32 research outputs found


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    We performed the analysis of proximal humerus fracture surgical treatment results. Reasons of unsatisfactory results of multifragmental fractures surgical reduction revealed. The new construction for multifragmental fractures fixation invented and patented. Our experiments proved this construction to increase the stability of humerus multifragmental fractures fixation

    Mapping femtosecond pulse front distortion and group velocity dispersion in multiphoton microscopy

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    ABSTRACT Group velocity dispersion (GVD) and pulse front distortion of ultrashort pulses are of critical importance in efficient multiphoton excitation microscopy. Since measurement of the pulse front distortion due to a lens is not trivial we have developed an imaging interferometric cross-correlator which allows us to measure temporal delays and pulse-widths across the spatial profile of the beam. The instrument consists of a modified Michelson interferometer with a reference arm containing a voice-coil delay stage and an arm which contains the optics under test. The pulse replicas are recombined and incident on a 22 × 22 lenslet array. The beamlets are focused in a 0.5 mm thick BBO crystal (cut for Type I second harmonic generation), filtered to remove the IR component of the beam and imaged using a 500 fps camera. The GVD and pulse front distortion are extracted from the temporal stack of beamlet images to produce a low resolution spatio-temporal map

    Risk-taking in disorders of natural and drug rewards: neural correlates and effects of probability, valence, and magnitude

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    Pathological behaviors toward drugs and food rewards have underlying commonalities. Risk-taking has a fourfold pattern varying as a function of probability and valence leading to the nonlinearity of probability weighting with overweighting of small probabilities and underweighting of large probabilities. Here we assess these influences on risk-taking in patients with pathological behaviors toward drug and food rewards and examine structural neural correlates of nonlinearity of probability weighting in healthy volunteers. In the anticipation of rewards, subjects with binge eating disorder show greater risk-taking, similar to substance-use disorders. Methamphetamine-dependent subjects had greater nonlinearity of probability weighting along with impaired subjective discrimination of probability and reward magnitude. Ex-smokers also had lower risk-taking to rewards compared with non-smokers. In the anticipation of losses, obesity without binge eating had a similar pattern to other substance-use disorders. Obese subjects with binge eating also have impaired discrimination of subjective value similar to that of the methamphetamine-dependent subjects. Nonlinearity of probability weighting was associated with lower gray matter volume in dorsolateral and ventromedial prefrontal cortex and orbitofrontal cortex in healthy volunteers. Our findings support a distinct subtype of binge eating disorder in obesity with similarities in risk-taking in the reward domain to substance use disorders. The results dovetail with the current approach of defining mechanistically based dimensional approaches rather than categorical approaches to psychiatric disorders. The relationship to risk probability and valence may underlie the propensity toward pathological behaviors toward different types of rewards

    Risk-taking in disorders of natural and drug rewards: neural correlates and effects of probability, valence, and magnitude.

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    Pathological behaviors toward drugs and food rewards have underlying commonalities. Risk-taking has a fourfold pattern varying as a function of probability and valence leading to the nonlinearity of probability weighting with overweighting of small probabilities and underweighting of large probabilities. Here we assess these influences on risk-taking in patients with pathological behaviors toward drug and food rewards and examine structural neural correlates of nonlinearity of probability weighting in healthy volunteers. In the anticipation of rewards, subjects with binge eating disorder show greater risk-taking, similar to substance-use disorders. Methamphetamine-dependent subjects had greater nonlinearity of probability weighting along with impaired subjective discrimination of probability and reward magnitude. Ex-smokers also had lower risk-taking to rewards compared with non-smokers. In the anticipation of losses, obesity without binge eating had a similar pattern to other substance-use disorders. Obese subjects with binge eating also have impaired discrimination of subjective value similar to that of the methamphetamine-dependent subjects. Nonlinearity of probability weighting was associated with lower gray matter volume in dorsolateral and ventromedial prefrontal cortex and orbitofrontal cortex in healthy volunteers. Our findings support a distinct subtype of binge eating disorder in obesity with similarities in risk-taking in the reward domain to substance use disorders. The results dovetail with the current approach of defining mechanistically based dimensional approaches rather than categorical approaches to psychiatric disorders. The relationship to risk probability and valence may underlie the propensity toward pathological behaviors toward different types of rewards.This is the final version. It was first published by NPG at http://www.nature.com/npp/journal/v40/n4/full/npp2014242a.htm

