830 research outputs found

    Optimisation and Just-in-Time

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    Arranging production activities to fit in with other construction activities is one of the basic ideas of the Just-in-Time approach. In the construction industry it has never been very fully applied. This is a mistake [1]. Construction works, particularly expensive parts of them, are a field where the approach can be and should be applied

    Dynamic Simulations in Cost and Time Estimation of the Construction Process

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    This paper describes a model which is able to simulate the costs and the duration of construction for a building project. The model predicts the set of expected costs and the duration of the project depending on input parameters such as production rate, scope of the work, the time schedule, bonding conditions, maximum and minimum deviations from the scope of the work, and the production rate. Clients are able to make proper decisions concerning the time and cost schedules of their investments.

    Significance of SMEs in the Czech Economy and Supporting SMEs as an Instrument of the Regional Development

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    SMEs (Small and Medium Enterprises) are important segments of the economic landscape of the Czech Republic, since half of economic production is attributable to SMEs (52.85 %). The role of SMEs in the Czech Republic is the outcome of a long history of economic development and industrialization throughout the 20th century. Large enterprises prefer to locate their factories according to range of regional opportunities. Small enterprises are more dependent on business conditions in their region. The transaction costs are relatively high for small firms. These contraints mean that regions without an attractive environment for business need to create acceptable conditions for small businesses, if they are looking for sustainable development

    Effective Dielectric Tensor for Electromagnetic Wave Propagation in Random Media

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    We derive exact strong-contrast expansions for the effective dielectric tensor \epeff of electromagnetic waves propagating in a two-phase composite random medium with isotropic components explicitly in terms of certain integrals over the nn-point correlation functions of the medium. Our focus is the long-wavelength regime, i.e., when the wavelength is much larger than the scale of inhomogeneities in the medium. Lower-order truncations of these expansions lead to approximations for the effective dielectric constant that depend upon whether the medium is below or above the percolation threshold. In particular, we apply two- and three-point approximations for \epeff to a variety of different three-dimensional model microstructures, including dispersions of hard spheres, hard oriented spheroids and fully penetrable spheres as well as Debye random media, the random checkerboard, and power-law-correlated materials. We demonstrate the importance of employing nn-point correlation functions of order higher than two for high dielectric-phase-contrast ratio. We show that disorder in the microstructure results in an imaginary component of the effective dielectric tensor that is directly related to the {\it coarseness} of the composite, i.e., local volume-fraction fluctuations for infinitely large windows. The source of this imaginary component is the attenuation of the coherent homogenized wave due to scattering. We also remark on whether there is such attenuation in the case of a two-phase medium with a quasiperiodic structure.Comment: 40 pages, 13 figure

    Long-range memory model of trading activity and volatility

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    Earlier we proposed the stochastic point process model, which reproduces a variety of self-affine time series exhibiting power spectral density S(f) scaling as power of the frequency f and derived a stochastic differential equation with the same long range memory properties. Here we present a stochastic differential equation as a dynamical model of the observed memory in the financial time series. The continuous stochastic process reproduces the statistical properties of the trading activity and serves as a background model for the modeling waiting time, return and volatility. Empirically observed statistical properties: exponents of the power-law probability distributions and power spectral density of the long-range memory financial variables are reproduced with the same values of few model parameters.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figure