12 research outputs found

    The study of initial permeability temperature dependences for LiTiZn ferrite ceramics

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    Results of obtaining and analyzing the temperature dependences of initial permeability of ferrite ceramics are presented in the paper. It was shown that the level of the defective state of ferrite ceramics can be obtained from the value of two parameters [alpha] and [beta] of the phenomenological expression describing the experimental dependences. The results showed that the main criterion of the defect state is the parameter [beta]/[alpha], which is related to the elastic stresses in the material. An indicator of the structure perfection is also the value of the maximum of the initial permeability near the Curie temperature

    The study of initial permeability temperature dependences for LiTiZn ferrite ceramics

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    Results of obtaining and analyzing the temperature dependences of initial permeability of ferrite ceramics are presented in the paper. It was shown that the level of the defective state of ferrite ceramics can be obtained from the value of two parameters [alpha] and [beta] of the phenomenological expression describing the experimental dependences. The results showed that the main criterion of the defect state is the parameter [beta]/[alpha], which is related to the elastic stresses in the material. An indicator of the structure perfection is also the value of the maximum of the initial permeability near the Curie temperature

    Analysis of tuberculosis sick rate in Siberian federal district

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    The paper presents the materials of the complex epidemiological evaluation of tuberculosis process by its main indicators (incident cases, prevalence and mortality) in the Siberian Federal district over the period of 2002-2014. The ranking of the territories included in the Siberian Federal district was performed by the integral index. That allowed to identify three groups of territories by the level of intensity of TB epidemiological process (favorable, typical, unfavorable). The most favorable epidemiological situation was registered in Tomsk region, the most unfavorable one - in the Republic of Tuva

    Sleep features in menopausal women (literature review)

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    The article reviews the literature of domestic and foreign researchers devoted to the somnological aspects of the menopausal period in women. Age-related changes in the structural organization of sleep are shown with a deficiency of sex steroids, also and in the gender aspect. A high frequency of sleep disorders in menopausal women, reaching 60 %, has been revealed. However, the results of studies on complaints of sleep disorders depending on the climacteric phase are ambiguous, which may be due to ethnicity. Data on some pathogenetic mechanisms of the formation of the most frequent sleep disorders in menopausal women - insomnia, obstructive sleep apnea syndrome and fibromyalgia - are described. The results of polysomnography in these pathological states are presented, indicating a decrease in sleep efficiency, a change in its "architecture", and a longer waking time during the night with insomnia; a significant increase in the apnea/hypopnea index, a delay in the phase of fast sleep, a decrease in the duration of deep stages of sleep and a decrease in its effectiveness - in obstructive sleep apnea syndrome. The social and medical consequences of sleep disorders and their comorbidity with such pathological conditions as mental disorders, obesity, cardiovascular diseases, oncology, disorders of carbohydrate metabolism, bronchial asthma, mortality are noted

    Viability of causative pathogen in patients with drug-sensitive and drug-resistant forms of respiratory tuberculosis

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    To predict outcomes of tuberculosis we investigated the viability of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) in relation to drug resistance of strains and clinical manifestations of tuberculosis. During the study on solid Löwenstein - Jensen medium, we determined the speed, growth rate and drug resistance of MBT in 5945 cultures, isolated from the sputum of patients with pulmonary tuberculosis - residents of the Irkutsk region (2193 -from newly diagnosed patients, 3752 - from previously treated patients). The criterion of high viability of MBT was the growth rate of >100 colonies over 20 days; and low viability corresponded with the growth rate of 30 days. 2171 cultures (36.5 %) had high viability of MBT strains, 3021 (50.8 %) - low, and 753 (12.7 %) cultures had average degree of viability. A high degree of pathogen viability was more often determined in newly diagnosed patients with tuberculosis of intrathoracic lymph nodes (all patients with HIV-infection without antiretroviral therapy), fibrotic-cavernous and infiltrative tuberculosis. Among previously treated patients with tuberculosis the high viability of MBT was often determined in patients with fibrous-cavernous and infiltrative tuberculosis, and caseous pneumonia. Cultures from previously treated patients with tuberculosis of intrathoracic lymph nodes had low degree of viability. The number of drug-sensitive strains was 1992, drug-resistant ones - 3953, including 1430 strains with multidrug resistance. We have found that 37.5 % drug-resistant strains associated with a high degree of viability (multidrug resistance - 38.5 %), it's was more often than the drug-sensitive (35.4 %; p < 0.01)


