pig intestine, for a total of 350 anastomosis, then injected saline solution and recorded the pressure that provokes a leak on the staple line. There were no statistically significant differences between the mean pressure necessary to induce an AL in the various instruments (P > 0.05). For studying the tensile strength, we performed a total of 350 anastomosis with the different linear staplers on a special strong paper (Tyvek), then recorded the maximal tensile force that could open the anastomosis. Results There were no statistically significant differences between the different staplers about the strength necessary to open the staple line (P > 0.05). Conclusions we demonstrated that different linear staplers of three companies available in the market give comparable anastomotic pressure resistance and tensile strength. This might suggest that small dissimilarities between different devices are not involved, at least as major parameters, in AL etiology

    Efficacy of biofeedback rehabilitation based on visual evoked potentials analysis in patients with advanced age-related macular degeneration

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    Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a progressive and degenerative disorder of the macula. In advanced stages, it is characterized by the formation of areas of geographic atrophy or fibrous scars in the central macula, which determines irreversible loss of central vision. These patients can benefit from visual rehabilitation programmes with acoustic "biofeedback" mechanisms that can instruct the patient to move fixation from the central degenerated macular area to an adjacent healthy area, with a reorganization of the primary visual cortex. In this prospective, comparative, non-randomized study we evaluated the efficacy of visual rehabilitation with an innovative acoustic biofeedback training system based on visual evoked potentials (VEP) real-time examination (Retimax Vision Trainer, CSO, Florence), in a series of patients with advanced AMD compared to a control group. Patients undergoing training were subjected to ten consecutive visual training sessions of 10min each, performed twice a week. Patients in the control group did not receive any training. VEP biofeedback rehabilitation seems to improve visual acuity, reading performances, contrast sensitivity, retinal fixation and sensitivity and quality of life in AMD patients

    Breakdown at Medium Frequencies of Thermally-Aged Polyester Films

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    This article investigates the evolution of electrical properties of polyethylene terephthalate (PET) with thermal aging. Electrical tests are performed within a wide range of frequencies in order to simulate the application conditions of insulating materials in inverter-fed machines. In particular, for the aging conditions considered, the real part of permittivity showed to be correlated with the concentration of the degradation species, investigated through FTIR. On the contrary, the dielectric breakdown at high frequencies showed to be independent from the corresponding values of the dissipation factor (tanδ). This behavior would imply that thermal runaway is not the principal phenomenon leading to the dielectric failure

    Protective effects of exosomes derived from lyophilized porcine liver against acetaminophen damage on HepG2 cells

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    Background: Recently, extracellular vesicles have come to the fore following their emerging role in cell communication, thanks to their ability to reach cells into the human body without dissipating their cargo, transferring biological active molecules, such as proteins, nucleic acids, lipids, etc. They appear as a promising tool in medicine, because of their capability to modulate cellular response in recipient cells. Moreover, a considerable number of publications suggests that exosome uptake is selective but not specific, and it can cross species and cell-type boundaries. This study aims to explore the potential role of porcine liver derived extracellular vesicles, exosomes in particular, to protect human cells from acute damage induced by acetaminophen. Methods: Extracellular vesicles were isolated from porcine lyophilized liver using polymer-based precipitation and a further enrichment was performed using affinity beads. The effects of obtained fractions, total extracellular vesicles and enriched extracellular vesicles, were assessed on human liver derived HepG2 cells. Cell growth and survival were tested, with MTT and area coverage analysis designed by us, as well as protein expression, with immunofluorescence and Western blot. Oxidative stress in live cells was also measured with fluorogenic probes. Results: After proving that porcine extracellular vesicles did not have a toxic effect on HepG2, quite the contrary total extracellular vesicle fraction improved cell growth, we investigated their protective capability with a preconditioning strategy in APAP-induced damage. EVs displayed not only the ability to strongly modulate cell survival responses, but they also were able to boost cell cycle progression. Conclusions: Extracellular vesicles derived from farm animal food derivatives are able to modulate human hepatic cell metabolism, also improving cell survival in a damaged context

    An opproisal of the energy crdck zero (ECo) test in the evaluation of tempered martensite embrittlement (TME)

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    Tempered martensite embrittlement (TME) was investigated in an electroslag remelted (ESR) aeronautical grade SAE 4340 steel. The Charpy - Vimpact, plane strarn fracture toughness (K1") and energy crack zero (ECo) tests were employed to evaluate the reduced toughness of 300"C ascompared with 200"C-tempered specimens after fracture in the temperature range from - 70'C to + 150"C. The ECo and Charpy - V results werecomparable. The K1. test, however, failed to detect TME, even though a fatigue precracked specimen was used as in the ECo test. Thisdiscrepancy between the two tests is attributed to the different rnfluence of a microtough zone a few pm thick at the crack tip. Caution is thereforeadvised in the conversion of ECo values to their K6 equivalents

    Micromeccanismi di danneggiamento in una ghisa sferoidale perlitica sollecitata a trazione

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    L’analisi dei micromeccanismi di danneggiamento nelle ghise sferoidali è prevalentemente focalizzata sulleghise sferoidali a matrice ferritica. In letteratura l’attenzione si è solitamente concentrata sulla nucleazione divuoti in corrispondenza degli sferoidi di grafite e sulla crescita di questi vuoti fino alla rottura catastrofica.Recentemente è stato verificato sperimentalmente che il ruolo svolto dagli sferoidi di grafite nelle ghisesferoidali a matrice ferritica è più complesso e che non può essere confinato al solo “debonding” dello sferoidedalla matrice ferritica. In questo lavoro vengono analizzati i micromeccanismi di danneggiamento a trazione inuna ghisa sferoidale con matrice completamente perlitica mediante prove di trazione effettuate su microprovinied osservazione al microscopio elettronico a scansione (SEM) della superficie laterale durante lo svolgimentodella prova meccanica (prove “in situ”). Durante lo svolgimento della prova si è focalizzata l’attenzione sia sulruolo svolto dagli sferoidi di grafite che sull’evoluzione del danneggiamento della matrice perlitica
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