353 research outputs found

    A Lithium Experiment in the Program of Solar Neutrino Research

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    The experiments sensitive to pp-neutrinos from the Sun are very perspective for the precise measurement of a mixing angle θ12\theta_{12}. A ν\nu e^{-} scattering experiment (Xmass) and/or a charged-current experiment (the indium detector) can measure the flux of electron pp-neutrinos. One can find the total flux of pp-neutrinos from a luminosity constraint after the contribution of 7^7Be and CNO neutrinos to the total luminosity of the Sun are measured. The radiochemical experiment utilizing a lithium target has the high sensitivity to the CNO neutrinos, thus, it has a good promise for the precise measurement of a mixing angle and for the test of a current theory of the evolution of the stars.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, 1 table, A report made by A.Kopylov at International Conference NANP-2005, June 2005, Dubna, Russi

    The Interaction of Plasma Sialylated and Desialylated Lipoproteins with Collagen from the Intima and Media of Uninvolved and Atherosclerotic Human Aorta

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    We have evaluated the binding of sialylated and desialylated lipoproteins to collagen isolated from the proteoglycan and musculoelastic layers of intima and media of uninvolved human aorta and atherosclerotic lesions. Comparing various collagen preparations from the uninvolved intima-media, the binding of sialylated apoB-containing lipoproteins was best to collagen from the intimal PG-rich layer. Binding of sialylated apoB-containing lipoproteins to collagen from this layer of fatty streak and fibroatheroma was 1.4- and 3.1-fold lower, respectively, in comparison with normal intima. Desialylated VLDL versus sialylated one exhibited a greater binding (1.4- to 3.0-fold) to all the collagen preparations examined. Desialylated IDL and LDL showed a higher binding than sialylated ones when collagen from the intimal layers of fibroatheroma was used. Binding of desialylated HDL to collagen from the intimal PG-rich layer of normal tissue, initial lesion, and fatty streak was 1.2- to 2.0-fold higher compared with sialylated HDL


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    The application of dyes, that fluoresce in the near infrared (NIR, 700-800 nm) region, for the recognition of samples using a fingerprinting method with the addition of fluorophores to the samples (“fluorescent eye”) is proposed. The technique has been successfully applied to the classification of samples of various nature. In the current work, this strategy has been tested on the example of discrimination of 17 samples of apple juice from different manufacturers, purchased at different times. An indolenine series heptamethine carbocyanine dye in the presence of surfactants was used as the added fluorophore, red LEDs were used as an excitation source, and the signal was recorded using a digital camera with an additional IR filter installed; a spectrofluorimeter with a 96-well plate accessory was used to record the spectra. Photographic images were processed using Unscrambler X and Excel software. The results were presented using the following coordinates: intensity of NIR fluorescence - intensity of visible light reflection (using the photographic images). It was found that such presentation allowed the samples to be divided into groups associated with the manufacturer. We have also obtained intrinsic fluorescence spectra, including those with the addition of NIR dye, and these results were processed by the principal component analysis. It was possible to distinguish 5–6 groups of samples by their intrinsic emission, not counting the blank, while the spectra with the addition of the dye allowed to isolate the largest number of groups of samples (9). At the same time, the classification using spectra did not allow juices to be grouped by the producer. Also, obtaining photographs using a visualizer was easier and faster than recording the fluorescence spectra. The joint processing of emission spectra and photographs did not improve the quality of discrimination.Keywords: fingerprinting method, NIR fluorimetry, apple juice, principal component analysisDOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15826/analitika.2022.26.1.005E.V. Skorobogatov, I.A. Stepanova, V.S. Orekhov, M.K. Beklemishev Department of Chemistry, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russin Federation, 119991, GSP-1, Moscow, Leninskie gory, 1, building 3Предложено использовать красители, флуоресцирующие в ближней ИК (БИК) области спектра (700–800 нм), для распознавания объектов методом «отпечатков пальцев», основанным на добавке флуорофоров к объекту («флуоресцентный глаз»). Метод успешно применяется в классификации объектов различной природы. В данной работе метод опробован на примере дискриминации 17 образцов яблочного сока разных производителей, выпущенных в разное время. В качестве добавляемого флуорофора использовали гептаметиновый карбоцианиновый краситель индоленинового ряда в присутствии ПАВ, в качестве источника излучения – красные светодиоды, а сигнал регистрировали с помощью цифрового фотоаппарата с дополнительным ИК-светофильтром; для записи спектров применяли спектрофлуориметр с приставкой для 96-луночного флуориметрического планшета. Фотографические изображения обрабатывали с помощью стандартного программного обеспечения Unscrambler X и Excel. Результаты представили в координатах: интенсивность БИК-флуоресценции – интенсивность отражения видимого света (с использованием соответствующих фотографий). Обнаружили, что такое представление позволяет разделить образцы на группы, связанные с производителем. Получали также спектры собственной флуоресценции, в том числе с добавкой БИК-красителя, обрабатывая эти результаты методом главных компонент. По собственной эмиссии можно выделить 5–6 групп образцов, не считая контрольного, тогда как по спектрам с добавкой красителя удается добиться выделения наибольшего числа групп образцов (девять). При этом классификация с использованием спектров не позволяет группировать соки по производителям. Кроме того, получение фотографий с помощью визуализатора проще и экспресснее, чем регистрация спектров флуоресценции. Совместная обработка эмиссионных спектров и фотографий не позволяет повысить качество дискриминации образцов.Ключевые слова: метод «отпечатков пальцев», флуориметрия в ближней ИК-области, яблочный сок, метод главных компонентDOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15826/analitika.2022.26.1.00

