203 research outputs found

    High-current electron beam power multiplication by converging the beams

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    This paper is devoted to research and development of the techniques of multiterawatt electron beam generation in pulsed multimodular systems. Three methods of beam convergence/overlapping have been studied numerically and experimentally. Experiments showed efficiency of three beam energy addition equal to (93±3)%.Досліджено і розроблено методи генерації мультитераватних електронних пучків у багатомодульних імпульсних системах. Три методи зведення/складання пучків були досліджені чисельно та експериментально. Експерименти показали ефективність складання енергії трьох пучків рівною (93±3)%.Исследованы и разработаны методы генерации мультитераваттных электронных пучков в многомодульных импульсных системах. Три метода сведения/сложения пучков были исследованы численно и экспериментально. Эксперименты показали эффективность сложения энергии трех пучков равной (93±3)%

    Development of a low background pulsed generator of intermediate energy range neutrons for remote detection of fissile materials

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    A structure of radiation shielding for a low background pulsed generator of intermediate energy range neutrons was developed on the basis of calculations and the data obtained in the model experiments, and limit parameters for remote detection of fissile materials using this generator were determined and are presented in this paper. The magnetically insulated diode structure and the radiation shielding geometry were optimized in accordance with the performed calculations.У даній роботі представлено конструкцію радіаційного захисту для низькофонового імпульсного генератора проміжних енергій, розробленого на основі комп'ютерних розрахунків і даних модельних експериментів, а також приведені граничні параметри дистанційного виявлення подільчих матеріалів за допомогою цього генератора. Конструкція магнітно-ізольованого діода і геометрія радіаційного захисту були оптимізовані відповідно до проведених обчислень.В данной статье представлено описание конструкции радиационной защиты для низкофонового импульсного генератора промежуточных энергий, разработанного на основе компьютерных вычислений и данных модельных экспериментов, а также приведены предельные параметры дистанционного обнаружения делящихся материалов с использованием этого генератора. Конструкция магнитно-изолированного диода и геометрия радиационной защиты были оптимизированы в соответствии с проведенными вычислениями

    Spatial variability of ice drift on the northeastern shelf of Sakhalin

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    Spatial heterogeneity of the sea ice drift is investigated for the northeastern shelf of Sakhalin around Veninsky and Kirinsky oil fields on the data of speсtroradiometers MODIS mounted on the satellites Terra and Aqua obtained in January-May, 2015. The ice drift is calculated for the time intervals of 105 min and one day. For the former case, its velocity was evaluated as 0.2-0.4 m/s (max 1.0 m/s, registered in 2.5 km from the coast of the Nabil Bay on May 22) that is twice faster than the values for daily intervals. All possible directions of the drift were observed, with the highest frequency of the southern ones. The drift wasn’t spatially uniform by its direction in conditions of weak, unstable winds

    Ice drift in Peter the Great Bay

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    Dynamics of the sea ice cover in Peter the Great Bay is considered, for the first time for its whole area, on the base of satellite images received in 2004-2011 from the spectroradiometers MODIS mounted on the satellites Terra and Aqua. High spatial resolution maps of the ice drift are constructed for various wind conditions. Mean values of the drift velocity and wind coefficient are calculated for four parts of the Bay. In usual conditions of winter monsoon, the ice in the central part of Peter the Great Bay drifts southward with the velocity 0.5-0.6 m/s with deviation from the wind direction about 40° to the right; the ice at the western coast drifts along the island chain with the velocity 0.1-0.4 m/s under wind of any direction in the quadrant from northwest to northeast

    Проблеми ефективності законодавства України

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    Dubina, N.A. and Turuta, O.V. (2015), “Problems of the efficiency of Ukrainian legislation” [“Problemy efektyvnosti zakonodavstva Ukrainy”], Pravo i Bezpeka, No. 2, pp. 23–27.Дубина, Н. А. Проблеми ефективності законодавства України / Н. А. Дубина, О. В. Турута // Право і безпека. - 2015. - № 2 (57). - С. 23-27.Здійснено систематизацію поглядів стосовно причин виникнення юридичних колізій. Сформульовано негативні та позитивні аспекти їх існування. Визначено роль вказаного явища у національній правовій системі. Наведено перелік умов, необхідних для забезпечення ефективності законодавства. Проаналізовано вплив суспільної думки на правотворчий процес.Studying the problems of the efficiency of Ukrainian legislation is very relevant taking into account the current stage of development of the society, which is characterized by its integration into European political, economic and legal space. All this requires adaptation of Ukrainian legislation to European Union law. The current amendments in the legislation are characterized by complexity, inconsistency, instability that lead to the growth and occurrence of conflicts not previously known. Under such conditions there is an urgent issue related to the reasons for the emergence of legal conflicts and their existence in the legislation of Ukraine. The points of view concerning legal conflicts are systematized in this paper; the causes of their origin are singled out; their place and role in the national legal system are defined. The list of conditions that are necessary to ensure the effectiveness of the legislation is provided. It is noted that there is no and there will not be legal systems, which would be inherent such a phenomenon as legal conflicts. They reflect changes in the legal system or in its individual elements, objective modernize of government institutions and act as evidence of the normal process of development and functioning of the legal system. It is concluded that the effectiveness of the national legal system depends on a complex of factors. It is stated that to the low efficiency of legal norm may lead: first, its discrepancy to existing system of social relations; secondly, a negative evaluation of legal norm by the society; thirdly, contradictions of the newly adopted legal norm with already active, and between procedural norms, which are endowed with different or the same legal force.Систематизированы взгляды относительно причин возникновения юридических коллизий. Сформулированы негативные и позитивные аспекты их существования. Определена роль исследуемого явления в национальной правовой системе. Перечислены необходимые условия для повышения эффективности законодательства. Проанализировано влияние общественного мнения на правотворческий процесс

    Buckling of TWCFS open-section members under eccentric compression

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    Potassium Ions are More Effective than Sodium Ions in Salt Induced Peptide Formation

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    Prebiotic peptide formation under aqueous conditions in the presence of metal ions is one of the plausible triggers of the emergence of life. The salt-induced peptide formation reaction has been suggested as being prebiotically relevant and was examined for the formation of peptides in NaCl solutions. In previous work we have argued that the first protocell could have emerged in KCl solution. Using HPLC-MS/MS analysis, we found that K(+) is more than an order of magnitude more effective in the L-glutamic acid oligomerization with 1,1'-carbonyldiimidazole in aqueous solutions than the same concentration of Na(+), which is consistent with the diffusion theory calculations. We anticipate that prebiotic peptides could have formed with K(+) as the driving force, not Na(+), as commonly believed

    Regime characteristics and patterns of the sea ice drift on the shelf at Magadan in the Okhotsk Sea

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    The sea ice characteristics and drift patterns are considered for the Okhotsk Sea shelf at Magadan on retrospective data of the ice observations and satellite images. Spatial heterogeneity of the sea ice parameters and its drift is shown. Phases of the sea ice seasonal variation in this area could differ from year to year in 10-20 days on spatial scale of hundreds kilometers and the ice age, form and concentration vary in 10-50 % within the seasonal cycle. The ice drift velocity averaged for 6 or 10 days varied from 1.3 to 12.5 km/day in the winter of 2015; the highest velocity 0.75 m/s was registered on March 12 by comparing two satellite images with time interval of 110 min