1,846 research outputs found

    Localization of one-photon state in space and Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen paradox in spontaneous parametric down conversion

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    An experiment on one-photon state localization in space using a correlation technique in Spontaneous Parametric Down Conversion (SPDC) process is discussed. Results of measurements demonstrate an idea of the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen (EPR) paradox for coordinate and momentum variables of photon states. Results of the experiment can be explained with the help of an advanced wave technique. The experiment is based on the idea that two-photon states of optical electromagnetic fields arising in the nonlinear process of the spontaneous parametric down conversion (spontaneous parametric light scattering) can be explained by quantum mechanical theory with the help of a single wave function

    Discrimination and synthesis of recursive quantum states in high-dimensional Hilbert spaces

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    We propose an interferometric method for statistically discriminating between nonorthogonal states in high dimensional Hilbert spaces for use in quantum information processing. The method is illustrated for the case of photon orbital angular momentum (OAM) states. These states belong to pairs of bases that are mutually unbiased on a sequence of two-dimensional subspaces of the full Hilbert space, but the vectors within the same basis are not necessarily orthogonal to each other. Over multiple trials, this method allows distinguishing OAM eigenstates from superpositions of multiple such eigenstates. Variations of the same method are then shown to be capable of preparing and detecting arbitrary linear combinations of states in Hilbert space. One further variation allows the construction of chains of states obeying recurrence relations on the Hilbert space itself, opening a new range of possibilities for more abstract information-coding algorithms to be carried out experimentally in a simple manner. Among other applications, we show that this approach provides a simplified means of switching between pairs of high-dimensional mutually unbiased OAM bases

    Nondestructive measurement of intensity of optical fields using spontaneous parametric down conversion

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    Results of nondestructive measurements of intensity (photons per mode) of light from different sources are discussed. The procedure of measurement does not destroy the state of the optical field. The method is based on using the second order nonlinearity of crystal media lacking a center of symmetry and the nonclassical properties of the process of Spontaneous Parametric Down Conversion (SPDC)

    EPR experiment and 2-photon interferometry: Report of a 2-photon interference experiment

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    After a very brief review of the historical Einstein, Podolsky, and Rosen (EPR) experiments, a new two-photon interference type EPR experiment is reported. A two-photon state was generated by optical parametric down conversion. Pairs of light quanta with degenerate frequency but divergent directions of propagation were sent to two independent Michelson interferometers. First and second order interference effectors were studied. Different than other reports, we observed that the second order interference visibility vanished when the optical path difference of the interferometers were much less than the coherence length of the pumping laser beam. However, we also observed that the second order interference behaved differently depending on whether the interferometers were set at equal or different optical path differences

    Quantum simulation of topologically protected states using directionally unbiased linear-optical multiports

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    It is shown that quantum walks on one-dimensional arrays of special linear-optical units allow the simulation of discrete-time Hamiltonian systems with distinct topological phases. In particular, a slightly modified version of the Su-Schrieffer-Heeger (SSH) system can be simulated, which exhibits states of nonzero winding number and has topologically protected boundary states. In the large-system limit this approach uses quadratically fewer resources to carry out quantum simulations than previous linear-optical approaches and can be readily generalized to higher-dimensional systems. The basic optical units that implement this simulation consist of combinations of optical multiports that allow photons to reverse direction

    Quantum simulation of discrete-time Hamiltonians using directionally unbiased linear optical multiports

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    Recently, a generalization of the standard optical multiport was proposed [Phys. Rev. A 93, 043845 (2016)]. These directionally unbiased multiports allow photons to reverse direction and exit backwards from the input port, providing a realistic linear optical scattering vertex for quantum walks on arbitrary graph structures. Here, it is shown that arrays of these multiports allow the simulation of a range of discrete-time Hamiltonian systems. Examples are described, including a case where both spatial and internal degrees of freedom are simulated. Because input ports also double as output ports, there is substantial savings of resources compared to feed-forward networks carrying out the same functions. The simulation is implemented in a scalable manner using only linear optics, and can be generalized to higher dimensional systems in a straightforward fashion, thus offering a concrete experimentally achievable implementation of graphical models of discrete-time quantum systems.This research was supported by the National Science Foundation EFRI-ACQUIRE Grant No. ECCS-1640968, NSF Grant No. ECCS-1309209, and by the Northrop Grumman NG Next. (ECCS-1640968 - National Science Foundation EFRI-ACQUIRE Grant; ECCS-1309209 - NSF Grant; Northrop Grumman NG Next

    Bi-photon propagation control with optimized wavefront by means of Adaptive Optics

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    We present an efficient method to control the spatial modes of entangled photons produced through SPDC process. Bi-photon beam propagation is controlled by a deformable mirror, that shapes a 404nm CW diode laser pump interacting with a nonlinear BBO type-I crystal. Thanks to adaptive optical system, the propagation of 808nm SPDC light produced is optimized over a distance of 2m. The whole system optimization is carried out by a feedback between deformable mirror action and entangled photon coincidence counts. We also demonstrated the improvement of the two-photon coupling into single mode fibers
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