434 research outputs found

    Personal calificado - personal motivado: Un concepto para la calificación de personal de producción en empresas de inyección

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    Se describe un concepto desarrollado por el Instituto para la Transformación del Plástico (IKV) de Alemania, para la calificación continua del trabajador en la producción y la configuración de un entorno laboral que favorece el aprendizaje en empresas de inyección

    Spin fluctuations influence on quasiparticle spectrum of realistic p-d model

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    In the present work the multiband p-d model for CuO2CuO_2-layer is treated. It was shown that for the realistic set of parameters besides Zhang-Rice two-particle singlet there is non-negligible contribution of two-particle triplet state to the top of the valence band. Also shown, that to gain quantitative agreement with experimental data the minimal approximation should include the spin fluctuations beyond the Hubbard-I scheme. Quasiparticle spectrum, obtained in this approximation, is in fairly good agreement with ARPES data on Bi2212 High-TcT_c compound.Comment: Submitted to ICM 2003 Conference 3 pages, 2 figure

    GIS-Based Estimation of Exposure to Particulate Matter and NO(2) in an Urban Area: Stochastic versus Dispersion Modeling

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    Stochastic modeling was used to predict nitrogen dioxide and fine particles [particles collected with an upper 50% cut point of 2.5 μm aerodynamic diameter (PM(2.5))] levels at 1,669 addresses of the participants of two ongoing birth cohort studies conducted in Munich, Germany. Alternatively, the Gaussian multisource dispersion model IMMIS(net/em) was used to estimate the annual mean values for NO(2) and total suspended particles (TSP) for the 40 measurement sites and for all study subjects. The aim of this study was to compare the measured NO(2) and PM(2.5) levels with the levels predicted by the two modeling approaches (for the 40 measurement sites) and to compare the results of the stochastic and dispersion modeling for all study infants (1,669 sites). NO(2) and PM(2.5) concentrations obtained by the stochastic models were in the same range as the measured concentrations, whereas the NO(2) and TSP levels estimated by dispersion modeling were higher than the measured values. However, the correlation between stochastic- and dispersion-modeled concentrations was strong for both pollutants: At the 40 measurement sites, for NO(2), r = 0.83, and for PM, r = 0.79; at the 1,669 cohort sites, for NO(2), r = 0.83 and for PM, r = 0.79. Both models yield similar results regarding exposure estimate of the study cohort to traffic-related air pollution, when classified into tertiles; that is, 70% of the study subjects were classified into the same category. In conclusion, despite different assumptions and procedures used for the stochastic and dispersion modeling, both models yield similar results regarding exposure estimation of the study cohort to traffic-related air pollutants

    Parameters of the Effective Singlet-Triplet Model for Band Structure of High-TcT_c Cuprates by Different Approaches

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    The present paper covers the problem of parameters determination for High-TcT_c superconductive copper oxides. Different approaches, {\it ab initio} LDA and LDA+U calculations and Generalized Tight-Binding (GTB) method for strongly correlated electron systems, are used to calculate hopping and exchange parameters of the effective singlet-triplet model for CuO2CuO_2-layer. The resulting parameters are in remarkably good agreement with each other and with parameters extracted from experiment. This set of parameters is proposed for proper quantitative description of physics of hole doped High-TcT_c cuprates in the framework of effective models.Comment: PACS 74.72.h; 74.20.z; 74.25.Jb; 31.15.A

    Fungal Planet description sheets: 92–106

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    Novel species of microfungi described in the present study include the following from Australia: Diaporthe ceratozamiae on Ceratozamia robusta, Seiridium banksiae on Banksia marginata, Phyllosticta hymenocallidicola on Hymenocallis littoralis, Phlogicylindrium uniforme on Eucalyptus cypellocarpa, Exosporium livistonae on Livistona benthamii and Coleophoma eucalyptorum on Eucalyptus piperita. Several species are also described from South Africa, namely: Phoma proteae, Pyrenochaeta protearum and Leptosphaeria proteicola on Protea spp., Phaeomoniella niveniae on Nivenia stokoei, Toxicocladosporium leucadendri on Leucadendron sp. and Scorias leucadendri on Leucadendron muirii. Other species include Myrmecridium phragmitis on Phragmites australis (Netherlands) and Camarographium carpini on Carpinus betulus (Russia). Furthermore, Pseudoidriella syzygii on Syzygium sp. represents a novel genus of hyphomycetes collected in Australia. Morphological and culture characteristics along with ITS DNA barcodes are provided for all taxa

    Theory for Dynamical Short Range Order and Fermi Surface Volume in Strongly Correlated Systems

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    Using the fluctuation exchange approximation of the one band Hubbard model, we discuss the origin of the changing Fermi surface volume in underdoped cuprate systems due to the transfer of occupied states from the Fermi surface to its shadow, resulting from the strong dynamical antiferromagnetic short range correlations. The momentum and temperature dependence of the quasi particle scattering rate shows unusual deviations from the conventional Fermi liquid like behavior. Their consequences for the changing Fermi surface volume are discussed. Here, we investigate in detail which scattering processes might be responsible for a violation of the Luttinger theorem. Finally, we discuss the formation of hole pockets near half filling.Comment: 5 pages, Revtex, 4 postscript figure

    Effect of Liposome Characteristics and Dose on the Pharmacokinetics of Liposomes Coated with Poly(amino acid)s

