5 research outputs found


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    Purpose of the study: The urgency of the problem under study is due to the need to ensure the substantial unity of the two stages of vocational education: undergraduate and graduate. In connection with the increase in the proportion and importance of independent learning activities of students, the problem of self-regulation and self-control of students in the organization of this process and the provision of conditions for the formation of educational autonomy of bachelors and undergraduates from the side of university teachers becomes more acute. The aim of the article is to determine the principles and effective technologies of organizing activities for the formation of the educational autonomy of students in a two-level education. Methodology: The leading principles of the study were the principles of human-like education and student-centered education. Results: The authors formulated the principles, presented copyright technology to ensure the educational autonomy of students. The results of the use of the technological complex in the framework of the educational activities of physical culture students are indicated. The created scientific and methodological complex allowed to improve the level of self-organization and self-government of students in educational activities. Applications of this study: Materials may be applied to solve a wide range of vocational education tasks. The results of the study may be applied by teachers of higher education in order to develop the professional creativity of students and the formation of their professional identity. Novelty/Originality of this study: The problem of the formation of the educational autonomy of students is exacerbated in the conditions of modern higher education due to the increasing proportion of independent work of students and the possibilities of an open educational environment. The originality of the research lies in the development of technology for the use of anthropic educational technologies, focused more on students' activities, rather than regulating the activities of university teachers

    Tecnología para la formación temprana de resistencia al estrés en el sistema de prevención de la mala adaptación escolar de alumnos de primer grado

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    The relevance of the stated problem of the crisis of 6-7-year old’s is dictated by the recently growing tendency to bring back children to preschool institutions after a short period at school by parents who notice the child’s painful condition associated with school maladaptation. In this regard, many researchers and practicing educators recommend reviewing the start dates for children at school so that the child starts school at the age of seven. Other teachers notice a significant increase in the work load on primary schoolchildren connected to the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard for Primary General Education and the corresponding forms of control and assessment activities. Thus, there was a need to develop new technologies to preserve the health of younger students and allow them to overcome the crisis of the onset of education. The purpose of this article is to describe the developed technology aimed at helping 6-7-year old to overcome the age crisis and prevent school maladaptation with the help of early formation of stress tolerance. The main method in the study is the design of a technology for early formation of stress tolerance and prediction of the results of its implementation in the experimental groups of 6-7-year-old children. The technology is based on the principles of continuity of the educational process between preschool educational organizations and schools. With the implementation of the developed technology the following results were achieved: increased motivation for success and higher somatic health level manifested in sport and creative activities. The above-mentioned results in their turn contributed to crisis prevention, school deprivation of first graders and comfortable overcoming of the crisis of 6-7 year olds. The materials of the article can be useful to organizers of sport and creative activities in preschool educational institutions, educators of preparatory groups, teachers, methodologists in preschool and primary education, as well as physical education teachers and primary school teachers. The materials of the article can be used in the system of advanced training of teachers of physical education and elementary school, as well as in the preparation for professional activities in preschool educational institutions and elementary schools of students of teacher training colleges and universities.La relevancia del problema declarado de la crisis de los niños de 6 a 7 años está dictada por la tendencia cada vez mayor de traer a los niños a las instituciones preescolares después de un corto período en la escuela por parte de los padres que notan la condición dolorosa del niño asociada con la mala adaptación escolar. En este sentido, muchos investigadores y educadores en ejercicio recomiendan revisar las fechas de inicio de los niños en la escuela para que el niño comience la escuela a la edad de siete años. Otros maestros notan un aumento significativo en la carga de trabajo de los escolares de primaria relacionados con la introducción del Estándar Educativo del Estado Federal para la Educación General Primaria y las formas correspondientes de actividades de control y evaluación. Por lo tanto, era necesario desarrollar nuevas tecnologías para preservar la salud de los estudiantes más jóvenes y permitirles superar la crisis del inicio de la educación. El propósito del artículo es describir la tecnología desarrollada destinada a ayudar a niños de 6 a 7 años a superar la crisis de la edad y prevenir la mala adaptación escolar con la ayuda de la formación temprana de tolerancia al estrés. El método principal en el estudio es el diseño de una tecnología para la formación temprana de tolerancia al estrés y la predicción de los resultados de su implementación en los grupos experimentales de niños de 6-7 años. La tecnología se basa en los principios de continuidad del proceso educativo entre las organizaciones educativas preescolares y las escuelas. Con la implementación de la tecnología desarrollada se lograron los siguientes resultados: mayor motivación para el éxito y un mayor nivel de salud somática manifestado en actividades deportivas y creativas. Los resultados mencionados a su vez contribuyeron a la prevención de crisis, la privación escolar de los alumnos de primer grado y la superación cómoda de la crisis de los niños de 6 a 7 años. Los materiales del artículo pueden ser útiles para los organizadores de actividades deportivas y creativas en instituciones educativas preescolares, educadores de grupos preparatorios, maestros, metodólogos en educación preescolar y primaria, así como maestros de educación física y maestros de primaria. Los materiales del artículo se pueden utilizar en el sistema de formación avanzada de docentes de educación física y primaria, así como en la preparación de actividades profesionales en instituciones educativas preescolares y escuelas primarias de estudiantes de escuelas de formación de docentes y universidades

