23 research outputs found

    Разработка магнитной оправки для алмазного выглаживания

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    Объектом исследования является магнитная оправка. Актуальность разработки оправки для алмазного выглаживания заключается в том, что в процессе выглаживания требуется стабильное усилие выглаживания независимо от неточности геометрической формы детали и погрешностей установки. Целью данной выпускной квалификационной работы является разработка оправки для алмазного выглаживания, которая не имеет пару трения и позволяет проводить выглаживание с маленьким колебанием усилия выглаживания. Рассматриваемые вопросы: как проводить алмазное выглаживание без силы трения, как регулировать усилия выглаживания для магнитной оправки и и т. д.The object of study is a magnetic mandrel. The relevance of the development of the mandrel for diamond smoothing is that the smoothing process requires a stable smoothing force, regardless of the inaccuracy of the geometric shape of the part and the installation errors. The purpose of this final qualifying work is to develop a mandrel for diamond smoothing, which does not have a friction pair and allows smoothing with a small fluctuation in the effort of smoothing. Questions to be addressed: how to carry out diamond smoothing without friction, how to adjust the smoothing efforts for a magnetic mandrel and etc

    Oxidation of benzoin catalyzed by oxovanadium (IV) schiff base complexes

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    BACKGROUND: The oxidative transformation of benzoin to benzil has been accomplished by the use of a wide variety of reagents or catalysts and different reaction procedures. The conventional oxidizing agents yielded mainly benzaldehyde or/and benzoic acid and only a trace amount of benzil. The limits of practical utilization of these reagents involves the use of stoichiometric amounts of corrosive acids or toxic metallic reagents, which in turn produce undesirable waste materials and required high reaction temperatures. In recent years, vanadium complexes have attracted much attention for their potential utility as catalysts for various types of reactions. RESULTS: Active and selective catalytic systems of new unsymmetrical oxovanadium(IV) Schiff base complexes for the oxidation of benzoin is reported. The Schiff base ligands are derived between 2-aminoethanol and 2-hydroxy-1- naphthaldehyde (H2L1) or 3-ethoxy salicylaldehyde (H2L3); and 2-aminophenol and 3-ethoxysalicylaldehyde (H2L2) or 2-hydroxy-1-naphthaldehyde (H2L4). The unsymmetrical Schiff bases behave as tridentate dibasic ONO donor ligands. Reaction of these Schiff base ligands with oxovanadyl sulphate afforded the mononuclear oxovanadium(IV) complexes (VIVOLx.H2O), which are characterized by various physico-chemical techniques. The catalytic oxidation activities of these complexes for benzoin were evaluated using H2O2 as an oxidant. The best reaction conditions are obtained by considering the effect of solvent, reaction time and temperature. Under the optimized reaction conditions, VOL4 catalyst showed high conversion (>99%) with excellent selectivity to benzil (~100%) in a shorter reaction time compared to the other catalysts considered. CONCLUSION: Four tridentate ONO type Schiff base ligands were synthesized. Complexation of these ligands with vanadyl(IV) sulphate leads to the formation of new oxovanadium(IV) complexes of type VIVOL.H2O. Elemental analyses and spectral data of the free ligands and their oxovanadium(IV) complexes were found to be in good agreement with their structures, indicating high purity of all the compounds. Oxovanadium complexes were screened for the oxidation of benzoin to benzil using H2O2 as oxidant. The effect of time, solvent and temperature were optimized to obtain maximum yield. The catalytic activity results demonstrate that these catalytic systems are both highly active and selective for the oxidation of benzoin under mild reaction conditions.Web of Scienc

    A common polymorphism in the ABCB11 gene is associated with advanced fibrosis in hepatitis C but not in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease

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    Chronic HCV (hepatitis C virus)-associated cirrhosis represents a major indication for liver transplantation. Bile acids contribute to hepatic stellate cell activation as a key event in fibrogenesis. The aim of the present study was to investigate the role of bile acids and polymorphisms in bile acid level-regulating genes on fibrosis progression. A total of 206 subjects with chronic HCV infection were included for ABCB11 (ATP-binding cassette, subfamily B, member II) 1331T>C and NR1H4 (nuclear receptor) -1G>T genotyping, 178 of which were analysed for fibrosis stage. Exclusion criteria were HBV (hepatitis B virus) or HIV coinfection, alcohol >40 g/day and morbid obesity. A total of 358 patients with NAFLD (non-alcoholic fatty liver disease) were genotyped for comparison with a non-viral liver disease. Caucasian individuals (n = 110), undergoing liver resection for focal hepatic metastasis, served as controls. The ABCB11 1331C allele was significantly overrepresented in HCV patients compared with controls {allelic frequency 62.9%; OR (odds ratio), 1.41 [95% CI (confidence interval), 1.012-1.965]}. Median plasma bile acid levels were not significantly increased in the CC compared with TT genotype [7.2 (1-110) μmol/l compared with 3.5 (1-61) μmol/l; values are medians (range). A significant association between the presence of cirrhosis and ABCB11 genotype (CC compared with CT or TT, P=0.047) was observed in the χ2 test and independent of other risk factors of age, gender, body mass index and disease duration in multivariate analysis (P = 0.010). No such association could be observed in fatty liver patients with regard to advanced fibrosis (F ≥ 2). The common ABCB11 1331CC genotype, which is present in 40% of HCV patients and renders the carrier susceptible to increased bile acid levels, is associated with cirrhosis

    A Survey of Academic Approaches to Agrarian Transformation in Post-War Greece

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    Discussed here are the interpretations of agrarian transformation in Greece during the post-war period. These are divided roughly into developmentalist, populist and ethnographic arguments. Emphasis is placed on the necessity of an interdisciplinary method in order to understand patterns of rural change, without attributing a determining role either to a political economy perspective or to an a-historical concept of community. Using the example of ethnohistory, this survey argues for an effective comparative ethnography of rural change, thereby overcoming the usual distinction between macro and micro-analysis