33 research outputs found

    The development of Kondratieff’s theory of long waves: the place of the AI economy humanization in the ‘competencies-innovations-markets’ model

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    The motivation to conduct this study is related to the uncertainty of the impact of the AI economy on the economic cycle and the need to unlock the potential of Industry 4.0 in stabilizing the global economic system amid a series of crises. The article discusses the fundamental issues of the emergence of a new theory related to the evolution of Kondratieff waves in the context of modern drivers of long-term economic development (MANBRIC technologies), taking into account the acceleration of the development of innovations and competencies. The spiraling dynamics of the co-development of competencies and the expansion of new markets are shown, which makes it possible to transform the decline phase of the Kondratieff wave into a similar linear process of maintaining economic growth rates close to the existing ones. As a result, based on the authors’ model “competencies-innovations-markets”, it is proved that subject to humanization, the AI economy allows the reduction of the cyclical nature of the world economic system. The main idea of the article is to smooth out Kondratieff’s long waves due to the humanization of the AI economy. © 2023, The Author(s).RUDN UniversityThis paper has been supported by the RUDN University Strategic Academic Leadership Program

    The role of perennial grasses in creating a sustainable feed base by conveyor use

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    Currently, the most urgent task in improving the industry of feed production is the creation of green and raw materials conveyors, which will allow an uninterrupted supply of vegetable raw materials from early spring to late autumn for feeding farm animals and preparing high-quality feed. The research has shown that the most optimal time for mowing alfalfaclover-cereals mixtures with high fodder values is the budding phase - the start of flowering of legume grasses in the conveyor system with 10.6-15.2% of raw protein content in the crop. It was noted that the cultivation of meadow clover varieties of various ripening time mixed with a wide range of alfalfa and cereal grasses lead to the decrease in the effect of unfavorable weather conditions and to 15-20% increase in grass mixtures productivity. The article presents recommendations for the extension of the productive longevity of grass stands up to five years using mixtures with different ripening varieties of meadow clover and alfalfa with grass components of a new generation with productivity up to 32.8 t / ha of green mass.  According to the field test of 2013-2017, the article provides data on the green mass productivity of alfalfa-clover-cereals grass stands with the addition of early ripening varieties of grasses, which for two mowings averaged 29.4 t / ha in 2013-2014 and 30.1 t / ha in 2015-2017.  The methods of creating and using grass mixtures have been indicated, the best time for mowing has been defined by conveyor use of them in the Upper Volga region. The scheme of the green and raw materials conveyor with the use of differently ripening grass mixtures, consisting of new species and varieties of forage grasses of different periods of ripening, is given. It has been established that the use of legume-grass mixtures allows to obtain high-quality raw material for the production of bulk feed within 110-120 days, which acts as the way to increase the efficiency of fodder production. An expanded range of fodder grasses creates the conditions for improving the sustainability of fodder production in less dependence on extreme weather conditions

    Анализ развития и регулирования криптовалют: зарубежный и российский опыт

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    Purpose: carrying out the analysis of the regulation of the crypto-currency, its legal provisions and risks, which will allow us to study this phenomenon more deeply for the purpose of Russia's financial security in the modern world financial system, taking into account the essence of the nature of the crypto-currency. Methods: when studying the role of state regulation of electronic money (crypto-currency), a dialectical method of scientific cognition was applied. Calculating and analytical methods of observing, measuring, analyzing and comparing indicators characterizing the state regulation of crypto-currencies in the Russian Federation, strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats to use and regulate crypto currency. Results: the authors conducted the analysis of the crypto-currency market, studied the experience and peculiarities of the state regulation of the crypto-currencies, examined and proposed strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats to use and regulate crypto-currencies. Conclusions and Relevance: in the process of studying the experience of regulating crypto currency in foreign countries, we found some similar features. First, each country seeks to create a favorable climate for the development of new technologies (detached) and sees a high potential for using technology not only in the private sector, but also in the public sector. Secondly, the crypto-currency market is growing at a high pace, and the state, without adapting the tax code to the modern challenges of the digital economy, receives less revenue in the budget, since the crypto-currencies are out of legal jurisdiction. Thirdly, today there are more than 1 thousand different crypto-currencies, therefore, it is necessary to develop common standards for the regulation of crypto-currencies. Цель: Проведение анализа регулирования криптовалют, его правового обеспечения и рисков, что позволит более глубоко исследовать данный феномен в целях финансовой безопасности России в современной мировой финансовой системе, учитывая сущность природы криптовалют. Методология проведения работы: При исследовании роли государственного регулирования электронных денег (криптовалют) был применен диалектический метод научного познания. Также использованы расчетно-аналитические методы наблюдения, измерения, анализа и сравнения показателей, характеризующих государственное регулирование криптовалют в Российской Федерации, сильные и слабые стороны, возможности и угроз использования и регулирования криптовалют. Результаты работы: Авторами проведен анализ рынка криптовалют, изучен опыт и особенности государственного регулирования криптовалют, рассмотрены и предложены сильные и слабые стороны, возможности и угрозы использования и регулирования криптовалют. Выводы: В процессе исследования опыта регулирования криптовалют в зарубежных странах мы нашли некие схожие черты. Во-первых, каждая страна стремится создать благоприятный климат развития новейших технологий (блокчейн) и видит высокий потенциал использования технологии не только в частном, но и государственном секторе. Во-вторых, рынок криптовалют растет высокими темпами, и государство, не адаптировав налоговый кодекс под современные вызовы цифровой экономики, недополучает доходы в бюджет, так как криптовалюты находятся вне правовой юрисдикции. В-третьих, на сегодняшний день насчитывается более 1 тысячи различных криптовалют, следовательно, необходимо разработать единые стандарты регулирования криптовалют.

