76 research outputs found

    Європейські правові стандарти становлення інформаційного суспільства

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    Ромащенко В. А. Європейські правові стандарти становлення інформаційного суспільства / В. А. Ромащенко // Правові та інституційні механізми забезпечення розвитку держави та права в умовах євроінтеграції : матеріали Міжнародної науково-практичної конференції (20 травня 2016 р., м. Одеса) : у 2 т. Т. 1 / відп. ред. М. В. Афанасьєва. - Одеса : Юридична література, 2016. - С. 370-372

    Behavioral and neuronal responses of two mouse species, Mus musculus and Mus spicilegus, to con- and heterospecific olfactory signals

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    The behavioral and neuronal responses of the males of two closely related species of mice (Mus musculus  wagneri, M. spicilegus) to the urine odors of estrus con- and heterospecific females were studied. In two-choice odor tests males significantly longer investigated odor of conspecific females in comparison with heterospecific ones. To investigate neuronal activation in the main and accessory olfactory bulbs (MOB and AOB), one of the methods of functional tomography – manganese-enhanced MRI ( ME-MRI) – was used. There was a significant increase in Mn2+ accumulation in the dorsal section of the posterior part of the MOB in male M. m. wagneri and M. spicilegus exposed to odor of conspecific females compared with the control group males (odor not exposed). There was a local significant increase in manganese accumulation in the dorsal region of the anterior part of the MOB in the case of the exposure of odor of a heterospecific female. The exposure of heptanone-2 to mice resulted not only in an increase in Mn2+ accumulation in certain zones, but also in a significant decrease in the accumulation of Mn2+ in the rest of the olfactory bulbs. A significant increase in the accumulation of MRI contrast in AOB was observed in males only in the case of female urine-conspecific odor exposure. The results support the previously stated assumption of a significant difference in chemical communication systems in two species of mice. A comparison of these results and results obtained previously demonstrated the absence of any differences in behavioral and neuronal responses to con- and heterospecific odors of the house mouse subspecies allopatric (M. m. wagneri) and sympatric (M. m. musculus) to M. spicilegus. This fact does not allow us to assume the effect of the mechanism of “reinforcement” in the process of evolution in the formation of precopulatory reproductive isolation between the sympatric species M. spicilegus and M. musculus

    Between-strain differences in hypothermic response in mice after intranasal administration of PtO nanoparticles

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    Air pollution by particulate matter (PM) has been associated with cardiopulmonary morbidity and mortality in many recent epidemiological studies. It has been shown that transition metal compounds, well- known toxic components of PM, are able to induce hypothermia following whole-body inhalation exposure. Low temperature appears to protect tissue against toxic effects of PM metal compounds in vivo and in vitro. To study the role of soluble and insoluble irritants in the induction of the hypothermic response, we analyz­ed the decrease in mouse body temperature (Δtbody) after intranasal administration of PtO nanoparticles or a K2[PtCl 4] solution. Between-strain differences in Δtbody after intranasal administration of the irritants were evaluated using 6 inbred (BALB/cJ, C57BL/6J, AKR/OlaHsd, DBA/2JRccHsd, C3H/HeNHsd, and SJL/J) and 2 outbred mouse strains (SCID and CD1). BALB/cJ and SCID mice showed the most pronounced effect of intranasal admini­stration of the xenobiotic on tbody. Thus, tbody was signi­ficantly lower after nasal administration the PtO nano­particles than after administration of the K2[PtCl 4] solution. To study the mechanism of this decrease, we compar­ed the respective values for Δtbody following intra­nasal, intravenous and peroral administration of PtO nanoparticles in Balb/c mice. Neither intravenous nor peroral administration had any effect on mouse body temperature. This fact together with data on the dynamics of the decrease in mouse body temperature following intranasal administration of PtO nanoparticles (max Δtbody ~ 80–100 min) allowed us to assume that this process is under nervous regulation. The correlation found between our data and some well-known phenotypic characteristics (phenome.jax.org) of the mouse strains used confirms this hypothesis

