25 research outputs found

    Real-time dynamics of string breaking in quantum spin chains

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    String breaking is a central dynamical process in theories featuring confinement, where a string connecting two charges decays at the expense of the creation of new particle-antiparticle pairs. Here, we show that this process can also be observed in quantum Ising chains where domain walls get confined either by a symmetry-breaking field or by long-range interactions. We find that string breaking occurs, in general, as a two-stage process: First, the initial charges remain essentially static and stable. The connecting string, however, can become a dynamical object. We develop an effective description of this motion, which we find is strongly constrained. In the second stage, which can be severely delayed due to these dynamical constraints, the string finally breaks. We observe that the associated time scale can depend crucially on the initial separation between domain walls and can grow by orders of magnitude by changing the distance by just a few lattice sites. We discuss how our results generalize to one-dimensional confining gauge theories and how they can be made accessible in quantum simulator experiments such as Rydberg atoms or trapped ions.Comment: 16 pages, 8 figures; version published in Physical Review

    Universal scattering with general dispersion relations

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    Many synthetic quantum systems allow particles to have dispersion relations that are neither linear nor quadratic functions. Here, we explore single-particle scattering in general spatial dimension D≥1D\geq 1 when the density of states diverges at a specific energy. To illustrate the underlying principles in an experimentally relevant setting, we focus on waveguide quantum electrodynamics (QED) problems (i.e. D=1D=1) with dispersion relation ϵ(k)=±∣d∣km\epsilon(k)=\pm |d|k^m, where m≥2m\geq 2 is an integer. For a large class of these problems for any positive integer mm, we rigorously prove that when there are no bright zero-energy eigenstates, the SS-matrix evaluated at an energy E→0E\to 0 converges to a universal limit that is only dependent on mm. We also give a generalization of a key index theorem in quantum scattering theory known as Levinson's theorem -- which relates the scattering phases to the number of bound states -- to waveguide QED scattering for these more general dispersion relations. We then extend these results to general integer dimensions D≥1D \geq 1, dispersion relations ϵ(k)=∣k∣a\epsilon(\boldsymbol{k}) = |\boldsymbol{k}|^a for a DD-dimensional momentum vector k\boldsymbol{k} with any real positive aa, and separable potential scattering

    Exact Chiral Spin Liquids and Mean-Field Perturbations of Gamma Matrix Models on the Ruby Lattice

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    We theoretically study an exactly solvable Gamma matrix generalization of the Kitaev spin model on the ruby lattice, which is a honeycomb lattice with "expanded" vertices and links. We find this model displays an exceptionally rich phase diagram that includes: (i) gapless phases with stable spin fermi surfaces, (ii) gapless phases with low-energy Dirac cones and quadratic band touching points, and (iii) gapped phases with finite Chern numbers possessing the values {\pm}4,{\pm}3,{\pm}2 and {\pm}1. The model is then generalized to include Ising-like interactions that break the exact solvability of the model in a controlled manner. When these terms are dominant, they lead to a trivial Ising ordered phase which is shown to be adiabatically connected to a large coupling limit of the exactly solvable phase. In the limit when these interactions are weak, we treat them within mean-field theory and present the resulting phase diagrams. We discuss the nature of the transitions between various phases. Our results highlight the richness of possible ground states in closely related magnetic systems.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figure

    Frustration-induced anomalous transport and strong photon decay in waveguide QED

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    We study the propagation of photons in a one-dimensional environment consisting of two non-interacting species of photons frustratingly coupled to a single spin-1/2. The ultrastrong frustrated coupling leads to an extreme mixing of the light and matter degrees of freedom, resulting in the disintegration of the spin and a breakdown of the "dressed-spin", or polaron, description. Using a combination of numerical and analytical methods, we show that the elastic response becomes increasingly weak at the effective spin frequency, showing instead an increasingly strong and broadband response at higher energies. We also show that the photons can decay into multiple photons of smaller energies. The total probability of these inelastic processes can be as large as the total elastic scattering rate, or half of the total scattering rate, which is as large as it can be. The frustrated spin induces strong anisotropic photon-photon interactions that are dominated by inter-species interactions. Our results are relevant to state-of-the-art circuit and cavity quantum electrodynamics experiments.Comment: 5+13 pages, 3 + 6 figures. v2: changed title and presentatio

    High-Energy Collision of Quarks and Mesons in the Schwinger Model: From Tensor Networks to Circuit QED

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    With the aim of studying nonperturbative out-of-equilibrium dynamics of high-energy particle collisions on quantum simulators, we investigate the scattering dynamics of lattice quantum electrodynamics in 1+1 dimensions. Working in the bosonized formulation of the model and in the thermodynamic limit, we use uniform-matrix-product-state tensor networks to construct multi-particle wave-packet states, evolve them in time, and detect outgoing particles post collision. This facilitates the numerical simulation of scattering experiments in both confined and deconfined regimes of the model at different energies, giving rise to rich phenomenology, including inelastic production of quark and meson states, meson disintegration, and dynamical string formation and breaking. We obtain elastic and inelastic scattering cross sections, together with time-resolved momentum and position distributions of the outgoing particles. Furthermore, we propose an analog circuit-QED implementation of the scattering process that is native to the platform, requires minimal ingredients and approximations, and enables practical schemes for particle wave-packet preparation and evolution. This study highlights the role of classical and quantum simulation in enhancing our understanding of scattering processes in quantum field theories in real time.Comment: 5+12 pages, 4+6 figures, close to published versio