
Na temelju analize mišićne mase prsa i bataka šest vrsta pernate divljači (divlji puran / Meleagris gallopavo, biserke / Numida meleagris, jarebice kamenjarke-čukare / Alectoris chucar, japanske prepelice / Coturnix japonica, običnog fazana / Phasianus colchicus i trčke skvržulje / Perdix perdix) može se zaključiti da je njihovo meso vrlo kvalitetno za prehranu ljudi. Zbog visokog sadržaja bjelančevina i niskog sadržaja masti posebno je kvalitetno meso čukare, biserke i običnog fazana. Mišićna masa, kao što proizlazi iz rezultata analiza, predstavlja i značajan izvor mineralnih tvari, posebice kalcija (Ca), fosfora (P) i magnezija (Mg). Rezultati analiza ukazali su na značajnu razliku u nutritivnoj vrijednosti mišićne mase prsa i bataka. Razlika je uzrokovana znatno višim sadržajem bjelančevina, nižim sadržajem masti i većom količinom ukupnih minerala (pepela) u prsnom mišićju u odnosu na mišiće bataka. Kod mišićne mase prsa utvrđen je veći sadržaj Mg, pa i P (osim čukare). Sadržaj Ca međutim, bio je ovisan više o vrsti pernate divljači nego o anatomskom porijeklu mišićne mase.Based on the muscle mass analysis of breast and drumstics of six wildfowl varieties (Wild turkey / Maleagris gallopavo, Guinea fowl / Numida meleagris, Greek partridge- chukar / Alectoris chukar, Japanese quail / Cotumix japonica, Common pheasant / Phasianus colchicus and Grey partridge / Perdix perdix) a conclusion can be made that their meat is very good for human consumption. Due to the high protein and low fat content particularly good is the meat of choker, Greek partridge and Common pheasant. Muscle mass, according to the analysis, is a significant source of minerals, particularly calcium (Ca), phosphorus (P) and magnesium (Mg). Analysis results indicate a significant difference in nutritional value of muscle mass of breast and drumstics.The difference is the result of a much higher protein and lower fat content, as well as a higher amount of total minerals (ash) in the breast muscle as compared to the muscle of drumsticks. In the breast muscle a higher Mg and P (except in chukar) was determined. The Ca amount, however, depended more on the wildfowl variety than on the anatomical origin of muscle mass

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