    Olfactory transport efficiency of the manganese oxide nanoparticles (II) after their single or multiple intranasal administrations

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    In experiments with reusable inhalation of nano-sized metal oxide particles, it has been shown that there is no significant relationship between the number of presentations and the metal concentration in the olfactory bulb. This fact raises the question of a possible decrease in the efficiency of particulate capturing by the olfactory epithelium after their repeated application into the nasal cavity. In this study, we compared the effectiveness of nasal transport of paramagnetic nanoparticles after their single and multiple intranasal administration and evaluated their effects on the morphological and functional characteristics of the olfactory system. Based on the data, the accumulation of MnO-NPs in the olfactory bulb of mice was reduced after repeated intranasal application. In addition, the decrease in the efficiency of olfactory transport observed after repeated administration of MnO-NPs was partially restored by intranasal application of mucolytic (0.01 M N-acetyl-L-cysteine). In this case, the concentration of particles in the olfactory bulb was proportional to the volume of the structure, which in particular depends on the number of synaptic contacts between the mitral cell of the olfactory bulb (OB) and olfactory epithelium (OE). It should be noted that multiple intranasal injections of MnO-NPs reduce mouse OE thickness. Thus, repeated intranasal introduction of MnO-NPs reduces the efficiency of nanoparticle olfactory transport from the nasal cavity to the brain, which is combined with the increase in the viscosity of the mucosal layer and the reduction in the number of synaptic contacts between OB and OE. These results indicate the presence of the natural mechanisms of protection against the penetration of pathogens and xenobiotics into the olfactory epithelium; they also allow us to formulate practical recommendations on intranasal drugs delivery

    Effect of physical activity on structural asymmetry of mouse hippocampus

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    The relevance of studies of adult neurogenesis is evident in connection with the potential use of these new neurons to replace neurons lost in the process of life. Despite considerable efforts, little is known about the fnal fate of these cells, the functional signifcance of their connections and the regulation of their development. It is known that physical activity signifcantly increases the number of fssile progenitors, the precursors of new neurons in the dentate gyrus of the hippocampus. The existing immunohistochemical methods for labeling new neurons do not allow tracing the temporal dynamics of changes in the volume of brain structures in the same animal, induced by external impacts, such as voluntary exercise. This makes it an urgent task to develop and improve methods for long­term control of changes that occur in the adult hippocampus due to the induction of neurogenesis. The main purpose of this work was to non­invasively track, by using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), the temporal dynamics of changes in the volume of the hippocampus in the same animals that had voluntary physical activity. It was found that voluntary exercise did not change the total volume of the mouse hippocampus. However, the difference in the volume ratio between the right and left parts of the hippocampus was signifcantly lower compared with the control group. The reconstruction and analysis of protein­protein interactions that ensure the survival of a large number of new neurons and their integration into existing neural networks in the hippocampus have been carried out. The proposed approach allows the non­invasive registration of changes in the ratio of the volumes of these paired brain structures


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    The article discusses the main questions and the criteria for the optimization of electronic equipment considering electromagnetic compatibility

    In vivo MRI visualization of growth and morphology in the orthotopic xenotrasplantation U87 glioblastoma mouse SCID model

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    Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is the most common and lethal type of brain cancer with the average lifespan of patients about 9–12 months. The study of tumor formation and the evaluation of new therapies for GBM require accurate and reproducible experimental brain tumor animal models. In this study we used MRI for investigation of tumor morphology and growth dynamic in an orthopic xenotransplantation immunodeficient mouse model (SCID mouse line). Comparison of T1- and T2-weighed MRI scans preformed with a high-field MRI scanner (Bruker, BioSpec, 11,7 T) revealed insufficient tumor/normal tissue T1-contrast because of high longitudinal magnetization of the magnetic field in our scanner. Intravenous injection of paramagnetic manganese oxide (MnO) nanoparticles dramatically increased the tumor/normal tissue contrast in T1-weigthed MRI scans. The study of glioblastoma growth with T2-weighed images showed that a significant tumor development began not earlier than 3 weeks after cell culture intracranial injection and then the tumor grew exponentially. Thus, we developed a protocol of the characterization of glioblastoma U87 growth and morphology by T1- and T2-weighed and MnO-enhanced MRI in the orthopic xenotransplantation mouse model. The results demonstrate that this SCID model may be used as an in vivo preclinical model to test the efficacy and putative side effects of novel anticancer therapies

