45 research outputs found

    Study of social network interference of memory processes in adolescence

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    Memory is the fundamental basis of human learning. Conceptual assessment and study of the memory mechanisms, its formation, consolidation and preservation at different levels of the structural and functional organization of the nervous system constitutes the necessary knowledge for solving many problems of practical and fundamental psychology. This article presents the study of memory, namely the process of its transition from a short-term to a more stable long-term form in a digital environment under the influence of the interference factor of social networks. The aim of the work is to study the influence of the social network interference factor on the processes of consolidation and reconsolidation of memory in adolescence. The total sample size was 68 adolescents aged 12–17 years. The authors conducted an experiment to achieve this goal. Its results showed that adolescents have difficulty remembering information in the form of short, successive videos in the digital space. It was found that videos that are characterized not only by visual accompaniment, but also by speech production are subject to better memorization. Under the influence of the interfering factor of social networks, adolescents faced difficulties in linking individual elements of stimuli with each other – they connected elements of one video with elements of another. According to one of the provisions of the theory of interference, information storage is characterized by the “unbinding” of representations of objects, followed by their reverse linking in an arbitrary combination during further reproduction

    The reciprocal organization of constructive activity in drug addiction

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    The urgency of the problem stated in the article is caused by the fact that modern scientific studies show that sustainable neuro-associative connections with the object of addiction arise at chemical addiction. The aim of this study is to examine the features of the reciprocal organization of constructive activities in drug addiction. Study of the constructive activity of patients with drug addiction in comparison with the group in norm was carried out by using the experimental method. The study found a decrease of constructive activity in drug addiction by the characteristics of performance pace and accuracy, regulated by reciprocal and auditory-motor coordination, which, in turn, are also significantly reduced. Reciprocal organization in drug addiction is characterized by impaired proprioceptive kinesthetic afferentation of motor act at safety of outer space organization of movements, lack of differentiation and low handling of movements, movement program disorders, as well as the

    Specific features of memory consolidation and reconsolidation in older individuals with vision and hearing impairments

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    This study aimed to specify this issue by analyzing memory consolidation and reconsolidation processes in older people with sensory deficit


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    Background. Pyridines are one of the most common heterocycles, the derivatives of which are widely used in pharmaceuticals, agrochemistry, and also in the production of new materials. Therefore, a comprehensive study of the chemical behavior of various pyridine derivatives will continue to be an urgent task of organic chemistry. This literature review is devoted to the systematization and analysis of the chemical properties of pyridine nitro derivatives, starting from the first half of the 20th century and up to the present. The paper considers both reactions proceeding through the nitro group (reduction under the action of various chemical agents, substitution, condensation) and reactions through the pyridine cycle. The main areas of application of nitropyridines are also shown. Purpose. Generalize and systematize the main types of reactions characteristic of nitropyridines, show the features of their chemical properties associated with the transformation of the nitro group, its effect on the mobility of substituents in the pyridine ring, as well as on the activity of the heterocycle as a whole. Materials and methods. To achieve the goal of the study, a review of the scientific literature was made on the main types of chemical reactions characteristic of pyridine nitro derivatives and the most significant areas of their application. Results. This paper summarizes the results of experimental studies on the chemical properties and application of nitropyridines from the beginning of the last century to the present. Conclusion. Thus, as a result of the analysis of sources devoted to the chemical properties and application of nitropyridines, a brief literature review was compiled, including the main types of reactions characteristic of the compounds under study, and their main areas of application were identified


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    By the end of the first decade of the 21st century, spondyloarthritis studies have accumulated a certain number of terms that are obsolete, but used by physicians in their everyday speech, on the one hand, and a great variety of different definitions, on the other hand. In January 2014, the first organizational meeting of the Expert Group on Spondyloarthritis, Association of Rheumatologists of Russia, decided that its primary task should be to order the terminology used in this area. The authors primarily collected the terms, which had been already used in medical vocabulary, and then divided them into two categories: obsolete definitions and terms to be finalized and unified. This publication gives guidelines for using the medical terms relevant to spondyloarthritis and separately discusses how to correctly write the term sacroiliitis

