1,323 research outputs found

    Use Of Glucan From Saccharomyces Cerevisiae As An Immunostimulant In Carp: Impact On Hematology, Phagocyte Function, And Infection With Aeromonas Hydrophila

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    Glucan was extracted from yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) and subjected to chemical analy- ses. Thin layer chromatography (TLC) revealed that glucan is primarily composed of glucose units and contains 97.2% glucose. Infrared spectrum showed a major band at 883/cm, suggest- ing that glucan is linked to β-glycosidic. Intraperitoneal administration of different doses of glu- can enhanced the survival rate of carp (Cyprinus carpio) infected by Aeromonas hydrophila. When a concentration above 500 μg glucan per fish was administered, survival relative to the uninfected control was 100%. The total leukocyte count and neutrophil and monocyte popula- tions increased after administration of the glucan. The maximum effect occurred on day 6 after injection. Macrophages of compound-administrated test animals significantly increased produc- tion of superoxide anions, efficiently killing the bacterial pathogen. This study showed that glu- can can be effective in inducing non-specific cellular defense mechanism in carp

    Experimental study of the thermal reaming of the borehole by axial plasmatron

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    Purpose. To study rock spallation dynamics in the process of the borehole thermal reaming and analyze energy consumption of the borehole thermal reaming process by plasma jets of the axial plasmatron. Methods. Field experimental study of rock spallation by plasma jets is carried out with the view to measuring the thermal power of plasma, weight of rock spalls and duration of plasma jets impact on the borehole. VT-200 scales were used to measure the rock spalls weight. In the experimental study, plasma jets flow out directly into the borehole in the granite block. The borehole and plasmatron nozzle parameters are geometrically similar. Findings. Experimental data are processed in the form of a table that shows the following parameters of individual experiments: duration of the borehole surface treatment by a plasma jet; thermal power of a plasma jet; heat release of a plasma jet, weight of the rock spalls, energy efficiency of the rock spallation process; productivity of the rock destruction. Experimental data are processed in the form of the dependence of energy consumption of the borehole thermal reaming on the duration of the borehole inner surface thermal treatment. The range of thermophysical and plasmodynamic parameters of the plasma torch that allow to achieve rock spallation is determined. Originality. The linear relationship between the energy consumption in the process of the borehole thermal reaming by low temperature plasma and the duration of the reaming process is revealed, with energy consumption of the reaming process decreasing dramatically with the increase in the process duration. Practical implications. Methodology of the experimental research into the borehole thermal reaming by plasma jets rock spallation is developed. The results of the study could be applied to borehole drilling processes.Мета. Дослідження динаміки лущення гірської породи в процесі термічного розширення свердловини та енергоємності процесу термічного розширення свердловини плазмовим струменем осьового плазмотрона. Методика. В роботі виконано натурне експериментальне дослідження лущення гірської породи струминою плазми. Сутність експерименту полягала у вимірюванні теплової потужності плазми, маси сколених частинок гірської породи та тривалості впливу плазмового струменя на свердловину. Для вимірювання маси сколених частинок гірської породи використовувались ваги ВТ-200. В експериментальному дослідженні струмина плазми витікає безпосередньо в свердловину в блоці міцного граніту. Дотримано геометричну подобу параметрів свердловини та сопла плазмотрона. Результати. Виконано обробку дослідних даних у вигляді таблиці, в якій наведено наступні параметри окремих дослідів: тривалість впливу плазмового струменя на свердловину; теплова потужність плазмового струменя; теплота плазмового струменя, маса сколених частинок породи, енергоємність процесу лущення гірської породи; продуктивність руйнування гірської породи. Виконано обробку дослідних даних у вигляді залежності енергоємності процесу термічного розширення свердловини від тривалості термічної обробки внутрішньої поверхні свердловини. Наукова новизна. Виявлено лінійну залежність енергоємності процесу термічного розширення свердловин низькотемпературною плазмою від тривалості процесу розширення, при цьому енергоємність процесу розширення стрімко зменшується зі збільшенням тривалості процесу. Практична значимість. Розроблено методику експериментального дослідження термічного розширення свердловини шляхом лущенням гірської породи струминою плазми. Отримані результати впливу високотемпературних струмин плазми в процесах крихкого руйнування гірських порід можуть бути застосованими в процесах буріння свердловин.Цель. Исследование динамики шелушения горной породы в процессе термического расширения скважины и энергоемкости процесса термического расширения скважины плазменной струей осевого плазмотрона. Методика. В работе выполнено натурное экспериментальное исследование шелушения горной породы струей плазмы. Сущность эксперимента заключалась в измерении тепловой мощности плазмы, массы сколотых частиц горной породы и длительности воздействия плазменной струи на скважину. Для измерения массы сколотых частиц горной породы использовались весы ВТ-200. В экспериментальном исследовании струя плазмы следует непосредственно в скважину в блоке крепкого гранита. Соблюдено геометрическое подобие параметров скважины и сопла плазмотрона. Результаты. Опытные данные представлены в виде таблицы, в которой сведены следующие параметры отдельных опытов: продолжительность воздействия плазменной струи на скважину; тепловая мощность плазменной струи; теплота плазменной струи, масса сколотых частиц породы, энергоемкость процесса шелушения горной породы; производительность разрушения горной породы. Опытные данные обработаны в виде зависимости энергоемкости процесса термического расширения скважины от продолжительности термической обработки внутренней поверхности скважины. Определен диапазон теплофизических и плазмодинамичних параметров плазменного факела при которых достигается процесс шелушения породы. Научная новизна. Выявлена линейная зависимость энергоемкости процесса термического расширения скважин низкотемпературной плазмой от продолжительности процесса расширения, при этом энергоемкость процесса расширения стремительно уменьшается с увеличением продолжительности процесса. Практическая значимость. Разработана методика экспериментального исследования термического расширения скважины путем шелушения горной породы струей плазмы. Полученные результаты воздействия высокотемпературных струй плазмы в процессах хрупкого разрушения горных пород могут быть применены в процессах бурения скважин.The authors express their gratitude to V.P. Teplyi, Chief Project Designer at the Department of Vibropneumatic Transport Systems and Complexes of the Institute of Geotechnical Mechanics named by N. Poljakov of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, and to S.V. Shniakin, Chief Engineer at the Department of Vibropneumatic Transport Systems and Complexes of the Institute of Geotechnical Mechanics named by N. Poljakov of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, for their valuable help during the experimental studies. The authors are also grateful to L.T. Kholiavchenko, Candidate of Technical Sciences (Ph.D), Senior Researcher at the Department of Rock Breaking Problems of the Institute of Geotechnical Mechanics named by N. Poljakov of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, for his valuable guidelines and comments in the discussion of the results obtained through experimental and theoretical studies


