28 research outputs found

    Nutrient reserves in grapevine canes as influenced by cropping levels

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    The effect of differential cropping level on the carbohydrates, amino acids and mineral nutrient elements reserves in the canes and buds of Italian Riesling vines was investigated. The amount of nutrient reserves stored in the canes depended upon the level of crop borne by the vines. The increase in bud load was associated with a decrease in concentrations of carbohydrates and mineral elements in canes. Mineral elements, especially nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium were stored in larger concentrations in vines with little or no crop compared to heavily cropped vines. With heavy crop beyond the capacity of the vine, the nutrient reserves were depleted in canes. The concentration of amino acids and inorganic elements was maximum in the canes of vines with no crop. On the basis of the results obtained, a load of 72 buds with provision for renewal spurs appeared to be optimum for Italian Riesling vines under the conditions of the experiment.Die Beeinflussung der NĂ€hrstoffreserven im Rebenholz durch den TraubenertragDer Einfluß unterschiedlicher Ertragsmengen auf die Reserven an Kohlenhydraten, AminosĂ€uren und mineralischen NĂ€hrstoffen in Holz und Knospen der Sorte Welschriesling wurde untersucht. Der Gehalt der ins Holz eingelagerten NĂ€hrstoffreserven hing von der Höhe des Traubenertrages ab. Eine zunehmende Anzahl von Knospen war mit einer Abnahme der Kohlenhydrat- und Mineralstoffkonzentration verbunden. Mineralstoffe, vor allem Stickstoff, Phosphor und Kalium, wurden in Reben mit schwachem oder fehlendem Ertrag in höherer Konzentration eingelagert als in Reben mit starker Traubenbelastung. ĂŒberstieg der Traubenertrag das Leistungsvermögen der Rebe, so wurden die NĂ€hrstoffreserven im Holz abgebaut. Die höchste Konzentration an AminosĂ€uren und Mineralstoffen lag im Holz traubenloser Reben vor. Aufgrund der gewonnenen Ergebnisse schien unter den vorliegenden Versuchsbedingungen fĂŒr Welschriesling eine Anzahl von 72 Knospen, unter Einschluß von VerjĂŒngungszapfen, optimal zu sein

    Effect of foliar sprays of uracil, xanthine and caffeine on the nucleic acid and protein content of leaves and fruiting of Thompson Seedless grapes

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    Thompson Seedless vines were sprayed with aqueous solutions of uracil, xanthine and caffeine at 50 ppm twice during the growing season: when the shoots were 30-40 cm long and again a week later. Uracil was found to be more effective than caffeine and xanthine in its promoting influence on the synthesis of RNA and fruitfulness. The sugar content of the berries on the treated vines was increased but there was little change in acid content. The time of fruit maturity was not affected.Der Einfluß von SprĂŒhbehandlungen mit Uracil, Xanthin und Coffein auf den NukleinsĂ€ure- und Proteingehalt der BlĂ€tter sowie den Fruchtansatz bei  ThompsonSeedless-RebenReben der Sorte Thompson Seedless wurden mit wĂ€ssrigen Lösungen von Uracil, Xanthin und Coffein (50 ppm) zweimal wĂ€hrend der Wachstumsperiode gesprĂŒht, und zwar bei einer TrieblĂ€nge von 30-40 cm LĂ€nge und eine Woche spĂ€ter.Uracil förderte die DNS- und Proteinsynthese sowie die Fruchtbarkeit in stĂ€rkerem Maße als Coffein und Xanthin. Der Zuckergehalt der Beeren war gegenĂŒber der Kontrolle erhöht, der SĂ€uregehalt jedoch nur wenig verĂ€ndert. Der Zeitpunkt der Fruchtreife wurde nicht beeinflußt

    Vine behaviour and wine composition in ltalian Riesling grapes as influenced by differential cropping levels

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    The effect of differential cropping level on yield and quality of must and wine of Italian Riesling vines was investigated. The average weight of the bunch was decreased, the sugar/acid ratio of the must reduced with the increase in bud load. Under the conditions of the experiment, a load of 72 buds which was well within the capacity of the vine yielded economically feasible crops of good quality.Das Verhalten der Rebe und die Zusammensetzung des Weines unter dem Einflußabgestufter Ertragsmengen beim WelschrieslingDer Einfluß der Knospenzahl auf den Traubenertrag sowie auf die Most- und WeinqualitĂ€t der Sorte Welschriesling wurde untersucht. Mit zunehmender Knospenzahl nahm das durchschnittliche Traubengewicht ab, und das Zucker/SĂ€ure-VerhĂ€ltnis war verringert. Unter den vorliegenden Versuchsbedingungen wurden bei 72 an der Rebe belassenen Knospen - eine durchaus noch tragbare Stockbelastung - wirtschaftlich praktikable Ernten von guter QualitĂ€t erzielt

    Flavour characteristics of Piper betle L.