    Объективная оценка повреждающего действия глюкокортикоидов (индекс токсичности) у пациентов с системной красной волчанкой

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    Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a multisystem disease characterized by chronic inflammation and damage to vital organs and systems. Despite the great success achieved in the treatment of SLE, glucocorticoids (GC) remain one of the main methods of therapy. The GC toxicity index is an objective method for assessing adverse events associated with their use, and in future studies can be actively used to monitor the safety of various therapy regimens. Wider introduction of this index in the management of patients with SLE will allow to optimize approaches to the selection of GC doses, to consider earlier prescription of biologic disease modifying antirheumatic drugs, before the development of severe irreversible damage. Системная красная волчанка (СКВ) – мультисистемное заболевание, характеризующееся хроническим воспалением и повреждением жизненно важных органов и систем. Несмотря на большие успехи, достигнутые в лечении СКВ, глюкокортикоиды (ГК) остаются одним из основных методов ее терапии. Индекс токсичности ГК является объективным методом оценки нежелательных явлений, связанных с их применением, и в будущих исследованиях может активно использоваться для контроля безопасности различных режимов терапии. Более широкое внедрение данного индекса у пациентов с СКВ позволит оптимизировать подходы к подбору доз ГК, рассматривать более раннее назначение генно-инженерных биологических препаратов, до развития тяжелых необратимых повреждений.

    Use of anticoagulants and antiplatelet agents in stable outpatients with coronary artery disease and atrial fibrillation. International CLARIFY registry

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    Unification of assemblies and units of sophistic technical complexes and systems

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    Unification means homogeneity based on a rational reduction in the number of types, types, and dimensions of products) of the same functional purpose. In the standards, standardisation is reflected in the size series, from which the main technical characteristics and rational parameters are derived. In the existing literature, there are different interpretations of the concept of unification of machines, products, parts; the available formulations are not contradictory, but are not exhaustive, as they do not cover the full range of tasks solved by unification. A prerequisite for unification is the development and approval of a prospective series of types and dimensions of products of similar purpose. The prospective size range of similar products should be considered approved only if it is included in the current standard


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    The problem of pedagogical self-presentation directly concerns teachers of various levels. It is especially important for teachers of medical higher education institutions. Video lecture as an educational product is a means of self-presentation of pedagogical activities, therefore, it can be a product of expert evaluation. All the components of pedagogical mastery are integrated in selfpresentation and create the whole teacher’s image, which helps him (her) to realize the pedagogical goals. Pedagogical interaction, influence, pedagogical communication, pedagogical skills cannot be manifested by a teacher without the skills of self-presentation, both in direct communication and while using of electronic educational resources, in particular video lectures. Professional video lecture is not a pure record of an academic lecture, it is a complicated technical and methodical product, and a teacher is not only a lecturer but also a pedagogical designer and strategist. Universal criteria for assessing video lecture are its external, communicative and content components. Additional components are the interactive effects of educational video lecture. Self-presentation of a teacher, no matter in direct communication or via an electronic resource, is akin to performance presenting the best patterns of pedagogical practice to students


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    Despite the huge advantages of introducing a professional standard, a number of contradictions in the formation and development of a professional trajectory of medical university teacher’s activity were not avoided. These contradictions were caused by the lack of uniform universal competencies of a university teacher, the multiformity and diversity of existing competences, the lack of an approved National Qualifications Framework, which would serve as a regulating link between qualifications by education and professional qualifications. The ratio of the following blocks will be included in the competence model of medical school teacher: the level of professional and job status; the category of a teacher depending on the discipline being taught; competences (administrative-service, communicative, educational-methodical – general teaching, special professional). Teacher training programs should be modular, with a division into a universal module and a special module. The universal module can be used as a separate program, and it can be one of the modules of other professional development programs (aimed at developing general teaching competences). The special module is aimed at the formation and development of special professional pedagogical competences