57 research outputs found

    Hepatoprotective Effects of Milk Thistle (Silybum marianum) Seed Cakes during the Chicken Broiler Fattening

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    The objective of this work was to verify the hepatoprotective effects of Silybum marianum seed cakes in feed mixtures used for the fattening of chicken broilers to heavier weights. Part of the experiment was to verify the preventive effect of such modified feed mixtures with the use of chlortetracycline medication. The experiment was carried out on 180 ROSS 308 broiler chickens. The chickens were fed complete feed mixtures containing 0.0% (K), 0.2% (P1 and 1.0% (P2) of Silybum marianum seed cakes. The cakes used contained 2.95% of silymarin. On the 44th day of fattening half of the chickens from every group were supplied with chlortetracycline medicated water at a dose of 2 g kg1 live weight. The selected biochemical indices were observed: cholesterol (Chol), glutamyl transferase (GMT), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), and alanine aminotransferase (ALT). On the 52nd day of the test, six chickens from each group were euthanized and their liver was taken for histological examination. Adding Silybum marianum seed cakes resulted in a non-significant decrease in the chickens' live weight and in the feed conversion in both experimental groups compared to the control group. The cholesterol levels were highly significantly lower (p p p p p p p < 0.01) the content of lipids and increased the content of glycogen in the liver of both experimental groups

    Testing of Two Varieties of Lupin Seeds as Substitutes for Soya Extracted Meal in Vegetable Diets Designed for Young Broilers

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    The main aim of this experiment was to verify the suitability of two Polish varieties of dehulled lupin seed (the low-protein SONET variety and the high-protein JUNO variety) as protein components to replace 50% of soya extract meal in feeding mixtures designed for the feeding of young broilers. The results of this experiment demonstrate that suitable treatment of lupin seed (dehulling) may significantly increase its nutritional value. Dehulling provides a product (core) in which the level of nitrogen-containing substances is by 27% higher than that in the original seed, providing an important protein component to be added in feeding mixtures for chickens. The experiment has also shown that production performance depends on the particular Lupinus variety used. Chickens fed on the JUNO variety seed (Group E1) reached a live weight of 2.332 kg on Day 40, which is comparable with the control group of chickens (2.337 kg; Group C). However, chickens in Group E2 fed on the SONET variety seed had a conclusively lower average weight (2.280 kg) (P Lupinus genus is a major source of the amino acid arginine, which is often deficient in the feeding mixtures

    Nutritional Composition of Seeds of the Genus Lupinus

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    The aim of this study was to determine and evaluate the chemical composition of the seeds of the genus Lupinus and soybeans. The chemical analyses were carried out in frequently grown lupi

    Comparison between Laying Hen Performance in the Cage System and the Deep Litter System on a Diet Free from Animal Protein

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    Battery cage systems for housing laying hens are being replaced by alternative systems including the deep litter system. At the same time, the substitution of meat and bone meal by vegetable matter in poultry feed mixtures is sought in the nutrition of laying hens. In the experiment, we compared the performance of laying hens of the ISA BROWN hybrid in both the cage system and the deep litter system, on a diet with the meat and bone meal content replaced by vegetable feeds (based on lupin). In the first group, 36 laying hens were kept in the deep litter system; in the second group, 36 laying hens were kept in cages. Over the period of nine months, the number of eggs laid, their weight, shell quality, the clinical state of the laying hens and incidence of their mortality were monitored daily. We found that in the cage system a higher number of eggs was obtained; a lower mean egg weight (p p p p p &gt; 0.05), and the number of laying hens which died was lower (p < 0.05) in comparison with the deep litter system. The results of the experiment demonstrate that, with the substitution of meat and bone meal by vegetable matter in the feed mixtures for laying hens, there are differences between the performance of laying hens from the deep litter system as compared to the laying hens from the cage system. The deep litter system better meets the requirements for the welfare of laying hens; however, it provides a lower yield

    The Effect of Feed and Temperature Regimen on Lipid Oxidation in Muscle of Broiler Chickens

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    The paper presents the effects of temperature and feed composition on the stability of lipids in breast and thigh muscles of COBB 500 meat hybrids. The chickens were reared in accordance with the technological procedure. The diet of experimental groups contained Proenergol in combination with Energol; the diet of control group chickens contained Proenergol and soybean oil. In the control groups and in half of the experimental groups, the temperature was reduced in agreement with the technological procedure, while it was kept at the constant level of 31 °C in other groups. The feeding continued up to the age of 42 days. The level of lipid oxidation was determined using malondialdehyde assays. No differences between individual groups of chickens were found in the breast muscle. In the thigh muscle, the introduction of Energol resulted in non-significant differences between the control and chickens kept in heat stress conditions. Negative correlation between lipid oxidation and live weight was established in control chickens fed soybean oil (p p < 0.05) in young male chicks fed Energol and kept at constantly increased temperature