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    Long-circulating liposomes, such as PEG-liposomes, are frequently studied for drug delivery and diagnostic purposes. In our group, poly(amino acid) (PAA)-based coatings for long-circulating liposomes have been developed. These coatings provide liposomes with similar circulation times as compared to PEG-liposomes, but have the advantage of being enzymatically degradable. For PEG-liposomes it has been reported that circulation times are relatively independent of their physicochemical characteristics. In this study, the influence of factors such as PAA grafting density, cholesterol inclusion, surface charge, particle size, and lipid dose on the circulation kinetics of PAA-liposomes was evaluated after intravenous administration in rats. Prolonged circulation kinetics of PAA-liposomes can be maintained upon variation of liposome characteristics and the lipid dose given. However, the use of relatively high amounts of strongly charge-inducing lipids and a too large mean size is to be avoided. In conclusion, PAA-liposomes represent a versatile drug carrier system for a wide variety of applications

    Kinetic Modeling of the Assembly, Dynamic Steady State, and Contraction of the FtsZ Ring in Prokaryotic Cytokinesis

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    Cytokinesis in prokaryotes involves the assembly of a polymeric ring composed of FtsZ protein monomeric units. The Z ring forms at the division plane and is attached to the membrane. After assembly, it maintains a stable yet dynamic steady state. Once induced, the ring contracts and the membrane constricts. In this work, we present a computational deterministic biochemical model exhibiting this behavior. The model is based on biochemical features of FtsZ known from in vitro studies, and it quantitatively reproduces relevant in vitro data. An essential part of the model is a consideration of interfacial reactions involving the cytosol volume, where monomeric FtsZ is dispersed, and the membrane surface in the cell's mid-zone where the ring is assembled. This approach allows the same chemical model to simulate either in vitro or in vivo conditions by adjusting only two geometrical parameters. The model includes minimal reactions, components, and assumptions, yet is able to reproduce sought-after in vivo behavior, including the rapid assembly of the ring via FtsZ-polymerization, the formation of a dynamic steady state in which GTP hydrolysis leads to the exchange of monomeric subunits between cytoplasm and the ring, and finally the induced contraction of the ring. The model gives a quantitative estimate for coupling between the rate of GTP hydrolysis and of FtsZ subunit turnover between the assembled ring and the cytoplasmic pool as observed. Membrane constriction is chemically driven by the strong tendency of GTP-bound FtsZ to self-assembly. The model suggests a possible mechanism of membrane contraction without a motor protein. The portion of the free energy of GTP hydrolysis released in cyclization is indirectly used in this energetically unfavorable process. The model provides a limit to the mechanistic complexity required to mimic ring behavior, and it highlights the importance of parallel in vitro and in vivo modeling

    Magnetic Properties of YBa_2Cu_3O_{7-\delta} in a self-consistent approach: Comparison with Quantum-Monte-Carlo Simulations and Experiments

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    We analyze single-particle electronic and two-particle magnetic properties of the Hubbard model in the underdoped and optimally-doped regime of \YBCO by means of a modified version of the fluctuation-exchange approximation, which only includes particle-hole fluctuations. Comparison of our results with Quantum-Monte Carlo (QMC) calculations at relatively high temperatures (T1000KT\sim 1000 K) suggests to introduce a temperature renormalization in order to improve the agreement between the two methods at intermediate and large values of the interaction UU. We evaluate the temperature dependence of the spin-lattice relaxation time T1T_1 and of the spin-echo decay time T2GT_{2G} and compare it with the results of NMR measurements on an underdoped and an optimally doped \YBCO sample. For U/t=4.5U/t=4.5 it is possible to consistently adjust the parameters of the Hubbard model in order to have a good {\it semi-quantitative} description of this temperature dependence for temperatures larger than the spin gap as obtained from NMR measurements. We also discuss the case U/t8U/t\sim 8, which is more appropriate to describe magnetic and single-particle properties close to half-filling. However, for this larger value of U/tU/t the agreement with QMC as well as with experiments at finite doping is less satisfactory.Comment: Final version, to appear in Phys. Rev. B (sched. Feb. 99

    BtubA-BtubB Heterodimer Is an Essential Intermediate in Protofilament Assembly

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    BACKGROUND:BtubA and BtubB are two tubulin-like genes found in the bacterium Prosthecobacter. Our work and a previous crystal structure suggest that BtubB corresponds to alpha-tubulin and BtubA to beta-tubulin. A 1:1 mixture of the two proteins assembles into tubulin-like protofilaments, which further aggregate into pairs and bundles. The proteins also form a BtubA/B heterodimer, which appears to be a repeating subunit in the protofilament. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS:We have designed point mutations to disrupt the longitudinal interfaces bonding subunits into protofilaments. The mutants are in two classes, within dimers and between dimers. We have characterized one mutant of each class for BtubA and BtubB. When mixed 1:1 with a wild type partner, none of the mutants were capable of assembly. An excess of between-dimer mutants could depolymerize preformed wild type polymers, while within-dimer mutants had no activity. CONCLUSIONS:An essential first step in assembly of BtubA + BtubB is formation of a heterodimer. An excess of between-dimer mutants depolymerize wild type BtubA/B by sequestering the partner wild type subunit into inactive dimers. Within-dimer mutants cannot form dimers and have no activity