4 research outputs found

    Parisian ruin over a finite-time horizon

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    For a risk process Ru(t)=u+ctX(t),t0R_u(t)=u+ct-X(t), t\ge 0, where u0u\ge 0 is the initial capital, c>0c>0 is the premium rate and X(t),t0X(t),t\ge 0 is an aggregate claim process, we investigate the probability of the Parisian ruin PS(u,Tu)=P{inft[0,S]sups[t,t+Tu]Ru(s)<0}, \mathcal{P}_S(u,T_u)=\mathbb{P}\{\inf_{t\in[0,S]} \sup_{s\in[t,t+T_u]} R_u(s)<0\}, with a given positive constant SS and a positive measurable function TuT_u. We derive asymptotic expansion of PS(u,Tu)\mathcal{P}_S(u,T_u), as uu\to\infty, for the aggregate claim process XX modeled by Gaussian processes. As a by-product, we derive the exact tail asymptotics of the infimum of a standard Brownian motion with drift over a finite-time interval.Comment: 2

    Integrals of Bessel processes and multi-dimensional Ornstein - Uhlenbeck processes: exact asymptotics for LpL^p-functionals

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