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    Na temelju analize mišićne mase prsa i bataka šest vrsta pernate divljači (divlji puran / Meleagris gallopavo, biserke / Numida meleagris, jarebice kamenjarke-čukare / Alectoris chucar, japanske prepelice / Coturnix japonica, običnog fazana / Phasianus colchicus i trčke skvržulje / Perdix perdix) može se zaključiti da je njihovo meso vrlo kvalitetno za prehranu ljudi. Zbog visokog sadržaja bjelančevina i niskog sadržaja masti posebno je kvalitetno meso čukare, biserke i običnog fazana. Mišićna masa, kao što proizlazi iz rezultata analiza, predstavlja i značajan izvor mineralnih tvari, posebice kalcija (Ca), fosfora (P) i magnezija (Mg). Rezultati analiza ukazali su na značajnu razliku u nutritivnoj vrijednosti mišićne mase prsa i bataka. Razlika je uzrokovana znatno višim sadržajem bjelančevina, nižim sadržajem masti i većom količinom ukupnih minerala (pepela) u prsnom mišićju u odnosu na mišiće bataka. Kod mišićne mase prsa utvrđen je veći sadržaj Mg, pa i P (osim čukare). Sadržaj Ca međutim, bio je ovisan više o vrsti pernate divljači nego o anatomskom porijeklu mišićne mase.Based on the muscle mass analysis of breast and drumstics of six wildfowl varieties (Wild turkey / Maleagris gallopavo, Guinea fowl / Numida meleagris, Greek partridge- chukar / Alectoris chukar, Japanese quail / Cotumix japonica, Common pheasant / Phasianus colchicus and Grey partridge / Perdix perdix) a conclusion can be made that their meat is very good for human consumption. Due to the high protein and low fat content particularly good is the meat of choker, Greek partridge and Common pheasant. Muscle mass, according to the analysis, is a significant source of minerals, particularly calcium (Ca), phosphorus (P) and magnesium (Mg). Analysis results indicate a significant difference in nutritional value of muscle mass of breast and drumstics.The difference is the result of a much higher protein and lower fat content, as well as a higher amount of total minerals (ash) in the breast muscle as compared to the muscle of drumsticks. In the breast muscle a higher Mg and P (except in chukar) was determined. The Ca amount, however, depended more on the wildfowl variety than on the anatomical origin of muscle mass


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    Istražena je upotreba pivskog kvasca kao bjelančevinastog krmiva u hranidbi muških i ženskih pilića u tovu. Istraživanje je provedeno na 12 tovna hibrida linije Ross 08. Pilići su bili podijeljeni po spolu i po vrsti hrane, odnosno bjelančevinastog dijela hrane, na kontrolne i pokusne skupine. Pokusne skupine su hranjene smjesama koje su kao izvor bjelančevina sadržavale pivski kvasac, a kontrolne skupine hranjene su uobičajenim smjesama koje su sadržavale riblje brašno (ali samo u početnoj smjesi za tov) kao izvor bjelančevine. Tijekom 42 dana pokusa pili_i su hranjeni po volji i držani su u kontroliranim zoohigijenskim uvjetima. Pored razlike u podrijetlu bjelančevina smjese su bile podjednake po sadržaju bjelančevina, energije i ostalih komponenti. Praćeni su prirasti tjelesne mase, utrošak hrane, zdravlje i mortalitet pilića. Rezultati istraživanja su pokazali da nema statistički značajnih razlika (P>0,05) između pokusne i kontrolne skupine istoga spola. Ovakvi rezultati nam govore u prilog zaključku da se bjelančevine životinjskog podrijetla uspješno mogu zamijeniti bjelančevinama pivskog kvasca.The influence of brewers yeast on production results was investigated on 162 Ross 308 broilers Chickens were divided according to sex and according to protein source in feed. Control groups were fed commercial feed mixtures containing fish meal, soybean meal and sunflower meal in starter and soybean meal and sunflower meal in finisher. Experimental groups were fed commercial feed mixtures containing brewers yeast, soybean meal and sunflower meal in starter and finisher as a protein source. Body mass, body mass gain, feed conversion ratio, health status, mortality and carcass characteristics were investigated during 42 days of the experiment. Results showed that there were no significant differences between control and experimental group of the same sex. We concluded that brewers yeast could replace protein of animal origin in feed mixtures for fattening chickens

    On terpenes. CXXXVI. Identity of the bitter principle from Centaurea stoebe (L.) SCH. et THELL. with cnicin

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