204 research outputs found

    On the formation of skills of speech at the research and practical conference in foreign (English) language on the professional subject of bachelors and masters of non-language universities

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    At the Institute of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science of National Research Tomsk State University, annually for twenty years a scientific and practical student conference is held. The main purpose of this conference is to provide an opportunity for future specialists to implement the skills and abilities of practical language skills in situations of foreign language professional and scientific communication, namely to make reports in a foreign language, to discuss topics related to the scientific work of the conference participants. Teachers of the department of the English language of natural science and physics and mathematics faculties take an active part in organizing the conference; prepare bachelors and masters for presentation with reports in English. The article considers the method of training bachelors and masters to speak with their project in English at a research and practical conference in a non-language university and the role of the English language teacher in the developing of skills of speech at the conference at each stage of preparation. Many years method of preparing students to speak at a research and practical conference in a foreign language (English) at this Institute shows positive results. Students adequately present their scientific reports, showing a confident knowledge of English as a means of professional communication, thereby increasing the motivation for further improvement of English language for professional purposes


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    The aim. of our study was to analyze clinical and laboratory features of acute mesenteric ischemia course and to reveal possible ways to improve patients care in this category in non-specialized. multidisciplinary medical institution. The study is based, on the analysis of case histories of patients treated, in the ward of general surgery of Railway Clinical Hospital of Chita in 2007—2011 years with acute mesenteric ischemia as well as the analysis of autopsy protocols of this category of patients. Analysis of clinical records revealed, a number of symptoms, the presence of which in people of group of risk on the acute mesenteric ischemia allows to diagnose and. to start pathogenetic therapy in the first hours of the disease

    Eddies in the Western Arctic Ocean From Spaceborne SAR Observations Over Open Ocean and Marginal Ice Zones

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    The Western Arctic Ocean is a host to major ocean circulation systems, many of which generate eddies that can transport water masses and corresponding tracers over long distances from their formation sites. However, comprehensive observations of critical eddy characteristics are currently not available and are limited to spatially and temporally sparse in situ observations. Here we use high‐resolution spaceborne synthetic aperture radar measurements to detect eddies from their surface imprints in ice‐free sea surface roughness, and in sea ice patterns throughout marginal ice zones. We provide the first estimate of eddy characteristics extending over the seasonally ice‐free and marginal ice zone regions of the Western Arctic Ocean, including their locations, diameters, and monthly distribution. Using available synthetic aperture radar data, we identified over 4,000 open ocean eddies, as well as over 3,500 eddies in marginal ice zones from June to October in 2007, 2011, and 2016. Eddies range in size between 0.5 and 100 km and are frequently found over the shelf and near continental slopes but also present in the deep Canada Basin and over the Chukchi Plateau. We find that cyclonic eddies are twice more frequent compared to anticyclonic eddies at the surface, distinct from the dominating anticyclonic eddies observed at depth by in situ moorings and ice‐tethered profilers. Our study supports the notion that eddies are ubiquitous in the Western Arctic Ocean even in the presence of sea ice and emphasizes the need for improved ocean observations and modeling at eddy scales


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    Background. The problem of early diagnosis of acute mesenteric ischemia is still relevant today. In this connection, it is of interest to search for a diagnostic marker of this pathological condition. Up to 80 % of all immunocompetent cells are localized in the intestinal mucosa. So, we can assume that the mesenteric channel occlusion can result in changes in the subpopulation structure of lymphocytes. The aim of the study is to analyse some parameters of the subpopulation structure of lymphocytes at various stages of acute mesenteric ischemia in the experiment. Materials and methods. The experiment was performed on 32 adult male rats - with an average mass of 200 g. The animals were divided into 4 equal groups. The first group was a control group. All other animals underwent laparotomy, blood sampling from the posterior vena cava, ligation of the mesenteric artery at the base of the mesentery root, suturing the wound. After 3, 6 and 8 hours, blood sampling, small bowel biopsy were performed in the second, third and fourth groups. The subpopulation structure of lymphocytes was assessed by direct immunofluorescence staining. Morphological material was stained with hematoxylin-eosin. Results. The complete occlusion of the cranial mesenteric artery was revealed to be accompanied by a decrease in the lymphocytes level, an increase in CD4/CD8 ratio. Conclusion. The data obtained were to develop a diagnostic method for acute mesenteric ischemia (Patent N 2552338, Russian Federation)

    Eddies in the Western Arctic Ocean From Spaceborne SAR Observations Over Open Ocean and Marginal Ice Zones

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    The Western Arctic Ocean is a host to major ocean circulation systems, many of which generate eddies that can transport water masses and corresponding tracers over long distances from their formation sites. However, comprehensive observations of critical eddy characteristics are currently not available and are limited to spatially and temporally sparse in situ observations. Here we use high‐resolution spaceborne synthetic aperture radar measurements to detect eddies from their surface imprints in ice‐free sea surface roughness, and in sea ice patterns throughout marginal ice zones. We provide the first estimate of eddy characteristics extending over the seasonally ice‐free and marginal ice zone regions of the Western Arctic Ocean, including their locations, diameters, and monthly distribution. Using available synthetic aperture radar data, we identified over 4,000 open ocean eddies, as well as over 3,500 eddies in marginal ice zones from June to October in 2007, 2011, and 2016. Eddies range in size between 0.5 and 100 km and are frequently found over the shelf and near continental slopes but also present in the deep Canada Basin and over the Chukchi Plateau. We find that cyclonic eddies are twice more frequent compared to anticyclonic eddies at the surface, distinct from the dominating anticyclonic eddies observed at depth by in situ moorings and ice‐tethered profilers. Our study supports the notion that eddies are ubiquitous in the Western Arctic Ocean even in the presence of sea ice and emphasizes the need for improved ocean observations and modeling at eddy scales