    Ecosistema de información relacionado con el monitoreo del estilo de vida saludable de los adultos

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    This article discusses the problem of providing adults with reliable, relevant and timely information that allows them to organize their activities: the regime of work and rest in accordance with the goals of a healthy lifestyle and health correction. The goal is to determine the criteria and components of an information resource that will be adequate to the goals of keeping health of adults. The leading approaches to the health care mass media research are: structural-analytical, personality-oriented and cultural approaches. Research methods: analysis and synthesis of scientific and methodological literature and the information environment on the problems of the population health improving and methods of mathematical data processing. The article presents the results of determining the criteria for monitoring the information ecosystem on a healthy lifestyle, among these criteria the following were identified: the scientific validity of information, targeting, social significance and dialogue. Also, data portals that contribute to the solution of certain tasks of the adult population health improving were identified. The authors designed and implemented the informational and educational portal “3 youth” which is aimed at the integrated implementation of the basic health-improving needs of the adult population, taking into account the interconnection of health components: physical, mental, social. The results proving the effectiveness of using the authors' portal to ensure a healthy lifestyle for adults are presented and discussed. The article will be useful to adults who want to lead a healthy lifestyle with the support of the information resources, teachers and trainers working with people of mature age. This article is also useful for teachers of the Faculty of Physical Education who plan to promote a healthy lifestyle among different age categories.Este artículo analiza el problema de proporcionar a los adultos información confiable, relevante y oportuna que les permita organizar sus actividades: el régimen de trabajo y descanso de acuerdo con los objetivos de un estilo de vida saludable y la corrección de la salud. El objetivo es determinar los criterios y componentes de un recurso de información que será adecuado para los objetivos de mantener la salud de los adultos. Los enfoques principales para la investigación de los medios de comunicación de atención médica son: enfoques estructural-analíticos, orientados a la personalidad y culturales. Métodos de investigación: análisis y síntesis de la literatura científica y metodológica y el entorno de información sobre los problemas de mejora de la salud de la población y métodos de procesamiento de datos matemáticos. El artículo presenta los resultados de la determinación de los criterios para monitorear el ecosistema de información en un estilo de vida saludable, entre estos criterios se identificaron los siguientes: la validez científica de la información, la focalización, la importancia social y el diálogo. Además, se identificaron portales de datos que contribuyen a la solución de ciertas tareas de mejora de la salud de la población adulta. Los autores diseñaron e implementaron el portal informativo y educativo "3 jóvenes" que está dirigido a la implementación integrada de las necesidades básicas de mejora de la salud de la población adulta, teniendo en cuenta la interconexión de los componentes de salud: física, mental y social. Se presentan y discuten los resultados que prueban la efectividad del uso del portal de los autores para garantizar un estilo de vida saludable para los adultos. El artículo será útil para adultos que desean llevar un estilo de vida saludable con el apoyo de los recursos de información, maestros y formadores que trabajan con personas de edad madura. Este artículo también es útil para los maestros de la Facultad de Educación Física que planean promover un estilo de vida saludable entre las diferentes categorías de edad. El portal también será útil en el sistema de educación profesional adicional de instructores y entrenadores de fitness. La novedad de la investigación del autor consiste en la aplicación de enfoques metodológicos y criterios con base científica para monitorear el ecosistema de información relacionado con la organización de un estilo de vida saludable para adultos; en el desarrollo y prueba de un portal de información que resuelve un complejo de tareas para garantizar un estilo de vida saludable para los adulto

    Заболеваемость, инвалидность и смертность от болезней органов дыхания в Российской Федерации (2015–2019)