    Obstructive Sleep Apnea Occurrence in Athletes

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    Цел: Целта на настоящото изследване е да се установи разпространеността на нарушенията на дишането по време на сън сред определени групи атлети. Все още данните относно превалирането на обструктивната сънна апнея/хипопнея (ОSАН) и ефекта £ върху спортните постижения и възстановяването са малко на брой. Нашата хипотеза беше в полза на превалиране на ОSАH в спортове, където се наблюдава завишен индекс на телесната маса като борба, джудо и особено сумо.Методи: В изследването участваха 67 елитни спортисти. За скрининг посредством анкетен метод атлетите попълваха „Ричланд тест“. Чрез портативни устройства, засичащи кислородната сатурация – пулсоксиметри (OXY-100), беше проведен апаратен скрининг. На най-суспектните случаи беше направено пълно полисомнографско изследване (PSG) чрез система Alice 5 Philips – Respironics Inc., както и последваща CPAP титрация.Резултати: Анкетният метод, използван от нас, показа превалиране на ОSАH съответно 65% – сумо, 44% – борба, 50% – джудо. Данните от анкетния метод бяха верифицирани при някои от лицата чрез апаратен скрининг. PSG потвърди резултатите от скрининговите методи.Заключение: Изследването представя и обсъжда резултати, показващи превалирането на ОSАH при три групи елитни атлети. Показано е и терапевтичното повлияване посредством прилагането CPAP апарат. Крайната цел на едно по-мащабно изследване е тестването за нарушения на съня сред определени групи атлети да стане рутинна процедура. Подходящото лечение в случаите на наличие на ОSА ще подобри процесите на спортното възстановяване и представяне.-----------------------------------------Objectives: The present study investigated the breathing sleep disturbances occurrence in some groups of athletes. Little is known about the prevalence of Obstructive Sleep Apnea (ОSА) in athletes and its latent effect on athletic performance and recovery. We expected a high index of suspicion for ОSА in particular sports with high Body Mass Index (BMI) as wrestling, judo and sumo wrestling especially.Methods: Sixty seven high-performance athletes participated in the study. Richland screening scale was used to screen the athletes for sleep disturbance disorders. An ОSА screening device – portable pulse oximetry instrument (OXY-100) was applied after the inquiry. The most suspicious cases for ОSА underwent full standard polysomnography (PSG) using Alice 5 Philips -Respironics Inc. equipment as well as subsequent CPAP titration.Results: The sumo wrestlers showed 65% ОSА prevalence, wrestlers – 44%, judo – 50%. The devices obtained data verified the results got by the inquiry. PSG approved the data obtained by the screening methods.Conclusion: This article discusses and reviews data investigating the prevalence of OSA in three groups of high-performance athletes. CPAP therapeutic effect was reperesented. We intend to initiate a sleep disorder’s testing as a normal procedure among some groups of elite athletes. The right treatment in case of OSA presence will improve the sport recovery and performance

    A Novel Cooperative Relaying Scheme for Next Generation Wireless Networks

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    An algorithm for image stitching and blending

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    In many clinical studies, including those of cancer, it is highly desirable to acquire images of whole tumour sections whilst retaining a microscopic resolution. A usual approach to this is to create a composite image by appropriately overlapping individual images acquired at high magnification under a microscope. A mosaic of these images can be accurately formed by applying image registration, overlap removal and blending techniques. We describe an optimised, automated, fast and reliable method for both image joining and blending. These algorithms can be applied to most types of light microscopy imaging. Examples from histology, from in vivo vascular imaging and from fluorescence applications are shown, both in 2D and 3D. The algorithms are robust to the varying image overlap of a manually moved stage, though examples of composite images acquired both with manually-driven and computer-controlled stages are presented. The overlap-removal algorithm is based on the cross-correlation method; this is used to determine and select the best correlation point between any new image and the previous composite image. A complementary image blending algorithm, based on a gradient method, is used to eliminate sharp intensity changes at the image joins, thus gradually blending one image onto the adjacent 'composite'. The details of the algorithm to overcome both intensity discrepancies and geometric misalignments between the stitched images will be presented and illustrated with several examples