    Capacitive crosstalk in gate-based dispersive sensing of spin qubits

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    In gate-based dispersive sensing, the response of a resonator attached to a quantum dot gate is detected by a reflected radio-frequency signal. This enables fast readout of spin qubits and tune up of arrays of quantum dots, but comes at the expense of increased susceptibility to crosstalk, as the resonator can amplify spurious signals and induce fluctuations in the quantum dot potential. We attach tank circuits with superconducting NbN inductors and internal quality factors QiQ_{\mathrm{i}}>1000 to the interdot barrier gate of silicon double quantum dot devices. Measuring the interdot transition in transport, we quantify radio-frequency crosstalk that results in a ring-up of the resonator when neighbouring plunger gates are driven with frequency components matching the resonator frequency. This effect complicates qubit operation and scales with the loaded quality factor of the resonator, the mutual capacitance between device gate electrodes, and with the inverse of the parasitic capacitance to ground. Setting qubit frequencies below the resonator frequency is expected to substantially suppress this type of crosstalk.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, supplementary informatio

    Abstract P-38: Tunable Soft Networks of Wormlike Micelles and Clay Particles

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    Background: Over the past few decades, there has been a great deal of interest in the aqueous self-assembly of surfactant molecules into giant wormlike micelles (WLMs). These cylindrical aggregates undergo reversible breakdown processes and in favorable cases can grow up to few tens of micrometers that is comparable with the length of high molecular weight polymer. The viscoelastic properties of WLMs can be easily modified by different additives like salts or polymers. A new emerging research area consists of tuning the WLM solution properties by inorganic nanoparticles. It suggests, in particular, the use of networks of entangled WLMs as a matrix for producing soft nanocomposites with different kinds of embedded nanoparticles that are promising for controlled release, template synthesis, and oilfield applications. These materials can combine adaptive rheological properties of the WLM matrix and the functionality of nanofiller. Methods: Rheometry and cryo-transmission electron microscopy were combined to investigate the structure and properties of mixed WLMs of zwitterionic oleylamidopropyl dimethyl betaine and anionic sodium dodecyl sulfate surfactants and platelike particles of bentonite clay. Results: This system demonstrates the formation of giant linear long-lived WLMs, which even at extremely low surfactant concentrations reach a sufficient length to entangle with each other and form a temporally persistent network. The stability of these micelles can be due to electrostatic attraction between the headgroups of the anionic and zwitterionic surfactants and favorable volume/length hydrophobic ratio in the surfactant mixture. At increasing surfactant concentration, the long-lived linear micelles transform into fast-breaking branched micelles. Stable viscoelastic suspensions of clay particles in semi-dilute solutions of WLM were elaborated. They represent a novel type of soft nanocomposite with the tunable matrix. Structural studies revealed that the clay is dispersed in a dense network of entangled WLM in the form of 100-nm tactoids. Rheological investigations demonstrated that clay particles can induce an increase of viscosity and relaxation time by up to one order of magnitude. The effect of the clay becomes more pronounced with increasing content of anionic surfactant, when the micelles become branched. This behavior was explained by the stabilization of micelle-nanoclay junction points due to the screening of the repulsion between positively charged fragments of zwitterionic head groups by added anionic surfactant. Conclusion: The pronounced effect of nanoparticles on the viscoelasticity of the network formed by branched WLMs was observed for the first time. The nanoparticles-WLM junctions were confirmed by cryo-TEM data. The elaborated systems are of interest for many industrial applications

