101 research outputs found

    A stage-structured model to predict the effect of temperature and salinity on glass eel Anguilla anguilla pigmentation development

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    The pigmentation development process of glass eels Anguilla anguilla from stage V-B to VIA3 was modelled by gamma cumulative functions. These functions varied with respect to the factors temperature and salinity whose effects were adjusted by beta functions. Temperature was shown to accelerate pigmentation, while salinity acted as a secondary factor slowing down the pigmentation. The model fits the development of 15 samples kept at various temperatures and salinities in the Vilaine River, as well as samples monitored at other dates and places in Europe. It allows the prediction of the duration of estuarine residency for glass eels, in winter and spring, in the Atlantic estuaries

    Retinal Specializations In The Eyes Of Deep-Sea Teleosts

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    Although living beyond the penetration limits of sunlight, many deep-sea teleosts possess large eyes, lenses capable of accommodation, and various adaptations for increasing sensitivity and extending their visual field. However, little is known of the extent of the visual field and whether the spatial resolving power of the eye is constant across the retina. In order to examine whether these fish are specialized for acute vision in particular regions of the visual field, retinal wholemounts were used to examine the regional differences in the density of retinal ganglion cells in 16 species from different depths, habitats and photic zones. It was found that the retinal ganglion cell topography changes markedly across the retina with a density range of 6.3-50.6 x 10/3 cells mm -2 in a pattern unique to each species. A number of mesopelagic species including the lanternfishes, Lampanyctus macdonaldi and Myctophum punctatum possess a concentric increase in cell density towards the retinal margins, putatively enhancing peripheral vision. Three tubular-eyed species including Scopelarchus michaelsarsi possess an area centralis in the centro-lateral region of the main retina supporting the premise that this specialization receives a focused image. Some benthic species such as the smoothhead Rouleina attrita and the searsid Searsia koefoedi also boast a structural specialization or fovea in temporal retina with centro-peripheral cell gradients exceeding 30:1. Benthic species such as the tripodfish Bathypterois dubius possess two regional increases in ganglion cell density or areae centrales, one nasal and the other temporal, thereby increasing spatial resolving power in the caudal and rostral visual fields, respectively. These quantitative analyses suggest that deep-sea fishes, like their shallow-water counterparts, also use a specific region of their visual field for acute vision. This may be an advantage for the detection and localization of bioluminescent light sources

    Multiple paternity in a viviparous toad with internal fertilisation

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    Anurans are renowned for a high diversity of reproductive modes, but less than 1% of species exhibit internal fertilisation followed by viviparity. In the live bearing West African Nimba toad (Nimbaphrynoides occidentalis), females produce yolk-poor eggs and internally nourish their young after fertilisation. Birth of fully developed juveniles takes place after nine months. In the present study, we used genetic markers (eight microsatellite loci) to assign the paternity of litters of 12 females comprising on average 9.7 juveniles. In nine out of twelve families (75%) a single sire was sufficient; in three families (25%) more than one sire was necessary to explain the observed genotypes in each family. These findings are backed up with field observations of male resource defence (underground cavities in which mating takes place) as well as coercive mating attempts, suggesting that the observed moderate level of multiple paternity in a species without distinct sperm storage organs is governed by a balance of female mate choice and male reproductive strategies

    Action de la colchicine étudiéee sur les celules épithéliales de l'axolotl

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    La colchicine doit-être considérée comme un stimulant de la division cellulaire?

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