115 research outputs found

    Creation of a new system of express air quality control in sea costal cities

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    With a problem it is abnormal high air pollution in a coastal zone (in comparison with continental industrial cities), increases in patients pulmonary and allergic diseases have already faced New York, Valetteis (an island Malta), a number of cities, including resort, the Mediterranean coast of Spain. One of the basic sources of toxic substances in air of seaside cities is sea the aerosol. For the purpose of air pollution forecasting in FGU ГОИН the system of monitoring of quality of air is created, a measuring basis of system is the measuring instrument of dispersion developed by us laser (ИДЛ-1)


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    The paper discusses promises for clinical use of substrate antihypoxants.Objective: to investigate the efficacy of succinate containing  substrate  antihypoxants  on  systemic  oxygen  consumption,  blood  buffer  capacity,  and  changes  in  the  mixed venous blood level of lactate when they are used in gravely sick patients and victims with marked metabolic posthypoxic disorders.Subjects and methods. The trial enrolled 30 patients and victims who had sustained an episode of severe hypoxia of mixed genesis, the severity of which was evaluated by the APACHE II scale and amounted to 23 to 30 scores with a 46 to 70.3% risk of death. The standard infusion program in this group involved the succinate-containing drug 1.5% reamberin solution  in  a  total  dose  of  800  ml.  A  comparison  group  included  15  patients  who  had  undergone  emergency  extensive surgery for abdominal diseases. 400 ml of 10% glucose solution was used as an infusion medium. Oxygen consumption (VO2ml/min) and carbon dioxide production (VCO2ml/min) were measured before infusion and monitored for 2 hours. Arterial blood gases and acid-base balance (ABB) parameters and mixed venous blood lactate levels were examined. Measurements were made before and 30 minutes after the infusion of reamberin or glucose solution.Results. Infusion of 1.5% reamberin solution was followed by a significant increase in minute oxygen consumption from 281.5±21.2 to 310.4±24.4 ml/min. CO2 production declined (on average, from 223.3±6.5 to 206.5±7.59 ml/min). During infusion of 10% glucose solution, all the patients of the comparison group showed a rise in oxygen consumption from 303.6±33.86 to 443.13±32.1 ml/min, i.e. about 1.5-fold. VCO2 changed similarly. The intravenous infusion of 800 ml of 1.5% reamberin solution raised arterial blood buffer capacity, which was reflected by changes in pH, BE, and HCO3. There was a clear trend for lactate values to drop in the mixed venous blood. The intravenous injection of 400 ml of 10% glucose solution caused no significant changes in major ABB indicators, which reinforced the statement that there is a difference in the metabolism of these substrates.Conclusion. The succinate-containing drugs are able to compensate for metabolic acidosis. Their use is followed by increased oxygen consumption  and  activated  aerobic  oxidation  processes.  The  basis  of  their  antihypoxant  properties  was  thought  to  be recovered intracellular aerobic metabolic processes due to corrected intracellular metabolic acidosis and increased blood  buffer capacity.В статье обсуждаются перспективы клинического применения субстратных антигипоксантов.Цель — изучить влияние сукцинат-содержащих субстратных антигипоксантов на системное потребление кислорода, буферную емкость крови, динамику содержания в смешанной венозной крови лактата при их применении у тяжелобольных и пострадавших с выраженными метаболическими постгипоксическими нарушениями.Материалы и методы. В исследование включили 30 больных и пострадавших, перенесших эпизод тяжелой гипоксии смешанного генеза, тяжесть состояния которых оценивали по шкале APACHE II, она составила от 23 до 30 баллов с риском летального исхода от 46 до 70,3%. В состав стандартной инфузионной программы этой группы был включен сукцинат-содержащий препарат — реамберин 1,5% в суммарной дозе 800 мл. Группа сравнения (n=15) была представлена больными, которым в экстренном порядке выполняли обширные операции по поводу заболеваний органов брюшной полости. В качестве инфузионной среды был использован 10% раствор глюкозы в количестве 400 мл. До начала инфузии, а затем в мониторном режиме на протяжении двух часов измеряли потребление O2(VO2мл/мин) и выделение CO2(VCO2мл/мин). Изучался газовый состав, параметры КОС артериальной крови, содержание лактата в смешанной венозной крови. Измерения проводили до начала инфузии раствора реамберина или глюкозы, а также через 30 минут после ее завершения.Результаты. Инфузия  1,5%  раствора  реамберина  сопровождалась  достоверным  увеличением минутного  потребления  кислорода  с 281,5±21,2 мл/мин до 310,4±24,4 мл/мин. Выделение CO2 при этом снизилось (в среднем с 223,3±6,5 до 206,5±7,59 мл/мин). У всех больных группы сравнения во время инфузии 10% раствора глюкозы наблюдали увеличение потребления кислорода с 303,6±33,86 до 443,13±32,1 мл/мин, то есть почти в 1,5 раза. Аналогичным образом изменилосьVCO2. Внутривенная инфузия 800 мл 1,5% раствора реамберина повышала буферную емкость артериальной крови, что проявлялось изменением PH, BE и HCO3. Отмечали явную тенденцию к снижению содержания лактата в смешанной венозной крови. При внутривенном введении 400 мл 10% раствора глюкозы достоверных изменений основных показателей КОС не отмечали, что подтверждает предположение о различии в метаболизме этих субстратов.Заключение.  Препараты,  содержащие  в  своем  составе  сукцинат,  способны  компенсировать  метаболический  ацидоз.  Их применение сопровождается увеличением потребления кислорода и активацией процессов аэробного окисления. Полагаем, что основу их антигипоксантных качеств составляет восстановление процессов внутриклеточного аэробного метаболизма благодаря коррекции внутриклеточного метаболического ацидоза и увеличения буферной емкости крови.