    Lifelong Learning in the System of Higher Education: the State of the Problem and the Strategy of Integrating Educational Activities and Research

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    The authors of this article consider the current situation of lifelong learning education in leading Russian universities and define some possible strategies for integrating scientific research with educational activities. The empirical bases were: 1) statistical data on the activities of educational institutions of higher education (N = 1180), 2) dataset of monitoring the activities of universities participating in the federal academic leadership programme “Priority-2030”, 3) dataset of a survey of heads of centers for further vocational education in Russian universities (N = 450) as part of the Project “Monitoring of education markets and organizations (MEMO)”. The authors identified strategies for combining scientific and educational activities for lifelong learning programs at universities in the interests of the development of individual consumers, enterprises and branches of the national economy. The authors also found that universities take into account the social needs of society and the preferences of employers, but to a very small extent focus on transforming their scientific results into a new educational product for mass consumers. The significant focus of universities on research activities to a certain extent hinders the development and launch of new education programs, however, it is a group of research universities that demonstrates a higher cost of programs sold. The authors consider, how universities can be focused on working with the population or industry enterprises, integrating the research results into the modules of education programs, and stimulating an increase in the number of teachers combining research and teaching activities, at realizing the third University’s mission and taking into account the research grant volume

    Predictive scales and ECG indicators in the acute stroke period

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    The features of the ECG in patients with different values of the SAPS and APACHE II scales in the acute period of stroke were investigated. Despite the fact that the APACHE II and SAPS scales do not include ECG parameters, a number of ECG parameters significantly differ in patients with acute stroke at different values according to these scales. The prognosis aggravation according to the studied scales was not always accompanied by the same type of ECG parameters changes. Survived patients with high APACHE II scores were characterized by high dysmorphic values of ECG amplitude parameters. Died patients with high risks on both scales showed an increase in dysmorphism in many ECG parameters. The scientific novelty of the study is in the detection of ECG features at different values of the SAPS and APACHE II scales in the acute period of stroke.Изучены особенности ЭКГ у пациентов при разных значениях шкал SAPS и APACHE II в остром периоде инсульта. Несмотря на то, что шкалы APACHE II и SAPS не включают в себя параметры ЭКГ, у пациентов с острым инсультом при различных значениях по данным шкалам ряд показателей ЭКГ достоверно отличались. Ухудшение прогноза по изученным шкалам не всегда сопровождалось однотипными изменениями показателей ЭКГ. Выжившие пациенты с высокими значениями по шкале APACHE II характеризовались большими показателями дизморфности амплитудных значений ЭКГ. Умершие пациенты с высокими рисками по обеим шкалам демонстрировали увеличение дизморфности по многим показателям ЭКГ. Научная новизна исследования заключается в обнаружении особенностей ЭКГ при различных рисках осложнений по шкалам SAPS и APACHE II в остром периоде инсульта

