5 research outputs found

    Results of the post flash-flood disaster investigations in the Transylvanian Depression (Romania) during the last decade (2001–2010)

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    Flash-flood disasters are very rare in the Transylvanian Depression. In the last decades just three events were signalled in the study area, all of them during the last 10 years. The flash floods occurring in the study area during the last decade had a significant impact on several localities situated at the Transylvanian Depression border. Based on the post flash-flood investigation, the present study intends to find out the main characteristics of the flash floods and the causes that have led to disasters in a region rarely affected by such kinds of events. Analyzing the hydrological data, it has been seen that the maximum intensity of the flash floods was observed in the upper and middle basins. By comparing the unit peak discharges from the studied region with other specific peak discharges related to the significant flash floods from Romania, it was noticed that the events from the Transylvanian Depression have moderate to low intensity. On the other hand, the results showed that besides high stream power and unexpected character common to flash floods, the inappropriate flood risk management measures increased the dimension of the negative effects, leading to tens of lives lost and economical damages of tens of millions of dollars


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    There are many possibilities to assess the hydrological and geomorphological evolution of a territory. Among them, one remarks the confluence ratio of the rivers belonging to different catchment areas. The values of this indicator may provide information regarding the stage of evolution of the fluvial landforms in the Transylvanian Basin. Also, the values may serve for the calculation of other parameters of catchment areas like: the degree of finishing of the drainage basin for its corresponding order, the density of river segments within a catchment area etc. To calculate the confluence ratio, 35 catchment areas of different orders have been selected. The confluence ratio varies between 3.04 and 6.07. The large range of values demonstrates the existence of a heterogeneous lithology and of morphological and hydrographical contrasts from one catchment area to the other. The existence of values above 5, correlated also with observations in the field, reveals an accelerated dynamics of the geomorphological processes in those catchment areas. This dynamic is mainly supported by the high landform fragmentation due to the first order rivers. In contrast, the catchment areas that have a confluence ratio below 5 are in a more advanced stage of evolution with stable slopes, unable to initiate new first order river segments


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    Dynamics of Brâglez Riverbed (Someşan Plateau). The main left tributaries of Someş along Surduc – Jibou sector (Brâglez, Almaş and Agrij), are characterized by the presence of obvious processes of lateral and vertical erosion at the level of the riverbeds. The field observations, as well as the position of these rivers and their catchment areas in the neighborhood of the lower Someş subsidence area, would easily be grounds for explaining the riverbed processes as caused by an unstable fluvial base level. More precisely, this base level would be moving downwards under the influence of subsidence movements of Tisa Plain or even because of the subsidence affecting Guruslău Basin. Starting from these more or less speculative deductions, this paper aims at checking and confirming the above-mentioned explanations or finding other causes for the dynamics of riverbed processes. In this sense, we analysed a correlation between the drainage in the catchment area and at the level of the riverbeds, on one hand, and the riverbed geomorphological processes, on the other hand. Brâglez River (in western Someşan Plateau) will be considered as a study case, as it provides an accelerated dynamics of riverbed processes. This situation will be compared with the one in the eastern part of the same plateau, where rivers like Borşa, Luna or Lujerdiu do not present obvious riverbed processes despite the similar climatic and geological conditions