    Influence of sodium desoxyribonucleate on anti-infectious protection and hematopoiesis in patients with polytrauma (randomized prospective, double-blind, placebo-controlled study)

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    The  aim of the study was to evaluate  the effect of sodium  deoxyribonucleate on anti-infectious resistance and hematopoiesis in patients with polytraumas. A single-center study of sodium  deoxyribonucleate effectiveness approved by the local Ethics Committee (protocol No. 4 05/18/2016), was conducted in 54 patients with polytrauma. The  main  group  included 27 people, at the mean  age of 39 (29-51)  years old; ISS severity score,  26 (22-34). The  comparison group  comprised 27 people, mean  age,  40 years old (26-53), mean  ISS severity score was 25 points (20 to 29). The patients with randomly attributed even numbers were injected with 5 ml preparation from vials of even-numbered series, the patients with odd numbers were treated with preparation from the odd-numbered series. They were injected intramuscularly daily from day 1 to day 10 after the injury. Before treatment, as well as on days 8, 15 after injury, peripheral blood was examined for leukocyte, erythrocyte counts, hemoglobin, total  protein, blood  IL-6, CRP; proportion of CD117+  and  CD34+  mononuclear cells, CD14+ monocytes, CD14+ granulocytes, HLA-DR+  mononuclear cells, defensin + granulocytes.On  the  day  +8,   patients from  the  main  group,  against  the  comparison group  showed  an  increase   in lymphocytes, monocytes, CD117+ and CD34+ cell counts. Serum IL-6 and CRP were decreased in both groups of the patients to a similar  degree. Terms  of hospitalization in the main  group were 32.8 days, against  39.6 in comparison group. The number of complications per 1 case was, respectively, 21 versus 39, thus being 1.8 times less than  in comparison group.  When developing complications, anemia (Hb  < 90 g/l),  or hypoproteinaemia (< 60 g/l) in the main group was, respectively, 2.5and 3.5-fold  less than  in the comparison group.Treatment with sodium  deoxyribonucleate in polytrauma may promote migration of blood precursors to the bloodstream, increase anti-infectious properties of leukocytes, reduce duration of anemia and hypoproteinemia, number of complications and decrease the terms of hospitalization

    Surface Tension of Seawater

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    New measurements and a reference correlation for the surface tension of seawater at atmospheric pressure are presented in this paper. Surface tension of seawater was measured across a salinity range of 20 ⩽ S ⩽ 131 g/kg and a temperature range of 1 ⩽ t ⩽ 92 °C at atmospheric pressure using the Wilhelmy plate method. The uncertainty within measurements varied from 0.18 to 0.37 mN/m with the average uncertainty being 0.22 mN/m. The experimental procedures were validated with tests conducted on ACS reagent grade water and aqueous sodium chloride solutions. Literature data and present measurements were evaluated and a reference correlation was developed expressing surface tension of seawater as a function of temperature and salinity. The average absolute percentage deviation between measurements and the correlation was 0.19% while the maximum deviation was 0.60%.Center for Clean Water and Clean Energy at MIT and KFUPM (Project R13-CW-10

    Magnetic resonance spectroscopy of hippocampal and striatal neurometabolites in experimental PTSD rat modeling