    The use of NIR Fluorimetry with photographic data acquisition in the fingerprinting method with the addition of fluorophores to the samples: discrimination of apple juices

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    Предложено использовать красители, флуоресцирующие в ближней ИК (БИК) области спектра (700-800 нм), для распознавания объектов методом «отпечатков пальцев», основанным на добавке флуорофоров к объекту («флуоресцентный глаз»). Метод успешно применяется в классификации объектов различной природы. В данной работе метод опробован на примере дискриминации 17 образцов яблочного сока разных производителей, выпущенных в разное время. В качестве добавляемого флуорофора использовали гептаметиновый карбоцианиновый краситель индоленинового ряда в присутствии ПАВ, в качестве источника излучения - красные светодиоды, а сигнал регистрировали с помощью цифрового фотоаппарата с дополнительным ИК-светофильтром; для записи спектров применяли спектрофлуориметр с приставкой для 96-луночного флуориметрического планшета. Фотографические изображения обрабатывали с помощью стандартного программного обеспечения Unscrambler X и Excel. Результаты представили в координатах: интенсивность БИК-флуоресценции - интенсивность отражения видимого света (с использованием соответствующих фотографий). Обнаружили, что такое представление позволяет разделить образцы на группы, связанные с производителем. Получали также спектры собственной флуоресценции, в том числе с добавкой БИК-красителя, обрабатывая эти результаты методом главных компонент. По собственной эмиссии можно выделить 5-6 групп образцов, не считая контрольного, тогда как по спектрам с добавкой красителя удается добиться выделения наибольшего числа групп образцов (девять). При этом классификация с использованием спектров не позволяет группировать соки по производителям. Кроме того, получение фотографий с помощью визуализатора проще и экспресснее, чем регистрация спектров флуоресценции. Совместная обработка эмиссионных спектров и фотографий не позволяет повысить качество дискриминации образцов.The application of dyes, that fluoresce in the near infrared (NIR, 700-800 nm) region, for the recognition of samples using a fingerprinting method with the addition of fluorophores to the samples (“fluorescent eye”) is proposed. The technique has been successfully applied to the classification of samples of various nature. In the current work, this strategy has been tested on the example of discrimination of 17 samples of apple juice from different manufacturers, purchased at different times. An indolenine series heptamethine carbocyanine dye in the presence of surfactants was used as the added fluorophore, red LEDs were used as an excitation source, and the signal was recorded using a digital camera with an additional IR filter installed; a spectrofluorimeter with a 96-well plate accessory was used to record the spectra. Photographic images were processed using Unscrambler X and Excel software. The results were presented using the following coordinates: intensity of NIR fluorescence - intensity of visible light reflection (using the photographic images). It was found that such presentation allowed the samples to be divided into groups associated with the manufacturer. We have also obtained intrinsic fluorescence spectra, including those with the addition of NIR dye, and these results were processed by the principal component analysis. It was possible to distinguish 5-6 groups of samples by their intrinsic emission, not counting the blank, while the spectra with the addition of the dye allowed to isolate the largest number of groups of samples (9). At the same time, the classification using spectra did not allow juices to be grouped by the producer. Also, obtaining photographs using a visualizer was easier and faster than recording the fluorescence spectra. The joint processing of emission spectra and photographs did not improve the quality of discrimination.Работа выполнена при поддержке РНФ (грант № 20-13-00330). Авторы благодарят доцента Т.А.Подругину за предоставление карбоцианинового красителя и А.Добротворского за предоставление ИК-фотоаппарата.Current work was supported by the Russian Science Foundation (grant No 20-13-00330). The authors are grateful to Associate Professor T.A. Podrugina for providing the carbocyanine dye and A. Dobrotvorsky for providing the IR photo camera