35 research outputs found
On the determination of the earthquake slip distribution via linear programming techniques
The description that one can have of the seismic source is the mani-
festation of an imagined model, obviously outlined from Physic Theories
and supported by mathematical methods. In that context, the modelling
of earthquake rupture consists in finding values of the parameters of the
selected physics-mathematical model, through which it becomes possible
to reproduce numerically the records of earthquake effects on the Earths
surface. We present and test a Linear Programming (LP) inversion in dual
form, for reconstructing the kinematics of the rupture of large earthquakes
through space-time seismic slip distribution on finite faults planes
A New Approach to the Regulator Design Problem
The authors introduce a new method for the analytical regulator design problem. The method is based on a theory of weak asymptotic stability for differential inclusions and yields some new algorithmic techniques
Extended Seismic Source Characterisation using Linear Programming Inversion in a Dual Formulation
A linear programming (LP) inversion method in a dual formulation was applied to reconstruct the kinematics of
finite seismic ruptures. In a general setting, this approach can yield results from several data sets: strong ground
motion, teleseismic waveforms or/and geodesic data (static deformation). The dual formulation involves the
transformation of a normal solution space into an equivalent but reduced space: the dual space. The practical
result of this transformation is a simpler inversion problem that is therefore faster to resolve, more stable and
more robust. The developed algorithm includes a forward problem that calculates Green’s functions using a
finite differences method with a 3D structure model. To evaluate the performance of this algorithm, we applied it
to the reconstitution of a realistic slip distribution model from a data set synthesised using this model, i.e., the
solution of the forward problem. Several other standard inversion approaches were applied to the same synthetic
data for comparison
Multi-objective water allocation in the Alqueva Region
Alqueva dam in the Alentejo Region was developed to solve water scarcity in
the South ofPortugal and to ensure pennanent availability ofwater for household
and industrial consumption, irrigation, production of electric energy, ecological
and environrnental purposes. Competition among some ofthese multiple
water uses requires an integrated management framework. This paper uses
Interactive Decision Maps (IDM) technique to explore and achieve efficient
and equitable water allocation combinations taking into account those multipIe
goals and principIes of good water govemance. Results show that multiple
water uses do constrain full economic impact for agriculture and suggest that
integrated management frameworks and policies are needed at regional territoriallevel
to reach a compromise between competing economic, social and
environrnental goals and achieve project global development benefits
Numerical approaches in a problem of management of hydroelectric resources
In this paper we consider a simpli ed model for a system of hydro-electric power stations with reversible
turbines. The objective of our work is to obtain the optimal pro t of power production satisfying restric-
tions on the water level in the reservoirs. Two di erent numerical approaches are applied and compared.
These approaches centers on a global optimization technique (Chen-Burer algorithm) and on a Projection
Estimation Re nement method (Bushenkov' PER method) used to reduce the dimension of the problem.This work has been partially supported by the EU 7th Framework Prog. [FP7-PEOPLE-2010-ITN] grant agr.64735-SADCO, FCT project PTDC/EEA-CRO/116014/2009 and project FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER-028894, Ref.FCT PTDC/EEI-AUT/1450/201