17 research outputs found

    Single-energy amplitudes for pion photoproduction in the first resonance region

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    We consider multipole amplitudes for low-energy pion photoproduction, constructed with minimal model dependence, at single energies. Comparisons with fits to the full resonance region are made. Explanations are suggested for the discrepancies and further experiments are motivated.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figure

    Определение фазовой стабильности люминесцентных материалов на основе твердых растворов оксиортосиликатов (Lu1−xLnx)[(SiO4)0.5O0.5], где Ln = La–Yb

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    Objectives. This study aimed to predict the limits of substitution and stability of luminescent materials based on low-temperature modifications of solid solutions (spatial group P21/c) with lutetium oxyorthosilicates (Lu1−xLnx)[(SiO4)0.5O0.5], where Ln represents the rare-earth elements (REEs) of the La–Yb series.Methods. The V.S. Urusov’s crystal energy theory of isomorphous substitutions and a crystallochemical approach in the regular solid solution approximation were used to calculate the energies of the mixing (interaction parameters) of the solid solutions.Results. Using the V.S. Urusov’s theory, we calculated the energies of mixing (interaction parameters) in the systems under study. The dependences of the decomposition temperatures of solid solutions on the REE number and composition (x) were obtained and used to create a diagram of the thermodynamic stability of the solid solutions, allowing us to predict the substitution limits depending on the temperature or determine the decomposition temperature using the given substitution limits.Conclusions. The results of the study can be useful when choosing the ratio of components in matrices (host materials) and the amount of the activator (dopant) in the new luminescent, laser, and other materials based on low-temperature modifications of solid solutions of “mixed” REE oxyorthosilicates (Lu1−xLnx)[(SiO4)0.5O0.5].Цели. Целью работы явилось прогнозирование пределов замещения и стабильности люминесцентных материалов на основе низкотемпературных модификаций твердых растворов (пространственная группа Р21/с) на основе оксиортосиликата лютеция (Lu1−xLnx)[(SiO4)0.5O0.5], где Ln – редкоземельный элемент серии La–Yb.Методы. Для расчета энергий смешения (параметров взаимодействия) для твердых растворов была использована теория изоморфной смесимости В.С. Урусова и кристаллохимический подход в приближении регулярного твердого раствора.Результаты. Получены зависимости температур распада твердых растворов от порядкового номера редкоземельных элементов и состава, которые использованы для построения диаграмм термодинамической устойчивости твердых растворов, что позволило прогнозировать пределы замещения в зависимости от температуры или определять температуру распада на основе заданных пределов замещения.Выводы. Результаты исследования могут быть полезны при выборе соотношения компонентов в матрице («хозяине») и количества активатора (допанта) в новых люминесцентных, лазерных и других материалах на основе низкотемпературных модификаций твердых растворов «смешанных» оксиортосиликатов редкоземельных элементов (Lu1−xLnx)[(SiO4)0.5O0.5]

    Determination of the E2/M1 Ratio in the \gamma N \to \Delta(1232) Transition from a Simultaneous Measurement of p(\vec{\gamma},p)\pi^0 and p(\vec{\gamma},\pi^+)n

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    Tagged linearly polarized photons have been used at the Mainz Microtron MAMI for simultaneous measurements of the p(\vec{\gamma},p)\pi^0 and p(\vec{\gamma},\pi^+)n reaction channels to study the \gamma N \to \Delta(1232) transition. The energy dependence of the magnetic dipole M_{1+}^{3/2} and electric quadrupole E_{1+}^{3/2} amplitudes have been extracted from these data in the photon energy range from 270 to 420 MeV. The E2/M1 ratio for the \gamma N \to \Delta(1232) transition has been determined to be - (2.5+-0.1_{stat}+-0.2_{sys}) % at the resonance position delta_{33}=90^0.Comment: 25 pages Latex including 13 postscript figures submitted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Determining the phase stability of luminescent materials based on the solid solutions of oxyorthosilicates (Lu<sub>1−x</sub>Ln<sub>x</sub>)[(SiO<sub>4</sub>)<sub>0.5</sub>O<sub>0.5</sub>], where Ln = La−Yb

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    Objectives. This study aimed to predict the limits of substitution and stability of luminescent materials based on low-temperature modifications of solid solutions (spatial group P21/c) with lutetium oxyorthosilicates (Lu1−xLnx)[(SiO4)0.5O0.5], where Ln represents the rare-earth elements (REEs) of the La–Yb series.Methods. The V.S. Urusov’s crystal energy theory of isomorphous substitutions and a crystallochemical approach in the regular solid solution approximation were used to calculate the energies of the mixing (interaction parameters) of the solid solutions.Results. Using the V.S. Urusov’s theory, we calculated the energies of mixing (interaction parameters) in the systems under study. The dependences of the decomposition temperatures of solid solutions on the REE number and composition (x) were obtained and used to create a diagram of the thermodynamic stability of the solid solutions, allowing us to predict the substitution limits depending on the temperature or determine the decomposition temperature using the given substitution limits.Conclusions. The results of the study can be useful when choosing the ratio of components in matrices (host materials) and the amount of the activator (dopant) in the new luminescent, laser, and other materials based on low-temperature modifications of solid solutions of “mixed” REE oxyorthosilicates (Lu1−xLnx)[(SiO4)0.5O0.5]

    Synthesis, characterization and electrical properties of Pb(8-x)Na2Ndx(Vo4)6O(x/2) solid solutions

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    Substitution of neodymium for lead in the apatite structure in accordance to scheme 2Pb2+□ → 2No3+ + O2- has been investigated by X-ray powder diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, IR spectroscopy and the measurement of electrical conductivity. It was estimated that single phase solid solutions Pb(8-x)Na2Ndx(VO4)6O(x/2) are formed in the range of x - 0-0.25. The crystal structure features of some samples have been refined by the Rietveld method. It was shown that ions Nd3+ preferably occupy M(1) site. Influence of the composition x on the electrical conductivity and activation energy has been investigated

    Isomorphous Substitutions of Rare Earth Elements for Calcium in Synthetic Hydroxyapatites

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    Polycrystalline hydroxyapatites Ca10−xREEx(PO4)6(OH)2−xOx were synthesized and studied by X-ray powder diffraction, infrared absorption, diffuse-reflectance spectroscopy, and thermogravimetry. The solubility limits xmax of rare earth elements (REE) in Ca hydroxyapatites decreases with an increasing REE atomic number from xmax = 2.00 for La, Pr, and Nd to xmax = 0.20 for Yb at 1100 °C. Refinements of X-ray diffraction patterns by the Rietveld method show that REE atoms substitute for Ca preferentially at the Ca(2) sites of the apatite structure. The substitution decreases the Ca(2)−O(4) atomic distances in the calcium coordination polyhedra and increases the Ca(2)−O(1,2,3) distances. This observation shows that interatomic distances depend not only on radii of the ions involved in the substitution but also on their charges