    Conceptual principles of water resources management in irrigated agriculture

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    Climate change causes a progressive deterioration of natural water supply increasing the need for irrigation and more rational use of water resources in it as the main mean for ensuring sustainable agriculture. Here we present the conceptual provisions intended to provide a capability to achieve maximum irrigation efficiency, which generalize our experience in irrigation water management in Ukraine. Main principles that should be integrated in an efficient decision support system include the use of a narrow high range of maintained moisture content in the root zone of soil; pressure as a criterion of moisture content level; differential, particularly fractional-order, models of moisture transfer for the prediction of irrigation schedules and rates; several methods of evapotranspiration assessment to improve the accuracy; remote sensing data to disseminate predictions to areas not covered by instrumental monitoring tools. The application of these principles support an increase in crop yields accompanied by irrigation water volumes reduction eliminating water losses for infiltration and the development of flooding and secondary salinization processes.</p


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    The article describes a methodology for assessing the influence of electromagnetic inter-ference on the functioning of electronic devices. A block diagram of an algorithm for testing and processing the obtained experimental data is presented


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    Most water supply systems operating in Ukraine are made of steel or cast iron, which are subject to corrosion. The Institute of Water Problems and Land Reclamation of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine carried out the experimental studies on the effect of an orthophosphate corrosion inhibitor on the quality of drinking water and the rate of corrosion as a result of its appliance in various doses in the water supply network. The water supply system of Obolon district of the city of Kiev was selected as the object of research. A characteristic feature of this water supply system is the use of various sources of water supply - groundwater and surface waters of the Desna and Dnieper rivers. The results of the calculation of water corrosivity carried out at the Institute based on the chemical analysis of the quality of water taken from 29 wells at the research object showed that the Langelier indices obtained using the calculation formulas for all sampling points are in the range from 0,89 to 1,77, which indicates the continuous and significant corrosive activity of water at all sampling point. The Risner index in all samples was in the range from 7.8 to 8.8, which indicates the significant pipeline corrosion. That is especially typical for the water from the well № 232, the Rizner index of which is 9.58, which indicates very intensive corrosion of the pipeline. Indicators rH2, for all samples, calculated both by F.U. Clarke and by the formula of A.I. Trufanov, indicate that the studied aquatic environment is very favorable for the vital activity of iron bacteria in general, and the pH - Eh zone of water samples indicates that there is an active vital activity of various strains: Leptothrix, Gallionella , Thiobacillus thiooxcidans or their combined activity. All the studied factors indicate that the most likely there is a complex genesis of corrosion processes in water supply networks, which combines both physicochemical and biological processes. This combination usually contributes to the processes of active secondary water pollution by the products of pipeline corrosion. Indicators rH2, for all samples, calculated by the formulas of F.U. Clark and of A.I. Trufanov, indicate that the studied aquatic environment is very favorable for the activity of iron bacteria in general, and the pH - Eh zone of water samples indicates