    Audiovisual content analysis in the translation process

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    The article presents a comprehensive approach to the process of audiovisual translation that includes application of multimodal analysis of semiotic codes present in audiovisual productions. The article dwells on how the proposed approach can be applied to analyzing audiovisual productions for different types of audiovisual translation. Due to its multimodal nature, an audiovisual production is understood by the authors as an audiovisual text that combines image, sound and verbal means, that is, different modes conveying meaning. The means of conveying meaning in an audiovisual production include the visual non-verbal elements, visual verbal elements as well as audio non-verbal and verbal elements. The priority of these means of meaning transfer and their interaction in meaning generation differ significantly depending on the genre of audiovisual productions and the specifics of the process of its creation


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    The research of content of primary and secondary (lipohydroperoxides, malondialdehyde) products of free radical oxidation of lipids in blood serum, and. indices of activity of antioxidant enzymes (glutathione peroxidase and. glutathione reductase) in 62 patients with pancreatic diabetes of type II. In 28 patients of them, the disease was complicated by suppurative inflammation of the foot. On the basis of these data we proposed a method of forecasting of the development of infectious complications in these patients at the stage of pre-clinical manifestations. This allows to make necessary pharmacological correction in the treatment of patients with pancreatic diabetes promptly to prevent the development of diabetic foot syndrome

    Structure of air chemical pollution and environmental zoning for health assessment in large industrial centre

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    The problem of contamination of the lower layer of the atmosphere in Western Siberia remains relevant more than half a century. The territory of the city of Kemerovo, a major industrial center with well-developed coal-chemical complex is an obvious example of antropotechnogenous burden on the environment and the health of the population with its climatic and geographical, weather and economic features. The aim of the study was to evaluate the structure of chemical contamination during 2005-2011 years, their interaction and the allocation of the factors that determine the ecological zoning on the example of the city of Kemerovo to identify the role of chemical pollution on the health of the population. Factor analysis revealed two latentfactors that determine the structuring of chemical pollution of the city of Kemerovo, in accordance with the wind rose and the chemical nature of the contaminants. The research shows the negative influence of chemical pollution on the health of the population of the city of Kemerovo

    Self-diffusion in a hyaluronic acid-albumin-water system as studied by NMR

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    Hyaluronic acid (HA) is an anionic biopolymer that is present in many tissues and can be involved in cancerous neoformations. HA can form complexes with proteins (particularly, serum albumin) in the body. However, HA structures and processes involving HA have not been extensively studied by NMR because the molecule's rigid structure makes these studies problematic. In the current work, self-diffusion of HA and bovine serum albumin (BSA), and water in solutions was measured by 1H pulsed field gradient NMR (PFG NMR) with a focus on the HA-BSA-D 2O systems at various concentrations of BSA and HA. It was shown that in the presence of even a small amount of HA, the self-diffusion coefficient (SDC) of BSA decreases. To explain this fact, three hypotheses were proposed and analyzed. The first one was based on the effect of slowing down of water mobility in the presence of HA. The second hypothesis suggested an effect of mechanical collisions of BSA with HA molecules. The third hypothesized that BSA and HA molecules form a complex where BSA molecules reduced in mobility. It was shown that the third mechanism is the most likely. The state of the BSA molecules in the BSA-HA-D 2O system corresponds to a 'fast exchange' condition from the NMR point of view: BSA molecules reside in the 'free' and 'bound' (with HA) states for much shorter time than the diffusion time of the PFG NMR experiment, 7ams. The fractions of 'bound' BSA molecules in the BSA-HA complex were estimated. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd

    Кибербезопасность в условиях цифровой трансформации

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    The paper deals with the issues of cybersecurity in the conditions of digital transformation and the development of society. The authors define cybersecurity and cyberspace by following international practice and IT standardization. According to the ISO/IEC 27032 standard, the cybersecurity position concerning other security domains is defined. Based on the best practices of IT international standards, the authors have considered the current aspects of cybersecurity threats, both external and internal. Considering the results of global statistical research, the authors have identified the current threats to digital transformation in organizations. The paper deals with guidelines to reducing the risks from losses of dangerous cyberattacks.В статье рассматриваются вопросы кибербезопасности в условиях процесса цифровой трансформации экономики и развития общественных отношений. Дано понятийное определение кибербезопасности и киберпространства в соответствии с международной практикой стандартизации процессов информационных технологий. Согласно стандарта ISO/IEC 27032, определено положение кибербезопасности относительно других сфер информационной безопасности. С позиций риск-ориентированного подхода рассмотрены актуальные аспекты кибербезопасности, с опорой на лучшие практики международных стандартов в области защищённости в условиях киберугроз как внешних, так и внутренних. Опираясь на глобальные статистические исследования, выявлены актуальные угрозы цифровой трансформации, которые она привносит в процесс кибербезопасности. Приведено ранжирование этих угроз по степени их значимости. Даны практические советы и рекомендации по противостоянию этим угрозам и снижению рисков от потерь реализации наиболее опасных кибератак