    Initial coin offering (ICO) как трансформация финансового института коллективного инвестирования

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    In conditions of financial institutions’ development it is crucial to examine the transformation in the form of a collective investment institution under the influence of digitalization and, in particular, the emergence of cryptocurrencies. The subject of the research refers to the features of ICO functioning as a transformation of a financial institution for collective investment. The goal is to explore the ICO as a new form of collective investment. The results of the research are achieved through a comprehensive comparative analysis of ICO and IPO as a basic tool of financial institutions. The paper highlights the advantages and disadvantages, identifies the factors, analyzes the institutional regulation of ICO and proposes development vectors from three angles: for project creators, investors, regulators. The results can be used in policymaking, the functioning of joint investment platforms, in training specialists in the field of digital economy and financial markets.В условиях развития финансовых институтов актуально стоит проблема изучения трансформации формы института коллективного инвестирования под воздействием цифровизации, а также криптовалют, в частности. Предмет исследования — особенности функционирования ICO как трансформации финансового института коллективного инвестирования. Цель — исследовать ICO как новую форму коллективного инвестирования. Результаты исследования достигнуты через проведение глубокого сравнительного анализа ICO и IPO как инструмента финансовых институтов. Выделены преимущества и недостатки, определены факторы, проведен анализ институционального регулирования ICO, предложены векторы развития в трех плоскостях: для создателей проектов, инвесторов, регуляторов. Результаты могут быть использованы при разработке законов, функционировании платформ совместного инвестирования, при подготовке специалистов в области цифровой экономики и финансовых рынков

    Influence of cross-industry information innovations of the space industry on the economic growth of the Russian regions

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    The article examines the effective use of space information technologies in regional development. The study aims to assess and predict the influence of cross-industry information innovations of the space industry on economic growth of the Russian regions. We formulated and tested a hypothesis on the possibility of simulating the effects from the implementation of the space technologies of a Geographic Information System (GIS) in economic sectors. The research focuses on geoinformation and navigation GIS technologies provided by the space industry for the regional and sectoral development. We used the geoinformation approach for assessing, monitoring and predicting the socio-economic development of the regions. We showed that currently a new class of regional economic and mathematical models is emerging. They are based on neogeography, which is a novel method of reporting economic information. In the context of digitalization, finding new sources of regional economic growth is a relevant task. Using space infrastructure and its information to solve the regions' economic problems can become such a source. A number of economic growth models demonstrated that, in the short term, labour productivity can grow due to an increase in the competence level in using space information. In the long term, this growth can be caused by increasing the body of space evidence, improving the quality of its economic processing, and developing technologies for using this information for managing regional economic processes. We have considered the effects from using cross-industrial information innovations of the space industry in the Russian industrial regions. Moreover, we rated the industries in accordance with the intensity of the use of space GIS technologies. Further, we have compared the obtained results with the structure of the industrial regions' gross regional product. We came to a conclusion that in the context of an active digitization of key industries based on GIS technologies, the economic growth of the industrial regions will be determined by total factor productivity connected with the effects from the introduction of such technologies. © 2020 Institute of Economics, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, Minobrnauka: 26.1146.2017/4.6The study has been prepared with the support of s the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the project No. 26.1146.2017/4.6 “Development of mathematical methods for predicting the effectiveness of using the space services in the national economy”

    Analysis of the Development and Regulation of Crypto-currency: Foreign and Russian Experience

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    Purpose: carrying out the analysis of the regulation of the crypto-currency, its legal provisions and risks, which will allow us to study this phenomenon more deeply for the purpose of Russia's financial security in the modern world financial system, taking into account the essence of the nature of the crypto-currency. Methods: when studying the role of state regulation of electronic money (crypto-currency), a dialectical method of scientific cognition was applied. Calculating and analytical methods of observing, measuring, analyzing and comparing indicators characterizing the state regulation of crypto-currencies in the Russian Federation, strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats to use and regulate crypto currency. Results: the authors conducted the analysis of the crypto-currency market, studied the experience and peculiarities of the state regulation of the crypto-currencies, examined and proposed strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats to use and regulate crypto-currencies. Conclusions and Relevance: in the process of studying the experience of regulating crypto currency in foreign countries, we found some similar features. First, each country seeks to create a favorable climate for the development of new technologies (detached) and sees a high potential for using technology not only in the private sector, but also in the public sector. Secondly, the crypto-currency market is growing at a high pace, and the state, without adapting the tax code to the modern challenges of the digital economy, receives less revenue in the budget, since the crypto-currencies are out of legal jurisdiction. Thirdly, today there are more than 1 thousand different crypto-currencies, therefore, it is necessary to develop common standards for the regulation of crypto-currencies

    The development of Kondratieff’s theory of long waves: the place of the AI economy humanization in the ‘competencies-innovations-markets’ model

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    Abstract The motivation to conduct this study is related to the uncertainty of the impact of the AI economy on the economic cycle and the need to unlock the potential of Industry 4.0 in stabilizing the global economic system amid a series of crises. The article discusses the fundamental issues of the emergence of a new theory related to the evolution of Kondratieff waves in the context of modern drivers of long-term economic development (MANBRIC technologies), taking into account the acceleration of the development of innovations and competencies. The spiraling dynamics of the co-development of competencies and the expansion of new markets are shown, which makes it possible to transform the decline phase of the Kondratieff wave into a similar linear process of maintaining economic growth rates close to the existing ones. As a result, based on the authors’ model “competencies-innovations-markets”, it is proved that subject to humanization, the AI economy allows the reduction of the cyclical nature of the world economic system. The main idea of the article is to smooth out Kondratieff’s long waves due to the humanization of the AI economy