185 research outputs found

    A Higgs Mechanism for Gravity. Part II: Higher Spin Connections

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    We continue the work of hep-th/0503024 in which gravity is considered as the Goldstone realization of a spontaneously broken diffeomorphism group. We complete the discussion of the coset space Diff(d,R)/SO(1,d-1) formed by the d-dimensional group of analytic diffeomorphisms and the Lorentz group. We find that this coset space is parameterized by coordinates, a metric and an infinite tower of higher-spin-like or generalized connections. We then study effective actions for the corresponding symmetry breaking which gives mass to the higher spin connections. Our model predicts that gravity is modified at high energies by the exchange of massive higher spin particles.Comment: 17 pages; discussion on local Poincare invariance and matter currents added; references adde

    Abelian Magnetic Monopoles and Topologically Massive Vector Bosons in Scalar-Tensor Gravity with Torsion Potential

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    A Lagrangian formulation describing the electromagnetic interaction - mediated by topologically massive vector bosons - between charged, spin-(1/2) fermions with an abelian magnetic monopole in a curved spacetime with non-minimal coupling and torsion potential is presented. The covariant field equations are obtained. The issue of coexistence of massive photons and magnetic monopoles is addressed in the present framework. It is found that despite the topological nature of photon mass generation in curved spacetime with isotropic dilaton field, the classical field theory describing the nonrelativistic electromagnetic interaction between a point-like electric charge and magnetic monopole is inconsistent.Comment: 18 pages, no figure

    Monopoles near the Planck Scale and Unification

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    Considering our (3+1)-dimensional space-time as, in some way, discrete or l attice with a parameter a=λPa=\lambda_P, where λP\lambda_P is the Planck length, we have investigated the additional contributions of lattice artifact monopoles to beta-functions of the renormalisation group equations for the running fine structure constants αi(μ)\alpha_i(\mu) (i=1,2,3 correspond to the U(1), SU(2) and SU(3) gauge groups of the Standard Model) in the Family Replicated Gauge Group Model (FRGGM) which is an extension of the Standard Model at high energies. It was shown that monopoles have NfamN_{fam} times smaller magnetic charge in FRGGM than in SM (NfamN_{fam} is the number of families in FRGGM). We have estimated al so the enlargement of a number of fermions in FRGGM leading to the suppression of the asymptotic freedom in the non-Abelian theory. We have shown that, in contrast to the case of AntiGUT when the FRGGM undergoes the breakdown at μ=μG1018\mu=\mu_G\sim 10^{18} GeV, we have the possibility of unification if the FRGGM-breakdown occurs at μG1014\mu_G\sim 10^{14} GeV. By numerical calculations we obtained an example of the unification of all gauge interactions (including gravity) at the scale μGUT1018.4\mu_{GUT}\approx 10^{18.4} GeV. We discussed the possibility of [SU(5)]3[SU(5)]^3 or [SO(10)]3[SO(10)]^3 (SUSY or not SUSY) unifications.Comment: 49 pages, 7 figure

    Phase transition in gauge theories, monopoles and the Multiple Point Principle

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    This review is devoted to the Multiple Point Principle (MPP), according to which several vacuum states with the same energy density exist in Nature. The MPP is implemented to the Standard Model (SM), Family replicated gauge group model (FRGGM) and phase transitions in gauge theories with/without monopoles. Lattice gauge theories are reviewed. The lattice results for critical coupling constants are compared with those of the Higgs Monopole Model (HMM), in which the lattice artifact monopoles are replaced by the point-like Higgs scalar particles with a magnetic charge. Considering our (3+1)-dimensional space-time as discrete, for example, as a lattice with a parameter a=\lambda_P, equal to the Planck length, we have investigated the additional contributions of monopoles to beta-functions of renormalization group equations in the FRGGM extended beyond the SM at high (the Planck scale) energies. We have reviewed that, in contrast to the Anti-grand unified theory (AGUT), there exists a possibility of unification of all gauge interactions (including gravity) near the Planck scale due to monopoles. The unifications [SU(5)]^3 and [SO(10)]^3 at the GUT-scale \sim 10^{18} GeV are briefly discussed.Comment: 100 pages, 25 figures, typos correcte