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    The betel leaves are aromatic with varied taste ranging from sweet to pungent due to the presence of essential oil. Compounds that contribute to the pungency flavour and stimulating properties of the leaf are of interest to the flavour industry. The results of investigations carried out so far on the chemical analysis of essential oil of betel leaves have been reViewed. The results of the gas chromatography and mass spectrometry (GCMS) of the oil of all the five recognized varieties of Piper betle are discussed. The yield and composition of essential oil of betel leaves have been influenced by age and position of the leaf on the stem, season of harvest, potassium nutrition etc. Promoting the use of this important essential oil in flavour industry and confectionerles so as to utilise the surplus leaves from the assembling and wholesale markets which will otherwise go waste is suggested. &nbsp

    Lab-to Land - The success story of betelvine cultivation in Mahoba, Uttar Pradesh

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    Betel leaf chewing is so common that it is taken for gran ted and most people are oblivious of the problems facing this important segment of plant industry. &nbsp

    Hot deformation mechanisms in Ti-5.5Al-1Fe alloy

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    The mechanisms of hot deformation in the alloy Ti-5.5Al-1Fe have been studied in the temperature range 750 to 1150°C and with the true strain rate varying from 0.001 to 100 s−1 by means of isothermal compression tests. At temperatures below ÎČ transus and low strain rates, the alloy exhibited steady-state flow behavior, while, at high strain rates, either continuous flow softening or work hardening followed by flow softening was observed. In the ÎČ region, the deformation behavior is characterized by steady-state behavior at low strain rates, yield drops at intermediate strain rates, and oscillations at high strain rates. The processing maps revealed two domains. (1) In the temperature range 750 to 1050°C and at strain rates lower than 0.01 s−1, the material exhibits fine-grained superplasticity. The apparent activation energy for superplastic deformation is estimated to be about 328 kJ/mole. The optimum conditions for superplasticity are 825°C and 0.001 s−1. (2) In the ÎČ region, a domain occurs at temperatures above 1100°C and at strain rates from 0.001 to 0.1 s−1 with its peak efficiency of 47% occurring at 1150°C and 0.01 s1. On the basis of kinetic analysis, tensile ductility, and grain size variation, this domain is interpreted to represent dynamic recrystallization (DRX) of ÎČ phase. The apparent activation energy for DRX is estimated to be 238 kJ/mole. The grain size (d) is linearly dependent on the Zener-Hollomon parameter (Z) per the equation log (d)=2.86-0.023 log(Z)log(d)=286-0023log(Z) In the regimes in the temperature range 750 to 825°C and at strain rates from 0.01 to 1.2 s−1 and at temperatures above 1050°C and strain rates above 10 s−1, the material exhibits flow instabilities manifested in the form of adiabatic shear bands

    Characterization of sonochemical reactor for physicochemical transformations

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    Complete knowledge of the pressure field distribution in a sonochemical reactor should be known for an efficient utilization of acoustic energy emitted by the transducers for targeted physicochemical transformations using cavitation phenomena. This work deals with the identification of the active and passive regions in the sonochemical reactor based on the measured pressure field intensities. Iodine liberation experiments based on the decomposition of aqueous potassium iodide (KI) as a representative of cavitationally induced chemical transformation were carried out at various locations in the bath type reactor and compared with the measured pressure intensities in the reactor. Similarly, extraction of natural dye from the bark of Pterocarpus marsupium tree has also been carried out as a representative of cavitationally induced physical transformation (extraction) and compared with the measured pressure intensities. Both the transformations indicate a similar trend of variation in the degree of transformation when correlated with the local pressure and indicated the existence of an optima, which is at a plane (≈3λ/2) away from the transducer surface