950 research outputs found

    Phenomenological analysis of the CLAS data on double charged pion photo and electro- production

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    First comprehensive data on the evolution of nucleon resonance photocouplings with photon virtuality Q^2 are presented for excited proton states in the mass range from 1.4 to 2.0 GeV. N^* photocouplings were determined in phenomenological analysis of CLAS data on 2 pi photo and electroproduction within the framework of the JLAB-MSU phenomenological model.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures (encapsulated postscript

    Dynamical Chaos and Level Splitting under the Channeling of the High Energy Positrons in [100] Direction of the Silicon Crystal

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    The motion of charged particles in a crystal in the axial channeling regime can be both regular and chaotic. The chaos in quantum case manifests itself in the statistical properties of the energy levels set. These properties have been studied previously for the electrons channeling along [110] direction of the silicon crystal, in the case when the classical motion was completely chaotic, as well as for the ones channeling along [100] direction, when the classical motion can be both regular and chaotic for the same energy depending on the initial conditions. Here we study the positrons channeling in [100] direction. This case is of special interest due to the substantial tunneling probability between dynamically isolated regular motion domains in the phase space. The interaction of the energy levels via tunneling distinctly changes the level spacing statistics. All transverse motion energy levels as well as corresponding stationary wave functions are computed numerically for the 30 GeV positrons channeling in [100] direction of the silicon crystal. The values of the matrix elements for the tunnel transitions are extractad from these data. These results confirm the chaos assistance for the tunneling and the level splitting. These values will be used in the further researches of the quantum chaos manifestations in the channeling phenomenon.Comment: Presented on the XIV International Symposium "Radiation from Relativistic Electrons in Periodic Structures", September 18-22, 2023, Tsaghkadzor, Armeni

    The differential cross section for the dp-elastic scattering at 500 to 900 MeV/nucleon

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    The results of the differential cross section measurements of dp-elastic scattering at energies from 500 to 900 MeV/nucleon at Nuclotron JINR are reported. The data were obtained for the angular range of 70-120◦ in the center-of-mass (c.m.s.). The results are compared with existing world dat

    Positrons vs electrons channeling in silicon crystal: energy levels, wave functions and quantum chaos manifestations

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    The motion of fast electrons through the crystal during axial channeling could be regular and chaotic. The dynamical chaos in quantum systems manifests itself in both statistical properties of energy spectra and morphology of wave functions of the individual stationary states. In this report, we investigate the axial channeling of high and low energy electrons and positrons near direction of a silicon crysta

    Dp breakup reaction investigation using polarized and unpolarized deuteron beam

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    Deuteron Spin Structure (DSS) collaboration program is aimed on few nucleon correlations investigation using unpolarized and polarized deuteron beam at intermediate energy range. Data of the dp breakup reaction have been obtained at energy range from 300 - 500 MeV of deuteron energy for various detector configurations in region where few nucleon correlations and relativistic effects can play significant rol

    Measurement of the deuteron beam polarization at internal target at Nuclotron for DSS experiment

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    The current deuteron beam polarimetry at Nuclotron is provided by the Internal Target polarimeter based on the use of the asymmetry in dp- elastic scattering at large angles in the cms at 270 MeV. The upgraded deuteron beam polarimeter has been used obtain the vector and tensor polarization during 2016/2017 runs for the DSS experimental program. The polarimeter has been used also for tuning of the polarized ion source parameters for 6 different spin mode

    Birth Rate and Marriage in Wartime Conditions (Rear Population of the RSFSR), 1939-1945

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    Статья является доработанной версией статьи автора Исупов В. А. Рождаемость населения России в 1939–1945 гг. // Российская история. 2015 №1. С. 3-18.Historical demography in Russia as a scientific field is experiencing rapid growth. Since the late 1980s, numerous works have been published on various issues of demographic history. Considerable attention is now being paid to the demographic aspects of the World War II. While the issue of human losses in the USSR is of great interest, much less attention is drawn to the problem of population reproduction in 1939-1945. Simultaneously, reproduction processes underwent such a significant distortion during the war years that they should be taken into account when determining the scale of the demographic catastrophe that shook Russia. The main purpose of this article is to identify the leading trends and features of marriage and birth rate of the Russian population during the World War II.Современная историческая демография в РФ как область научного знания переживает период быстрого подъема. С конца 1980-х гг. по настоящее время были изданы многочисленные работы, посвященные различным вопросам демографической истории. Значительное внимание уделяется демографическим аспектам Второй мировой войны. Особенно большой интерес вызывает проблема людских потерь, значительно меньше внимания привлекает вопрос воспроизводства населения в 1939–1945 гг. Между тем воспроизводственные процессы в военные годы подверглись столь мощному искажению, что их необходимо учитывать при определении масштабов потрясшей Россию демографической катастрофы. Основная цель статьи — выявить ведущие тенденции и особенности брачности и рождаемости населения России в годы Второй мировой войны