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    Objective: Ficus tsjahela Burm. f is a medicinal tree species, endemic to the Western Ghats having various healing properties. This study focused to check the antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of the leaf, bark, and fruit samples of F. tsjahela. Methods: The plant samples were subjected to Soxhlet extraction for phytochemical analysis and further experimental studies. The test on phytochemical studies indicated the presence of alkaloids, saponins, glycosides, and flavonol glycosides within the plant parts, respectively. The estimation of alkaloids, saponins, in vitro antioxidant, and antibacterial activities revealed that the methanol bark extracts have high activity compared to others. Results: Total alkaloid and saponin content was found to be high in leaf methanol extract was 996.17 mg/g quinine equivalent/g and 957.3 mg/g diosgenin equivalent/g, respectively. In vitro antioxidant assays revealed a strong radical scavenging potential of the methanol bark extract against stable (2,2’-azino-bis(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid)), phosphomolybdenum, and superoxide radicals. Agar well diffusion method has been used to determine the antimicrobial activities against Gram-positive bacteria (Staphylococcus aureus) and Gram-negative bacteria (Escherichia coli, Acetobacter aceti, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa). Conclusion: The bark methanol extract of F. tsjahela has exhibited remarkable antioxidant activity and significant antibacterial activity (p<0.05) against all tested bacterial strains observed


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    Objective: Sarcostemma brunonianum Wight and Arn is a potential medicinal plant belonging to Asclepiadaceae. Bioactive constituents of the plant support the application of treating various ailments in the traditional system of medicine. The study aims to determine the presence of various phytoconstituents in stem, root, and flowers. Methods: Hot percolation method was carried out to obtain crude extracts using different solvent systems from low polar-high polar solvents ranging from petroleum ether, chloroform, (mid-polar) ethyl acetate, methanol and water. Estimation of total phenols, tannins and In vitro antioxidant, anti-inflammatory activities were evaluated for the determination of potential pharmaceutical drugs. Results: The results revealed the presence of some phytoconstituents such as phenols, tannins, glycosides, gums and mucilages. Ascorbic acid, BSA, Rutin and Gallic acid were used as the reference standard. The total phenolic content was found to be high in stem methanol extract 440.84±69.99 mg/g Gallic acid equivalent, whereas the tannin content was 291.78±4.68 mg/g GAE. The result proves that the S. brunonianum stem methanol extract possesses antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities when compared to reference standards. In vitro, Nitric oxide scavenging activity of stem showed a maximum % of inhibition in methanol stem extract (24.39µg/ml) and anti-inflammatory activity maximum inhibition was found to be (55.56 %) in stem methanol and flower(53.62 %). The IC50 (concentration required for 50% inhibition) was also calculated for the DPPH radical model. Conclusion: This study results proclaims and justifies the role of folklore medicinal plant S. brunonianum in the treatment of inflammatory-related ailments and can be recommended for an effective drug

    Channeling Studies on Self-Assembled Au4Si Islands on Br-Passivated Si (111) Surfaces

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    Retrospective study of chemotherapy induced cardiotoxicity from a tertiary cancer centre in South India

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    Background: Ever increasing therapeutic modalities in treatment of various malignancies has resulted in an enormous number of cancer survivors. Cancer survivors face various issues in their long term health due to the cancer and/or its treatment. Late effects including organ damage, functional disability and risk of second malignancy continue to be elucidated. One of the most debilitating and serious toxicity is cardiotoxicity due to chemotherapy.Methods: This study was a retrospective analysis of all patients who developed chemotherapy induced cardiotoxicity between January 2013 to December 2015.Results: A total of 16 patients developed cardiotoxicity. 13 patients had doxorubicin induced toxicity. Cardiotoxicity was noted to occur at low cumulative doses. 2 patients had complete recovery of left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) on follow up. 1 patient had progressive worsening of LVEF. 1 patient died due to cardiotoxicity. On detection of cardiotoxicity, most of the patients received cardiac remodeling drugs - angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors (mostly enalapril), other drugs used were carvedilol and diuretics.Conclusions: In Indian patients, cardiotoxicity can occur at very low cumulative doses of doxorubicin and in young patients too. Most of the patients did not have any underlying comorbid illnesses. We wish to highlight the need to diligently repeat cardiac screening investigations at frequent intervals to detect asymptomatic cardiotoxicity