145 research outputs found

    Modulation Diversity for Spatial Modulation Using Complex Interleaved Orthogonal Design

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    In this paper, we propose modulation diversity techniques for Spatial Modulation (SM) system using Complex Interleaved Orthogonal Design (CIOD) meant for two transmit antennas. Specifically, we show that by using the CIOD for two transmit antenna system, the standard SM scheme, where only one transmit antenna is activated in any symbol duration, can achieve a transmit diversity order of two. We show with our simulation results that the proposed schemes offer transmit diversity order of two, and hence, give a better Symbol Error Rate performance than the SM scheme with transmit diversity order of one.Comment: 7 page

    Structured Dispersion Matrices From Division Algebra Codes for Space-Time Shift Keying

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    We propose a novel method of constructing Dispersion Matrices (DM) for Coherent Space-Time Shift Keying (CSTSK) relying on arbitrary PSK signal sets by exploiting codes from division algebras. We show that classic codes from Cyclic Division Algebras (CDA) may be interpreted as DMs conceived for PSK signal sets. Hence various benefits of CDA codes such as their ability to achieve full diversity are inherited by CSTSK. We demonstrate that the proposed CDA based DMs are capable of achieving a lower symbol error ratio than the existing DMs generated using the capacity as their optimization objective function for both perfect and imperfect channel estimation

    Novel nutritional interventions in the manipulation of energy expenditure and blood glucose regulation in humans

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    The purpose of the studies described in this thesis was to study the purported metabolic effects of two dietary agents, L-Histidine and Epigallocatechingallate (EGCG). Supplementation of both LHistidine and pure EGCG in animal models has previously shown effects on components of energy balance and blood glucose regulation. Studies of their supplementation among humans are none (in case of L-Histidine) or very limited (in case of EGCG supplementation). The studies presented herein are novel as there have been no previous studies conducted to measure their effects on thermogenesis in humans and the present studies are the first to do. Three studies were performed to investigate metabolic effects of L-Histidine and two studies were performed to investigate metabolic effects of EGCG among healthy men. Duration of supplementation and varying doses were considered in different studies which led to the variation in study designs and protocols. Effects of L-Histidine: The metabolic effects of the essential amino acid L-Histidine (25 mg/kg) on healthy and overweight men were investigated in a series of studies. A pilot study was conducted to develop a protocol for measurement of resting metabolic rate (RMR), mean skin (MST), core temperature (CT) simultaneously. The protocol implemented was successful and was applied in all further studies. This study also examined the effect of L-Histidine supplementation (25 mg/kg) on RMR, MST, CT over a short period (3.25 hours). No conclusive results were obtained from this study. A single blind, placebo controlled cross-over study was then conducted to examine the effects of 10-day supplementation of L-Histidine on RMR, MST, CT and fasting blood glucose (FBG) in healthy male subjects (n = 9). Following L-Histidine ingestion, mean body weight (p = 0.008) and FBG (p = 0.04) were significantly reduced compared to baseline measurements. A randomised, parallel, single blinded and placebo controlled study was conducted following on from this to examine the effects of long-term (8 week, 25 mg/kg/day) intake of L-Histidine on RMR, MST, CT, lipid profile, FBG, insulin, leptin, non-esterified fatty acid (NEFA) and body fat composition in overweight and obese but otherwise healthy men (n = 18 (9 participants each in placebo and L-Histidine group)). Results of this study showed significantly decreased weight after 8 weeks (p = 0.007) compared to baseline, irrespective of the type of supplementation. Oral supplementation of L-Histidine improved FBG concentrations and reduced body weight after 10 days’ ingestion, however, no effects of long-term supplementation was established. Effects of EGCG: The second part of this thesis presents studies performed to investigate metabolic effects of pure EGCG. The first study was randomised, cross-over, placebo controlled and singleblinded in design. the effects of an oral intake of 150 mg pure EGCG over an acute period (2.5 hours), on key metabolic parameters and following an oral glucose challenge was measured (n = 8, healthy men). Results of this study were inconclusive on RMR, MST, CT plasma insulin, leptin and NEFA concentrations and appetite regulation. The second study tested the effects of varying doses (75, 150 and 300 mg/day) of pure EGCG on afore mentioned key metabolic parameters when supplemented over a period of 7 days each (n = 8, male). No significant changes in measured parameters were found. The results of these two studies indicate the need for further studies to investigate effects of EGCG on weight loss / weight maintenance possibly in combination with caffeine and/or other green tea flavanols. Both L-Histidine and EGCG supplmentations have previously shown to influence regulators of energy balance, blood glucose and cardiovascular risk factors via activation of the sympathetic nervous system in animal models. The present studies however did not provide any definitive conclusions following EGCG ingestion in healthy humans. L-Histidine supplementation brought about significant decrease in FBG and body weight after 10 days’ ingestion but its effect after 3.25 hours and 8 weeks was inconclusive. The effects following supplementation of both L-Histidine and EGCG ingestion needs to be further studied to clarify any potential metabolic consequences in humans

    Antenna Selection in Spatial Modulation Systems

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    Novel transmit antenna selection techniques are conceived for Spatial Modulation (SM) systems and their symbol error rate (SER) performance is investigated. Specifically, low-complexity Euclidean Distance optimized Antenna Selection (EDAS) and Capacity Optimized Antenna Selection (COAS) are studied. It is observed that the COAS scheme gives a better SER performance than the EDAS scheme. We show that the proposed antenna selection based SM systems are capable of attaining a significant gain in signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) compared to conventional SM systems, and also outperform the conventional MIMO systems employing antenna selection at both low and medium SNRs

    A Methodology for Afterburner Evaluation

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    A preliminary investigation of the performance of an afterburner module proposed by the Gas Turbine Research Establishment, Bangalore for the Kaveri engine has been carried out. The investigation, which was both theoretical and experimental, evaluated the af-terburner configuration on the basis of flame stability, combustion efficiency and total pressure loss. An evaluation methodology, which was formulated, has been employed to arrive at design modifications for improved performance

    Computerised Referral Service : a case study

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    Describes the attempt to develop a soft- ware package for computerised referral service taking Machine Tools as a case study. The system was developed ax DRTC using an ICL 1901 computer and the program was written in COBOL Language.The creation of the files and answering of queries are explained. Sample copies of output are attached

    Infantile systemic hyalinosis: A case report

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    Infantile systemic hyalinosis (ISH) is a rare, progressive, autosomal recessive disorder characterized by connective tissue involvementas hyaline deposition in the skin, gastrointestinal tract, muscles, glands, and other organs. We report a child with this rare conditionpresenting with growth retardation, joint contractures, and intractable diarrhea. Though genetically analyzed, ISH still remains as apoorly understood disease raising concerns during diagnosis and treatment