16,670 research outputs found

    The flow field of an underexpanded H2 jet coaxially injected into a hot free or ducted supersonic jet of air or nitrogen

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    Experimental data obtained in an investigation of the mixing of an underexpanded hydrogen jet in a supersonic flow both with and without combustion are presented. Tests were conducted in a Mach 2 test stream with both air and nitrogen as test media. Total temperature of the test stream was 2170 K, and static exit pressure was about one atmosphere. The static pressure at the exit of the hydrogen injector's Mach 2 nozzle was about two atmospheres. Primary measurements included shadowgraphs and pitot pressure surveys of the flow field. Pitot surveys and wall static pressures were measured for the case where the entire flow was shrouded. The results are compared to similar experimental data and theoretical predictions for the matched pressure case

    NASA SC(2)-0714 airfoil data corrected for sidewall boundary-layer effects in the Langley 0.3-meter transonic cryogenic tunnel

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    This report presents the corrected aerodynamic data for A NASA SC(2)-0714 airfoil tested in the Langley 0.3-Meter Transonic Cryogenic Tunnel. This test was another in the series of tests involved in the joint NASA/U.S. industry Advanced Technology Airfoil Tests program. This 14 percent thick critical airfoil was tested at Mach numbers from 0.6 to 0.76 and angles of attack from -2.0 to 6.0 deg. The test Reynolds numbers were 4 million, 6 million, 10 million, 15 million, 30 million, 40 million, and 45 million. Corrections for the effects of the sidewall boundary layer have been made. The uncorrected data were previously published in NASA Technical Memorandum 4044

    Baryon-Pion Couplings from Large-N QCD

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    We derive a set of consistency conditions for the pion-baryon coupling constants in the large-N limit of QCD. The consistency conditions have a unique solution which are precisely the values for the pion-baryon coupling constants in the Skyrme model. We also prove that non-relativistic SU(2Nf)SU(2N_f) spin-flavor symmetry (where NfN_f is the number of light flavors) is a symmetry of the baryon-pion couplings in the large-N limit of QCD. The symmetry breaking corrections to the pion-baryon couplings vanish to first order in 1/N1/N. Consistency conditions for other couplings, such as the magnetic moments are also derived.Comment: (12 pages, 2 figs, uses harvmac and uufiles), UCSD/PTH 93-1

    Flat device for heat concentration or dispersion

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    Device provides low-cost unit for efficiently transferring heat between, either to or from, flat surface and central point or region. It is based upon vapor heat transfer principle and therefore, extends applicability of heat pipe

    Naturalness of the Coleman-Glashow Mass Relation in the 1/N_c Expansion: an Update

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    A new measurement of the Xi^0 mass verifies the accuracy of the Coleman-Glashow relation at the level predicted by the 1/N_c expansion. Values for other baryon isospin mass splittings are updated, and continue to agree with the 1/N_c hierarchy.Comment: 6 pages, revte

    Semiclassical Meson-Baryon Dynamics from Large-Nc QCD

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    The large-NcN_c limit of the meson-baryon effective Lagrangian is shown to reduce to a semiclassical field theory. A chiral bag structure emerges naturally in the Nc→∞N_c\rightarrow \infty limit. A possible connection between the chiral bag picture and the Skyrme model is discussed. The classical meson-baryon theory is used to reproduce the Mπ3M_\pi^3 non-analytic correction to the baryon mass obtained previously as a loop correction in chiral perturbation theory.Comment: (13 pages, 1 figure, uses harvmac and uufiles), UCSD/PTH 94-1

    Algebraic Structure of Lepton and Quark Flavor Invariants and CP Violation

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    Lepton and quark flavor invariants are studied, both in the Standard Model with a dimension five Majorana neutrino mass operator, and in the seesaw model. The ring of invariants in the lepton sector is highly non-trivial, with non-linear relations among the basic invariants. The invariants are classified for the Standard Model with two and three generations, and for the seesaw model with two generations, and the Hilbert series is computed. The seesaw model with three generations proved computationally too difficult for a complete solution. We give an invariant definition of the CP-violating angle theta in the electroweak sector

    Baryon Exotics in the Quark Model, the Skyrme Model and QCD

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    We identify the quantum numbers of baryon exotics in the Quark Model, the Skyrme Model and QCD, and show that they agree for arbitrary colors and flavors. We define exoticness, E, which can be used to classify the states. The exotic baryons include the recently discovered qqqq qbar pentaquarks (E=1), as well as exotic baryons with additional q qbar pairs (E >=1). The mass formula for non-exotic and exotic baryons is given as an expansion in 1/N, and allows one to relate the moment of inertia of the Skyrme soliton to the mass of a constituent quark
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