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    Voltammetric responses associated with the simple reaction of perrhenate anions transfer across polarized micro-interfaces between two immiscible electrolyte solutions (micro-ITIES) was investigated, and their sensing applications were demonstrated. The micro-ITIES array was formed at polyethylene terephthalate membranes containing a 196 microhole array of radius 10.0±0.1 μm using a femtosecond laser. The characteristics of perrhenate ions transfer at the water/2-nitrophenyloctyl ether interface were first investigated using cyclic voltammetry (CV). CV was used in the estimation of some of the perrhenate anions thermodynamic parameters, such as the formal transfer potential and the Gibbs transfer energy. The technique of alternating current stripping voltammetry (ACSV) was also utilized to improve the sensitivity of the perrhenate anion detection. Under optimized preconcentration and detection conditions, a limit of detection of 0.3 μM with a wide linear dynamic range extending from 1.0 to 100 μM was achieved. The effect of various potential interfering anions on the perrhenate sensor was also investigated and an excellent selectivity over SCN-, I-, NO3-, NO2-, CO32-, SO42-, MoO42-, WO42- and CH3COO- ions was also achieved. This enabled quantitative measurements of rhenium in some mineral raw samples and the data was also validated by comparing with inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy.Настоящая работа посвящена изучению простого ионного переноса перренат-иона через поляризуемую микрограницу раздела фаз двух несмешивающихся растворов электролитов (микро-ГРДНРЭ) и применению данного явления для аналитического определения рения. Для создания системы с микро-ГРДНРЭ изготовлена микроперфорированная полимерная мембрана из полиэтилентерефталата , в которой с помощью фемтосекундного лазера проделанмассив из 196 микроотверстий диаметром 10±0.1 мкм. С использованием данной системы методом циклической вольтамперометрии (ЦВА) впервые исследованы первичные характеристики переноса перренат-иона на микрогранице раздела фаз вода/2-нитрофенилоктиловый эфир и определены термодинамические параметры переноса, такие, как формальный потенциал ионного переноса, энергия Гиббса и межфазный коэффициент распределения. Для повышения чувствительности обнаружения перренат-иона применяли также технику инверсионной вольтамперометрии (ИВА). При оптимизированных условиях электрохимического концентрирования и обнаружения достигнут предел обнаружения перренат-иона, равный 0.3 мкМ, с широким линейным динамическим диапазоном от 1.0 до 100 мкМ. Изучено влияние х мешающих ионов на электрохимический отклик перренат-иона, и достигнута отличная селективность по отношению к анионам SCN-, I-, NO3-, NO2-, CO32-, SO42-, MoO42-, WO42- и CH3CO-. Это позволило провести количественное определение рения в некоторых образцах минерального сырья и сравнить полученные данные с результатами, полученными методом атомно-эмиссионной спектроскопии с индуктивно связанной плазмой


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    Comprehensive epidemiological analysis of tuberculosis in the Republic of Buryatia (RB), including among different ethnicgroups (Russian, Buryat, Evenk) presents in the article. Assessment of the epidemiological situationfor 1994-2012 was examined on various parameters (incidence, prevalence and mortality). It was found that the epidemiological situation in RB in the last twenty years were characterized by high incidence of tuberculosis when compared with similar data for Russia as a whole (mean annual incidence 148,1 ± 6,90/0000 и 77.6 ± 2,10/0000 respectively). Among the various ethnic groups living in the RB, the most unfavorable epidemiological indicators identified for the Buryat population. "Safely" group of the population was Evenki. For each of the studied ethnic groups have been identified areas of tuberculosis risk, which had its own characteristics

    Investigation of the Heat Transfer Process Intensity on the Wall-Liquid Boundary in the Model of a Double-Walled Heat Transfer Surface with Wood's Alloy Filled Gap

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    The dependence of the heat exchange processes on the parameters of a two-wall heat exchange surface is studied. The obtained results were analyzed, the estimation of the design efficiency was made.Проведено исследование зависимости процессов теплообмена от параметров двустенной теплообменной поверхности. Проанализированы полученные результаты, проведена оценка эффективности данной конструкции