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    Respiratory diseases (RD) represent one of the most urgent issues in Russian health care and have high socio-economic significance.The aim. To study the dynamics of total morbidity and mortality in the Russian Federation, as well as the mortality associated with RD in the working-age population in 2015 – 2019.Methods. The official statistical data of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation and the Federal State Statistics Service were analyzed.Results. In 2019, the total RD-associated morbidity increased by 5.4%, and the prevalence of pneumonia increased by 29.0% compared to 2015. In 5 federal districts (FD), the morbidity exceeded the average Russian morbidity in 2019 (40,694.7). The maximum level was observed in the North-Western FD (50,224.1). The prevalence of pneumonia (Russia – 524.4) in 4 FDs exceeded the average Russian prevalence. The maximum level was reported in the Far Eastern FD (749.2 cases per 100 thousand of the total population). The RD-associated mortality rate in Russia was 51.8 cases per 100 thousand in 2015 and 41.6 cases per 100 thousand in 2018 (–19.7%). In 2018, the highest RD-associated mortality was observed in the Siberian FD (68.0) and Far Eastern FD (57.8 per 100 thousand people). From January to December 2019, the highest mortality associated with pneumonia in the working-age population was observed in the Far Eastern FD (28.2 per 100 thousand people). The RD-associated mortality rate in the male population was 4.2 times higher than in the female population (26.7 and 6.3, respectively, per 100 thousand persons of matching age).Conclusion. The highest morbidity was found in 2018 and 2019 in the Northwestern FD and Far Eastern FD. The RD-associated mortality in the Siberian FD and Far Eastern FD exceeded the average Russian values. This last observation requires additional research to improve the quality of medical care.Одной из наиболее актуальных социально-экономических проблем российского здравоохранения являются болезни органов дыхания (БОД).Целью исследования явилось изучение динамики показателей заболеваемости и смертности от БОД в Российской Федерации за 2015–2019 гг., в т. ч. лиц трудоспособного возраста.Материалы и методы. Для анализа использована официальная статистическая информация Министерства здравоохранения Российской Федерации и Федеральной службы государственной статистики.Результаты. По сравнению с 2015 г. общая заболеваемость (ОЗ) БОД в 2019 г. увеличилась на 5,4%, пневмониями – на 29,0 %. Превышение среднероссийского уровня ОЗ БОД (40 694,7 случая на 100 тыс.) в 2019 г. отмечено в 5 федеральных округах (ФО), максимальный показатель (50 224,1 случая на 100 тыс.) – в Северо-Западном ФО, а пневмонией (в целом по Российской Федерации – 524,4 случая на 100 тыс.) – в 4 ФО, максимальный уровень (749,2 случая на 100 тыс.) – в Дальневосточном ФО. Показатель смертности (ПС) от БОД в 2015 г. в России составлял 51,8, а в 2018 г. – 41,6 (–19,7 %) случая на 100 тыс. Наиболее высокие ПС от БОД в 2018 г. отмечались в Сибирском (68,0) и Дальневосточном (57,8 случая на 100 тыс.) ФО. Среди трудоспособного населения за период с января по декабрь 2019 г. наиболее высокий уровень ПС от пневмонии отмечался в Дальневосточном ФО (28,2 на 100 тыс. лиц трудоспособного возраста). ПС мужского населения от БОД был в 4,2 раза выше по сравнению с женским (26,7 и 6,3 соответственно на 100 тыс. лиц соответствующего возраста).Заключение. Наиболее высокие уровни заболеваемости населения в 2018 и 2019 гг. отмечались в Северо-Западном и Дальневосточном ФО, а превышение ПС от БОД – в Сибирском и Дальневосточном ФО. Для повышения качества медицинской помощи требуется дополнительное изучение

    Monte Carlo Simulation of Linear Polymer Thermal Depolymerization under Isothermal and Dynamic Modes

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    Kinetics of linear polymer thermal depolymerization under isothermal and dynamic TGA modes was simulated by the Monte Carlo method. The simulation was carried out on model arrays having the same initial degree of polymerization =100 and different width (polydispersity index, PDI=/=1∼3) at three constant temperatures and five heating rates. Kinetics of the process in both modes is described by the Avrami equation, the exponent in which decreasing as the distribution width increases. Treatment of the model kinetic curves of degradation using the nonlinear regression method by the Avrami equation, under both isothermal and dynamic modes, gives correct activation energy and pre-exponential factor values independently of the initial PDI. Data obtained in the dynamic mode were also treated by two isoconversion methods, widely applied to kinetic analysis of TGA curves (Flynn-Wall-Ozawa method and Kissinger-Akahira-Sunose (KAS) method)