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    The spectrum of the metabolites in the dorsal region of the hippocampus and striatum was studied using the method of 1H magnetic resonance spectroscopy at experimental modeling of the posttraumatic stress disorder syndrome (PTSD) in rats. PTSD was reproduced by exposure of the cat cue to rats daily along 10 day by 10 minutes at once. The anxiety level of animals was estimated 12 days later after the end of the experimental series of stress. Based on the anxiety index, the rats were divided into 3 phenotypes. The animals with an anxiety index > 0.8 (group 1) had lower plasma corticosterone compared with rats form the control group. In animals with an anxiety index in the range 0.7–0.8 (group 2), an elevated corticosterone level was noted. The rats with an anxiety index < 0.7 (group 3) had a lower plasma corticosterone level compared with animals from the control group. Rats of group 2 were characterized by an increased level of GABA in the hippocampus compared with controls. In the remaining groups, the percentages of GABA in the hippocampus and striatum did not differ significantly from the control. The distribution of NAA differed form that of GABA. The highest level of NAA was found in the striatum for rats from group 1, whereas NAA in animals form groups 1 or 3 did not differ from the control. The NAA level in the hippocampus was similar between all groups, including the control. The results obtained indicate that multiple exposures to psychological stress associated with the sense of proximity of a natural enemy in some animals cause an anxiolytic reaction. These animals are characterized by a stable corticosterone level and a stable level of neurometabolites in the studied structures of the brain. For rats with the highest level of anxiety, a lowered level of corticosterone with a constant level of neurometabolites in the hippocampus and striatum is characteristic. And only in rats with an intermediate level of anxiety, synchronization was observed between the increase in plasma corticosterone and the increase in hippocampal GABA content. The results obtained are in good agreement with the ideas of the protective action of glucocorticoids under PTSD manifested in  restraining violations of the psycho-physiological status. The mate rials allow the neurobiological mechanisms of the protective action of glucocorticoids to be detailed

    Anxiety and neurometabolite levels in the hippocampus and amygdala after prolonged exposure to predator-scent stress

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    Here, to study the relationship between anxiety levels with changes in the neurometabolic profile in the hippocampus and amygdala, an experimental predator stress model was reproduced in which Sprague-Dawley rats were exposed to cat urine for 10 minutes on a daily basis for 10 days. At the time of presentation of the stimulus, an online survey of behavioral reactions was conducted. Fear, aggressiveness, avoidance of stimulus and grooming were recorded. Fourteen days after the completion of the last stress exposure, the total level of anxiety was determined in the test of the“cross maze”. Using the method of in vivo NMR spectroscopy, the content of neurometabolites was determined in the hippocampus and in the amygdala. According to the peculiarities of behavioral reactions to a stressor, animals were retrospectively divided into two phenotypes. The first phenotype used a passive behavioral strategy, and the second phenotype was active. In animals of the first phenotype, the indicators of anxiety behavior remained at the control level. In animals of the second phenotype, a decrease in anxiety was observed. Animals of the second phenotype showed elevated levels of lactate in the hippocampus compared to animals of the first phenotype, and the lowest N-acetylaspartate levels significantly differed from those in the control and the first phenotype animals. In the amygdala, in animals of the second phenotype, the content of taurine is sharply reduced in comparison with those in the control and the animals of the first phenotype. Thus, the results obtained indicate a relationship of post-stress changes in anxiety, with the peculiarities of the behavioral reactions presented at the moment of the immediate action of the stressor. Among the hippocampal and amygdala neurometabolites, the most informative for the characterization of the anxiolytic action of the predator stress are identified

    A case report of surgical treatment of amiodarone-induced thyrotoxicosis in a patient with multiple organ failure

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    Amiodarone is a drug used in the treatment of life-threatening arrhythmias, which can lead to the development of amiodarone-induced thyrotoxicosis. In most cases this pathology can be treated by conservative methods; surgical treatment is resorted to in cases of thyrotoxicosis refractory to medical treatment. This case report describes surgical treatment of a patient with amiodarone-induced thyrotoxicosis, progressive heart failure, neurological pathology, bilateral pneumonia, functioning tracheostomy, systemic infectious process, multiple organ dysfunction syndrome, who was treated in the intensive care unit. Due to the lack of response to therapy with antithyroid drugs (thiamazole, lithium preparations and pulse therapy with prednisolone) and a progressive deterioration of the condition in a short period of time, according to vital indicators, the patient underwent thyroidectomy. In the postoperative period, there was a decrease in the occurrence of chronic heart failure symptoms. Medical control of cardiac arrhythmias was achieved. Surgical stage proceeded without complications in the period of 30-days. The patient was discharged for outpatient rehabilitation treatment