that there is a rather high activity of different strains: Leptothrix, Gallionella, Thiobacillus thiooxcidans or their combined activity. The results of the research showed that for all ways to use of "SeaQuest Liquid" spicemen in the water of all sampling points there were no deviations from the standards of basic physicochemical parameters: the average pH of water was 7,67 ± 0.01, total water hardness was 4,3 ± 0,03, total alkalinity - 4,4 ± 0,05 mmol/dm,3 calcium content - 58,6 ± 0,7 mg/dm3, magnesium - 16,1 ± 0.2 mg/dm3, hydrocarbons - 261,4 ± 4,8 mg/dm3, manganese &lt;0,01 mg/dm3, sulfates - 21,9 ± 1,2 mg/dm3, chlorides - 44,3 ± 1,4 mg/dm3, sodium and potassium - 44,0 ± 2,0 mg/dm3, residual chlorine - 0,35 ± 0,02 mg/dm3, ammonium - 0,2 ± 0.01 mg/dm3, permanganate oxidation - 2,3 ± 0,1 mgО2/dm3, nitrites - 0,09 ± 0,01 mg/dm3, nitrates - 1,53 ± 0,14 mg/dm3, total mineralization - 459,9 ± 15,1 mg/dm3. In some samples of water treated with “SeaQuest Liquid”, the iron content exceeded the hygienic standard (0,2 mg/dm3) and exceeded the maximum allowable level (1,0 mg/dm3). In drinking water samples, the levels of substances that are the part of "SeaQuest Liquid" specimen (polyphosphates, orthophosphates), varied at different sampling points but were within the normative values. The anticipated biological component of corrosion according to the calculated Rh2 index, was confirmed. In the presence of sulfate-reducing and thiobacteria in water, "SeaQuest Liquid" specimen increases the corrosion rate of steel by 2,9-7,2 times; subject to additional disinfection of water when treating with sodium hypochlorite, it reduces this indicator by 1,4-2,7 times. Under the action of "SeaQuest Liquid" in water treated with sodium hypochlorite, there was a decrease in the Langelier index: from -2,23 to -2,08 and from -1,79 to -1,70, indicating a decrease in its corrosive activity. In water untreated with sodium hypochlorite under the action of "SeaQuest Liquid" there was some increase in the Langelier index: from -1.80 to -1,95 and from -1,85 to -2,78; from -2,01 to -2,13, which indicates an increase in its corrosive aggressiveness. &nbsp;Зазначено, що переважна більшість водопроводів діючих в Україні систем водопостачання виконані із сталі, або чавуну, які схильні до корозії. Встановлено, що одним із напрямків зниження корозійної агресивності питної води є застосування орто- поліфосфатного препарату "SeaQuest Liquid" (ТУ У 20.5-У 0502222-001:2017). Наведено результати досліджень впливу препарату “SeaQuest Liquid” на органолептичі та фізико-хімічні показники питної води. Визначено, що обробка водопровідної питної води препаратом “SeaQuest Liquid” не впливає на органолептичні показники, середні рівні яких упродовж 5-ти місяців спостережень практично не зазнавали суттєвих змін та знаходились в межах гігієнічних нормативів. У зразках води рівні речовин, що входять до складу препарату “SeaQuest Liquid” (поліфосфати, ортофосфати), перебували у межах нормативних значень. Якість води, обробленої ортополіфосфатним препаратом “SeaQuest Liquid”, за основними санітарно-хімічними показниками, окрім заліза, відповідає вимогам гігієнічних нормативів ДСанПіН В окремих пробах води вміст заліза перевищував гігієнічний норматив (0,2 мг/дм3) та виходив за максимально допустимий рівень (1,0 мг/дм3). Під дією препарату “SeaQuest Liquid” у воді, яка оброблена гіпохлоритом натрію, спостерігалось зменшення індексу Ланжельє: з -2,23 до -2,08 і з -1,79 до -1,70, що свідчить про зниження її корозійної активності. У воді, не обробленій гіпохлоритом натрію, під впливом препарату&nbsp; “SeaQuest Liquid” спостерігалось деяке зростання індексу Ланжельє: з -1,80 до -1,95&nbsp; та з -1,85 до - 2,78;&nbsp; з -2,01 до -2,13, що свідчить про зростання її корозійної агресивності. В умовах наявності у воді сульфатредукуючих &nbsp;тіобактерій &nbsp;препарат “SeaQuest Liquid” збільшує швидкість корозії сталі в 2,9-7,2 рази; за умови додаткового знезараження води гіпохлоритом натрію останній знижує цей показник в&nbsp; 1,4-2,7 рази