10 research outputs found

    Peptic ulcer: the current state of the problem

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    Peptic ulcer disease (PUD) is a chronic polyetiological recurrent disease of gastroduodenal region. In most cases, the pathogenesis of PU is caused by imbalance between the aggressive factors and protective factors of the gastric or duodenal mucosa. Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) infection and the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), including aspirin, are the major causative factors leading to PUD development. 65% of gastric ulcers and 80% of duodenal ulcers were found to be associated with H. pylori infection. In turn, NSAIDs account for 30% of gastric ulcers and 15% of duodenal ulcers. About 0.1–1% of  all PUs are caused by Zollinger-Ellison syndrome. Abdominal pain is the leading symptom in the clinical findings of patients with exacerbation of PUD. Dyspeptic syndrome (vomiting, nausea, belching, abnormal bowel pattern) is much less common in   patients with PUD. Endoscopic examination of the upper gastrointestinal tract is currently the gold standard test used in   the  diagnosis of PUD and is recommended for all patients suspected of having this disease (unless contraindicated). Antisecretory therapy including proton pump inhibitors is the main approach to the treatment of PUD, as well as the prevention of its complications. Integral to the treatment of patients with H. pylori-associated PU is the eradication therapy of the infection. It is  reasonable to use a cytoprotector rebamipide, which accelerates ulcer healing and improves the resulting scar quality, as part of the pharmacotherapy of PUD. In addition, the use of rebamipide in H. pylori eradication therapy regimens contributes to increased efficiency of elimination of the microorganisms


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    One of the urgent tasks at the present time is to obtain and widely use functional foods that have antioxidant  and anticarcinogenic effects, which serve not only to meet human needs  in   proteins,  fats,  carbohydrates, micro  -   and macronutrients,  but also contribute to the immune system, improve the heart and other human organs. For food plants, rich in antioxidant protection components, include perennial onions, from the variety of wild species which are in demand by modern medicine are only very few. The Republic of Komi is classified as the most uncomfortable  territories for human habitation.  In the flora of the Komi Republic there are three types of perennial bows – Allium angulosum  L., A. schoenoprasum L. and A. strictum Schrad.   The collection of the Botanical garden of the Institute of biology, Komi scientific center includes more than 150 species. Comparison of the chemical composition of  four  types  of  onions  from  the Botanical gardens of the Komi scientific center and Moscow state University (MSU) showed that  the  total  content  of flavonoids in  onions, Komi scientific center of  the  BS  is much higher, and the content of selenium is lower than in the same types of BS, Moscow state University. In samples of onions sticking out in the Republic of Tuva, the Republic of Buryatia,  in the Altai Mountains, the Se content is also much higher than in regional species. The soils of the Komi Republic are  depleted  Se,  however, as  shown  by  our research, wild and cultivated species of the genus Allium, are batteries of this trace element. According to our calculations, the use of 100 g of fresh herbs of chives may meet up to 60% of the daily needs of the human body in ascorbic acid, up to 94% manganese, 20% copper, 12% zinc.Одной из актуальных задач в настоящее время является получение и широкое использование продуктов функционального  питания, обладающих антиоксидантным и антиканцерогенным действием, которые служат не только удовлетворению потребностей человека в белках, жирах, углеводах, микро- и макроэлементах, но и способствуют повышению иммунитета, улучшению работы сердца и других органов человека. К пищевым растениям, богатым компонентами   антиоксидантной    защиты, относят    многолетние луки. Республика Коми отнесена к наиболее дискомфортным для проживания человека территориям. Во флоре Республики Коми встречается   три  вида  многолетних  луков –  Allium angulosum L.,  A. schoenoprasum L. и A. strictum Schrad.  Коллекция Ботанического сада Института  биологии Коми НЦ УрО РАН (БС) насчитывает более 150 видов. Согласно полученным данным, содержание марганца, меди и цинка в почвах и фитомассе растений Республики Коми ниже мировых кларков. Сравнение химического состава четырех видов лука из коллекций Ботанических садов Коми НЦ и Московского государственного университета (МГУ) показало, что общее содержание флавоноидов в луках из БС Коми НЦ значительно выше, а содержание селена – ниже, чем в аналогичных видах из БС МГУ. В образцах лука торчащего,  собранного в Республике  Тува, Республике  Бурятия, на Горном Алтае, содержание Se также значительно  выше, чем в региональных видах. Почвы Республики Коми обеднены Se, однако, как показали наши исследования, дикорастущие и культивируемые виды рода Allium являются аккумуляторами  этого микроэлемента.  По нашим подсчетам, при употреблении 100 г свежей зелени шнитт-лука возможно удовлетворение до 60% суточной потребности организма  человека в аскорбиновой кислоте, до 94% – марганца, 20% – меди, 12% – цинка. Организация комплексных исследований, направленных на оценку селенового и микронутриентного статуса населения республики, изучение их зонального распределения в различных типах почв и содержание эссенциальных микронутриентов в продуктах питания, культивируемых и дикорастущих растениях, произрастающих на данной  территории, представляет большой интерес

    Morphogenesis and structural organization of shoots of two life forms of Scutellaria supinа L.

