1,319 research outputs found

    Entangled photons from a strongly coupled quantum dot-cavity system

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    A quantum dot strongly coupled to a photonic crystal has been recently proposed as a source of entangled photon pairs [R. Johne et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 240404 (2008)]. The biexction decay via intermediate polariton states can be used to overcome the natural splitting between the exciton states coupled to the horizontally and vertically polarized light modes, so that high degrees of entanglement can be expected. We investigate theoretically the features of realistic dot-cavity systems, including the effect of the different oscillator strength of excitons resonances coupled to the different polarizations of light. We show that in this case, an independent adjustment of the cavity resonances is needed in order to keep a high entanglement degree. We also consider the case when the biexciton-exciton transition is also strongly coupled to a cavity mode. We show that a very fast emission rate can be achieved allowing the repetition rates in the THz range. Such fast emission should however be paid for by a very complex tuning of the many strongly coupled resonances involved and by a loss of quantum efficiency. Altogether a strongly coupled dot-cavity system seems to be very promising as a source of entangled photon pairs.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    Geometry of the 3-Qubit State, Entanglement and Division Algebras

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    We present a generalization to 3-qubits of the standard Bloch sphere representation for a single qubit and of the 7-dimensional sphere representation for 2 qubits presented in Mosseri {\it et al.}\cite{Mosseri2001}. The Hilbert space of the 3-qubit system is the 15-dimensional sphere S15S^{15}, which allows for a natural (last) Hopf fibration with S8S^8 as base and S7S^7 as fiber. A striking feature is, as in the case of 1 and 2 qubits, that the map is entanglement sensitive, and the two distinct ways of un-entangling 3 qubits are naturally related to the Hopf map. We define a quantity that measures the degree of entanglement of the 3-qubit state. Conjectures on the possibility to generalize the construction for higher qubit states are also discussed.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figures, final versio

    Using of small-scale quantum computers in cryptography with many-qubit entangled states

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    We propose a new cryptographic protocol. It is suggested to encode information in ordinary binary form into many-qubit entangled states with the help of a quantum computer. A state of qubits (realized, e.g., with photons) is transmitted through a quantum channel to the addressee, who applies a quantum computer tuned to realize the inverse unitary transformation decoding of the message. Different ways of eavesdropping are considered, and an estimate of the time needed for determining the secret unitary transformation is given. It is shown that using even small quantum computers can serve as a basis for very efficient cryptographic protocols. For a suggested cryptographic protocol, the time scale on which communication can be considered secure is exponential in the number of qubits in the entangled states and in the number of gates used to construct the quantum network

    Quantum Cryptography Based on the Time--Energy Uncertainty Relation

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    A new cryptosystem based on the fundamental time--energy uncertainty relation is proposed. Such a cryptosystem can be implemented with both correlated photon pairs and single photon states.Comment: 5 pages, LaTex, no figure

    Remarks on the Central Limit Theorem for Non-Convex Bodies

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    In this note, we study possible extensions of the Central Limit Theorem for non-convex bodies. First, we prove a Berry-Esseen type theorem for a certain class of unconditional bodies that are not necessarily convex. Then, we consider a widely-known class of non-convex bodies, the so-called p-convex bodies, and construct a counter-example for this class

    Multiphoton localization and propagating quantum gap solitons in a frequency gap medium

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    The many-particle spectrum of an isotropic frequency gap medium doped with impurity resonance atoms is studied using the Bethe ansatz technique. The spectrum is shown to contain pairs of quantum correlated ``gap excitations'' and their heavy bound complexes (``gap solitons''), enabling the propagation of quantum information within the classically forbidden gap. In addition, multiparticle localization of the radiation and the medium polarization occurs when such a gap soliton is pinned to the impurity atom.Comment: 8 pages, RevTEX, to appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    Neutrinos in a spherical box

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    In the present paper we study some neutrino properties as they may appear in the low energy neutrinos emitted in triton decay with maximum neutrino energy of 18.6 keV. The technical challenges to this end can be achieved by building a very large TPC capable of detecting low energy recoils, down to a a few tenths of a keV, within the required low background constraints. More specifically We propose the development of a spherical gaseous TPC of about 10-m in radius and a 200 Mcurie triton source in the center of curvature. One can list a number of exciting studies, concerning fundamental physics issues, that could be made using a large volume TPC and low energy antineutrinos: 1) The oscillation length involving the small angle of the neutrino mixing matrix, directly measured in this disappearance experiment, is fully contained inside the detector. Measuring the counting rate of neutrino-electron elastic scattering as a function of the distance of the source will give a precise and unambiguous measurement of the oscillation parameters free of systematic errors. In fact first estimates show that even with a year's data taking a sensitivity of a few percent for the measurement of the above angle will be achieved. 2) The low energy detection threshold offers a unique sensitivity for the neutrino magnetic moment which is about two orders of magnitude beyond the current experimental limit. 3) Scattering at such low neutrino energies has never been studied and any departure from the expected behavior may be an indication of new physics beyond the standard model. In this work we mainly focus on the various theoretical issues involved including a precise determination of the Weinberg angle at very low momentum transfer.Comment: 16 Pages, LaTex, 7 figures, talk given at NANP 2003, Dubna, Russia, June 23, 200

    Entanglement and the SU(2) phase states in atomic systems

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    We show that a system of 2n identical two-level atoms interacting with n cavity photons manifests entanglement and that the set of entangled states coincides with the so-called SU(2) phase states. In particular, violation of classical realism in terms of the GHZ and GHSH conditions is proved. We discuss a new property of entanglement expressed in terms of local measurements. We also show that generation of entangled states in the atom-photon systems under consideration strongly depends on the choice of initial conditions and that the parasitic influence of cavity detuning can be compensated through the use of Kerr medium.Comment: 10 pages, 1 figur

    Tendency to Maximum Complexity in a Non-Equilibrium Isolated System

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    The time evolution equations of a simplified isolated ideal gas, the "tetrahe- dral" gas, are derived. The dynamical behavior of the LMC complexity [R. Lopez-Ruiz, H. L. Mancini, and X. Calbet, Phys. Lett. A 209, 321 (1995)] is studied in this system. In general, it is shown that the complexity remains within the bounds of minimum and maximum complexity. We find that there are certain restrictions when the isolated "tetrahedral" gas evolves towards equilibrium. In addition to the well-known increase in entropy, the quantity called disequilibrium decreases monotonically with time. Furthermore, the trajectories of the system in phase space approach the maximum complexity.Comment: 22 pages, 0 figures. Published in Phys. Rev. E 63, 066116(9) (2001

    All-Versus-Nothing Proof of Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen Steering

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    Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen steering is a form of quantum nonlocality intermediate between entanglement and Bell nonlocality. Although Schr\"odinger already mooted the idea in 1935, steering still defies a complete understanding. In analogy to "all-versus-nothing" proofs of Bell nonlocality, here we present a proof of steering without inequalities rendering the detection of correlations leading to a violation of steering inequalities unnecessary. We show that, given any two-qubit entangled state, the existence of certain projective measurement by Alice so that Bob's normalized conditional states can be regarded as two different pure states provides a criterion for Alice-to-Bob steerability. A steering inequality equivalent to the all-versus-nothing proof is also obtained. Our result clearly demonstrates that there exist many quantum states which do not violate any previously known steering inequality but are indeed steerable. Our method offers advantages over the existing methods for experimentally testing steerability, and sheds new light on the asymmetric steering problem.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures. Accepted in Sci. Re