3,626 research outputs found

    Entropy and Poincar\'e recurrence from a geometrical viewpoint

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    We study Poincar\'e recurrence from a purely geometrical viewpoint. We prove that the metric entropy is given by the exponential growth rate of return times to dynamical balls. This is the geometrical counterpart of Ornstein-Weiss theorem. Moreover, we show that minimal return times to dynamical balls grow linearly with respect to its length. Finally, some interesting relations between recurrence, dimension, entropy and Lyapunov exponents of ergodic measures are given.Comment: 11 pages, revised versio

    Avaliação preliminar de populações de cenoura para reação à mistura populacional de Meloidogyne incognita raça 1 e Meloidogyne javanica.

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    Influence of the SSBI mitigation on the in-band crosstalk tolerance of virtual carrier-assisted DD multi-band OFDM metro networks

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    In this work, the tolerance to in-band crosstalk of virtual carrier (VC)-assisted direct detection (DD) multi-band orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (MB-OFDM) metro networks, with and without signal-to-signal beat interference (SSBI) mitigation, is compared numerically for 4-ary, 16-ary and 64-ary quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) formats in the OFDM subcarriers. Our results show that the tolerance to in-band crosstalk is improved for lower modulation format orders. The tolerance to in-band crosstalk of DD OFDM receivers considering 4-QAM modulation format at the DD OFDM subcarriers is above 14 dB higher than the one obtained for the 64-QAM modulation format, regardless the receiver configuration. We have also shown that, the tolerance to in-band crosstalk for a given modulation format order depends on the difference between the virtual carrier-to-band power ratio (VBPR) of the selected and interfering signals, as interferers with same VBPR as the selected signal leads to equal tolerance to in-band crosstalk, independently from the DD OFDM receiver configuration and the subcarrier modulation format order considered.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Tolerance to in-band crosstalk of virtual carrier-assisted direct detection multi-band OFDM system

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    The tolerance to in-band crosstalk of virtual carrier (VC)-assisted direct detection (DD) multi-band orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (MB-OFDM) system is assessed numerically through Monte-Carlo simulation and considering a single interferer. The influence of the virtual carrier-to-band power ratio (VBPR) and the virtual carrier-to-band gap (VBG) of the interferer on the in-band tolerance is also studied. We show that, for interferers with the same VBG as the selected signal, the increase of the VBPR of the interferer leads to lower optical signal-to-noise ratio (OSNR) penalties. The increase of the VBG of the interferer with central frequency different from the selected signal also leads to lower OSNR penalties. When the central frequencies of the interferer and selected bands are the same, the variation VBG of the interferer can lead to 11 dB less tolerance to in-band crosstalk of the VC-assisted DD OFDM system.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Reação de cultivares de cenoura a meloidogyne incognita raça 1 e Meloidogyne mayaguensis.

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    Genetic diversity in soybean germplasm identified by SSR and EST-SSR markers.

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    Os objetivos deste trabalho foram avaliar a diversidade genética de 79 acessos de soja de diferentes regiões do mundo, agrupá-los de acordo com a similaridade e testar a correlação entre os dois tipos de marcadores utilizados. Foram utilizados marcadores microssatélites genômicos (SSR) e funcionais (EST-SSR). Trinta pares de primers SSR foram selecionados (20 genômicos e 10 EST-SSR) de acordo com sua distribuição nos 20 grupos de ligação da soja, com sua unidade de repetição trinucleotídica e com seu conteúdo de informação polimórfica. Todos os lócus analisados foram polimórficos, e 259 alelos foram encontrados. O número de alelos por lócus variou entre 2?21, com média de 8,63. Os acessos possuem uma quantidade significativa de alelos raros, sendo os acessos 19, 35, 63 e 65 os que apresentaram maior número de alelos exclusivos. Os acessos 75 e 79 são os mais similares e os acessos 31 e 35, e 40 e 78 são os mais divergentes. Foi observada baixa correlação entre resultados de SSR e EST-SSR. Portanto, uma análise adequada de diversidade em soja deve ser feita utilizando-se tanto marcadores microssatélites genômicos como funcionais. A diversidade genética dos acessos selecionados é alta, tendo sido encontrados cinco grupos e vários subgrupos. Observou-se moderada relação entre divergência genética e origem geográfica dos acessos

    Inter-core crosstalk dependence on design parameters in coherent detection weakly-coupled multicore fiber systems

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    We assess, through numerical simulation, the dependence of the variance of the inter-core crosstalk (ICXT) and the maximum allowable ICXT level on the design parameters of coherent detection MCF systems. The analysed design parameters are the order of the quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) signals, roll-off factor, time misalignment between the signal in different cores and skew between cores. The results show that, when the roll-off factor is 0, the maximum allowable ICXT level is independent of the skew and decreases for higher QAM orders. For a roll-off factor of 1, the maximum allowable ICXT level depends on the skew and time misalignment of core signals. In this case, the maximum allowable ICXT level increases by 3.6 dB relative to the case of roll-off factor of 0 with null skew, and by 2 dB, when the skew is much higher than the symbol period.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Impact of inter-core crosstalk on the performance of multi-core fibers-based SDM systems with coherent detection

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    Inter-core crosstalk (ICXT) can limit the multi-core fiber (MCF) systems performance and transmission reach. Over the last years, the impact of the ICXT on the performance of MCF optical communication systems with coherent detection has been investigated in several works. However, the influence of the MCF parameters and transmitted signal characteristics on the ICXT mechanism and the degradation induced by it on the performance of coherent detection MCF systems are still to be completely assessed. In this work, the impact of the ICXT on the performance of coherent detection MCF-based transmission systems is assessed through numerical simulation considering fiber linear propagation. The metrics used to assess the MCF system performance are the bit error rate (BER) and the optical signal-to-noise ratio (OSNR) penalty due to the ICXT. Our results show that the BER and the OSNR penalty due to the detected ICXT, in MCF-based systems with coherent detection, are influenced by the s kew, time misalignment between the transmitted signals and the roll-off factor of the transmitted signals. In the range of skew and roll-off factors analyzed, the maximum reduction of maximum ICXT level for a 1 dB OSNR penalty by appropriate choice of skew and roll-off factor does not exceed 1.7 dB.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Reação de genótipos de cebola a mancha-púrpura (Alternaria porri).

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a resistência de genótipos de cebola a mancha-púrpura no campo. Foram avaliados 64 genótipos (cultivares, populações e linhagens do programa de melhoramento de cebola da Embrapa) em sistema convencional de cultivo. Como testemunha resistente foi utilizada a população CNPH 6342 e como testemunha suscetível a linha macho-fértil 420B.bitstream/item/84970/1/bpd-98.pd
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