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    Morphogenesis and structural organization of shoots two life forms S. supina L. in the different habitat conditions were studied


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    Background. The study of species coenopopulations and their stability in a particular area is a necessary stage when searching for ways of rational use of natural resources. The species of the genus Thymus in the southern Siberia is widely distributed. This species is found in the communities of mountain and lowland steppes, forest steppes and forests. The objective of this work is to explore the ontogenetic structure of Thymus coenopopulations in the southern Siberia and estimate the current state of this species. Materials and methods. Using the conventional methods particular features of life forms have been studied and biomorphs of 15 species of thyme have been selected; 22 coenopopulations of 10 species, which are distinguished by biomorph and the extent of distribution, have been investigated. Results. This research has shown that in the southern Siberia the species of the genus Thymus is formed in six life forms (vegetative-immotile form for the shrub and semi-shrub, vegetative-semi-motile form for the shrub and semi- shrub, vegetative-motile form for the shrub and semi- shrub) and three types of biomorphs (monocentric vegetative-immotile biomorph, implicitly polycentric vegetative-semi-motile biomorph, explicitly polycentric vegetative-motile biomorph). A relation between biological features of the species and the type of characteristic ontogenetic spectrum has been shown. Biological specific features of implicitly and explicitly polycentric species identify the left-sided type of the characteristic spectrum, of monocentric species, the type of spectrum is determined as centered one. The difference between the majority of ontogenetic spectra of specific coenopopulations from the typical spectrum is due to polyvariety of species development (alteration of the biomorph in the same species, a change in the prevailing propagation direction, reduction in the duration (or absence) of the generative period) and characteristics of the arranged ecotope system. Conclusions. For the thymes of different biomorphs the factors of habitats and specific features which influence the stable state of their coenopopulation are identified. It has been ascertained that Thymus coenopopulations in the southern Siberia are in a stable state or tend to be in this state. A comparative analysis of the data obtained made it possible to put forward some patterns of population behavior of thymes which can be extrapolated into another species of the genus Thymus with similar types of biomorphs

    Feed additives to enhance productivity and natural agricultural resistance of animals

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    The use of intensive technologies in industrial livestock leads to an increase in the stress sensitivity of animals, a decrease in their immune status and the development of pathological conditions. To increase the safety of young stock, including by reducing its incidence and death from diseases, feed additives are being developed, including probiotics, prebiotics and (or) other components that stimulate the immunological resistance of animals, their growth and productivity. This article examines the effectiveness of the use of a complex feed additive containing a multienzyme enzyme preparation, the probiotic preparation Prolam and amaranth oilcake to increase the efficiency of growing calves. The studies were performed on calves of the red-motley breed from 10 days of age in Voronezhpishcheprodukt LLC. The study of the effect of the feed additive on the immune and clinical status was carried out on 40 calves, which were divided into 4 groups. The calves of the three experimental groups used the feed additive at a dosage of 5, 10 and 15 g per day from day 10, the control drug was not used. The use of a complex feed additive to calves in the neonatal period helps to optimize the process of formation of intestinal microbiocenosis, increase the body's natural resistance and adaptive immune response to antigenic effects, accompanied by a decrease in the incidence of animals, the duration and severity of gastrointestinal pathology. The use of the feed additive in the dosage of 10–15 g / head per day favorably affected the growth rate and the natural resistance of the body of calves. The data obtained are the basis for the inclusion of feed additives in the diet of young farm animals


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    One of the urgent tasks at the present time is to obtain and widely use functional foods that have antioxidant  and anticarcinogenic effects, which serve not only to meet human needs  in   proteins,  fats,  carbohydrates, micro  -   and macronutrients,  but also contribute to the immune system, improve the heart and other human organs. For food plants, rich in antioxidant protection components, include perennial onions, from the variety of wild species which are in demand by modern medicine are only very few. The Republic of Komi is classified as the most uncomfortable  territories for human habitation.  In the flora of the Komi Republic there are three types of perennial bows – Allium angulosum  L., A. schoenoprasum L. and A. strictum Schrad.   The collection of the Botanical garden of the Institute of biology, Komi scientific center includes more than 150 species. Comparison of the chemical composition of  four  types  of  onions  from  the Botanical gardens of the Komi scientific center and Moscow state University (MSU) showed that  the  total  content  of flavonoids in  onions, Komi scientific center of  the  BS  is much higher, and the content of selenium is lower than in the same types of BS, Moscow state University. In samples of onions sticking out in the Republic of Tuva, the Republic of Buryatia,  in the Altai Mountains, the Se content is also much higher than in regional species. The soils of the Komi Republic are  depleted  Se,  however, as  shown  by  our research, wild and cultivated species of the genus Allium, are batteries of this trace element. According to our calculations, the use of 100 g of fresh herbs of chives may meet up to 60% of the daily needs of the human body in ascorbic acid, up to 94% manganese, 20% copper, 12% zinc