    Tuberculosis features in federal districts of the Russian Federation

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    Background. The retrospective assessment of key indicator levels and their trends at the start point of new strategy realization for tuberculosis control in Russia is an important predictor of the global program implementation to reduce the burden of this infection. Materials and methods. We analyzed incidence, prevalence and mortality among general and children population in Russian federal districts, in European and Asian regions, and in countries having a common border with Russia. Results. Presented material confirms the wide spread of tuberculosis in Russia, where the average annual incidence rate for 2005-2015 was 71.9 ± 2.5 0/0000, which attributes Russia to average-burden country. The most important characteristic of the studied period was a stable decreasing tendency of the key TB indicatorsformed by 2015. However, enormously uneven distribution of TB incidence, prevalence and mortality in some federal districts reveals different starting points of the regions. Relatively favorable territories include Central and Crimean Federal Districts, and the most unfavorable are Siberian and Far Eastern Federal Districts. The TB incidence significantly increases from West to East. Revealed unfavorable increasing tendency of children TB in combination with the trend described above indicates active transmission of TB infection in the Asian part of Russia. We also revealed the likelihood of mutual influence of migratory exchanges of Russian border regions and neighboring countries, which most strongly manifests on territories with low and medium TB incidence rates

    Complex rehabilitation of patients after the sports injury, exacerbation of chronic diseases of the backbone on the basis of the fitness center

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    The increase in interest in amateur sport for psychoemotional unloading and restoration of forces and also ensuring satisfactory physical training and working capacity for the last 15 years, it is resolutely truly possible to consider a revolution in daily activity. Article is devoted to a traumatism problem in fitness. The general algorithm of complex rehabilitation of patients after a sports injury, exacerbation of chronic diseases of a backbone including medicamentous therapy, targetny therapy (medical blockade), physiotherapy exercises, physical therapy, a dietotherapy, manual therapy, acupuncture, massage, psychotherapy is provided. Specialists in physiotherapy exercises and rehabilitation should pay attention to increase in number of damages, to the prevention of traumatism, to the development of modern diagnostic methods and treatments, to promote development of rehabilitation on base fitness of the center. The fitness brings to thousands of Russians pleasure and considerable benefit, but in the meantime will unreasonably neglect important adverse factors of sharp increase in physical activity as damages, injuries or exacerbation of chronic diseases. The most part of doctors the centers employed in fitness – young specialists without due experience with patients after sports injuries, exacerbation of chronic diseases of a backbone therefore each doctor who is engaged in rehabilitation of patients with this type of pathology is obliged to gain the system impression allowing to avoid harming health of the patient and to gain the maximum effect in treatment.Всплеск интереса к любительскому спорту для психоэмоциональной разгрузки и восстановления сил, а также обеспечения удовлетворительной физической подготовки и работоспособности за последние 15 лет решительно верно можно считать переворотом в повседневной деятельности. Статья посвящена проблеме травматизма в фитнесе. Представлен общий алгоритм комплексной реабилитации пациентов после спортивной травмы, обострения хронических заболеваний позвоночника, включающий медикаментозную терапию, таргетную терапию (лечебные блокады), лечебную физкультуру, физиотерапию, диетотерапию, мануальную терапию, иглорефлексотерапию, массаж, психотерапию. Специалистам по лечебной физкультуре и реабилитации следует уделять внимание увеличению числа повреждений, профилактике травматизма, разработке современных методов диагностики и лечения, содействовать развитию реабилитации на базе фитнес центра. тысячам россиян фитнес приносит удовольствие и значительную пользу, но в тоже время будет нерассудительно пренебрегать важными неблагоприятными факторами резкого повышения физической активности, как повреждения, травмы или обострение хронических заболеваний. Большая часть врачей трудоустроенных в фитнес центрах – молодые специалисты без должного опыта работы с пациентами после спортивных травм, обострения хронических заболеваний позвоночника, поэтому каждый врач занимающийся реабилитацией больных с данным видом патологии, обязан получить системное представление, позволяющее избежать нанесения вреда здоровью пациента и получить максимальный эффект в лечении