    Nonlinear Realization and Weyl Scale Invariant p=2 Brane

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    The action of Weyl scale invariant p=2 brane which breaks the target super Weyl scale symmetry in the N=1, D=4 superspace down to the lower dimensional Weyl symmetry W(1,2) is derived by the approach of nonlinear realization. The dual form action for the Weyl scale invariant supersymmetric D2 brane is also constructed. The interactions of localized matter fields on the brane with the Nambu-Goldstone fields associated with the breaking of the symmetries in the superspace and one spatial translation directions are obtained through the Cartan one-forms of the Coset structures. The covariant derivatives for the localized matter fields are also obtained by introducing Weyl gauge field as the compensating field corresponding to the local scale transformation on the brane world volume.Comment: 20 page

    Mathisson-Papapetrou equations in metric and gauge theories of gravity in a Lagrangian formulation

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    We present a simple method to derive the semiclassical equations of motion for a spinning particle in a gravitational field. We investigate the cases of classical, rotating particles (pole-dipole particles), as well as particles with intrinsic spin. We show that, starting with a simple Lagrangian, one can derive equations for the spin evolution and momentum propagation in the framework of metric theories of gravity and in theories based on a Riemann-Cartan geometry (Poincare gauge theory), without explicitly referring to matter current densities (spin and energy-momentum). Our results agree with those derived from the multipole expansion of the current densities by the conventional Papapetrou method and from the WKB analysis for elementary particles.Comment: 28 page

    Magnetic monopoles, alive

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    We review recent developments in understanding the physics of the magnetic monopoles in unbroken non-Abelian gauge theories. Since numerical data on the monopoles are accumulated in lattice simulations, the continuum theory is understood as the limiting case of the lattice formulation. In this review, written for a memorial volume dedicated to the memory of Academician A.B. Migdal, we emphasize physical effects related to the monopoles. In particular, we discuss the monopole-antimonopole potential at short and larger distances as well as a dual formulation of the gluodynamics, relevant to the physics of the confinement.Comment: 24+1 pp., Latex2e, no figure

    Magnetic phase transition in V2O3 nanocrystals

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    V2O3 nanocrystals can be synthesized through hydrothermal reduction of VO(OH)2 using hydrazine as a reducing agent. Addition of different ligands to the reaction produces nanoparticles, nanorods and nanoplatelets of different sizes. Small nanoparticles synthesized in this manner show suppression of the magnetic phase transition to lower temperatures. Using muon spin relaxation spectroscopy and synchrotron x-ray diffraction, it is determined that the volume fraction of the high-temperature phase, characterized by a rhombohedral structure and paramagnetism, gradually declines with decreasing temperature, in contrast to the sharp transition observed in bulk V2O3.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figure

    The Phase Diagram of Compact QED Coupled to a Four-Fermi Interaction

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    Compact lattice Quantum Electrodynamics (QED) with four species of fermions is simulated with massless quarks by using the χ\chiQED scheme of adding a four-fermi interaction to the action. Simulations directly in the chiral limit of massless quarks are done with high statistics on 848^4, and 16416^4 lattices, and the phase diagram, parameterized by the gauge and the four-fermi couplings, is mapped out. The line of monopole condensation transitions is separate from the line of chiral symmetry restoration. The simulation results indicate that the monopole condensation transition is first order while the chiral transition is second order. The challenges in determining the Universality class of the chiral transition are discussed. If the scaling region for the chiral transition is sufficiently wide, the 16416^4 simulations predict critical indices far from mean field values. We discuss a speculative scenario in which anti-screening provided by double-helix strands of monopole and anti-monopole loops are the agent that balances the screening of fermion anti-fermion pairs to produce an ultra-violet fixed point in the electric coupling.Comment: 29 pages, 8 figures and 2 table

    Hamiltonian Poincar\'e Gauge Theory of Gravitation

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    We develop a Hamiltonian formalism suitable to be applied to gauge theories in the presence of Gravitation, and to Gravity itself when considered as a gauge theory. It is based on a nonlinear realization of the Poincar\'e group, taken as the local spacetime group of the gravitational gauge theory, with SO(3)SO(3) as the classification subgroup. The Wigner--like rotation induced by the nonlinear approach singularizes out the role of time and allows to deal with ordinary SO(3)SO(3) vectors. We apply the general results to the Einstein--Cartan action. We study the constraints and we obtain Einstein's classical equations in the extremely simple form of time evolution equations of the coframe. As a consequence of our approach, we identify the gauge--theoretical origin of the Ashtekar variables.Comment: 38 pages, plainTe