59 research outputs found


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    Heart is the most important organ of a human body. Through blood, it transfers oxygen and vital nutrients to the various parts of the body and helps in the metabolic activities and it removes wastes of metabolic. Thus, even minor problems in heart can affect the whole organism. Researchers are diverting a lot of data analysis work for assisting the doctors to predict the heart problem. So, an analysis of the data related to different health problems and its functioning can help in predicting with a certain probability for the wellness of this organ. In order to assist the physicians, identification of heart disease by machine learning and data mining technique has been implemented. Heart as one of the essential organ of the human body and with its related disease such as cardiovascular diseases accounts for the death of many in our society over the last decades, and also regarded as one of the most life-threatening diseases in the world. Today healthcare industry is rich in data however poor in knowledge. There are different data mining and tools and algorithms of ML are available for extraction of knowledge from data storeand to use this knowledge for more accurate diagnosis and decision making. The main contribution of this review is tosummarize the recent research with comparative results that has been done on heart disease prediction and also make analytical conclusions. From the study, it is observed Naive Bayes with Genetic algorithm; Decision Trees and ANN techniques enhance the accuracy in predicting heart disease in different scenarios

    Association and correlation of thyroid dysfunction with anemia types in pregnant women of northern Andhra Pradesh, India

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    Background: Thyroid dysfunction is a common disorder in pregnancy along with anemia. But no study has evaluated the association between them. To estimate the prevalence of thyroid dysfunction and its association with anemia types in pregnant women during 1st trimester.Methods: Three hundred and eighty pregnant women with <12 weeks of gestational age were selected for the study with no history of thyroid dysfunction and anemia. All the pregnant women were classified into A, euthyroid and B, thyroid dysfunction groups. The B group was again subdivided into hypothyroid, subclinical hypothyroid (SCH), hyperthyroid according to nature of dysfunction. 5 ml of blood sample was collected from all subjects to analyse thyroid hormones and erythrocyte indices.Results: Out of 380 subjects, euthyroid was found to be 77.9%, and rest 22.1% were with thyroid dysfunction. Out of 84 thyroid dysfunction, hypothyroid was found to be 7.9%, SCH 13.9% and hyperthyroid was 0.3%. Out of 296 euthyroid women, anemia was identified in 97 pregnant women (32.8%) whereas in thyroid dysfunction women it was 43 women out of 84 (51.2%) which is a statistically significant. Significantly higher frequency of microcytic hypochromic anemia and normocytic normochromic anemia types were also found in thyroid dysfunction groups compared to euthyroid group (p<0.05). However, no significance between the thyroid dysfunction groups, Statistically significant difference was observed in the Hb concentration, RBC count, MCV, MCH and PCV between euthyroid and different thyroid dysfunction conditions (p<0.05). A statistically significant positive correlation was found between fT4 and erythrocyte indices.Conclusions: As fT4 and TSH correlated with erythrocyte indices, it is advisable to screen for thyroid dysfunction and vice versa so as to prevent the complications associated with anemia and thyroid dysfunction

    Prevalence of thyroid dysfunction in pregnant women and the need for universal screening: an observational study in Northern Andhra Pradesh population

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    Background: The maternal thyroid dysfunction is associated with adverse outcomes such as miscarriage, preterm delivery, preeclampsia, postpartum haemorrhage in mother whereas increased risk of impaired neurological development in foetus. The present study was designed with an aim to determine the prevalence of thyroid dysfunction and the need for universal screening in pregnant women.Methods: Three hundred and eighty pregnant women between 8-36 weeks of gestation with age group 20-32 years were recruited. Serum free T3, free T4 and TSH levels were assayed by chemiluminescence method. The pregnant women were classified into euthyroid, subclinical hypothyroid (SH), overt hypothyroid (OH) and overt hyperthyroid groups based on the results obtained in the study.Results: In the present study, the mean ± SD age (in years) and BMI of all pregnant women was 23.9±3.9 and 22.9±1.6 respectively. The maternal age was high in OH and overt hyperthyroid and was statistically significant (p&lt;0.05). Similarly, women with high BMI were prone to OH than normal BMI (p&lt;0.05). The prevalence of thyroid dysfunction was found to be 18.7%. The prevalence of hypothyroidism was 17.4% in which the SH was 13.4% and overt hypothyroidism 3.9%, but overt hyperthyroidism was 1.3%. TSH levels increased with the advancement of gestational age from 2.72±1.85 in first trimester to 3.4±2.05 µIU/mL in third trimester, and the difference was statistically significant (p&lt;0.05). Finally, it was also noticed that the prevalence of raised TSH in high-risk pregnant women was high compared to low-risk women (35.6% vs 5.1%) relative risk (RR) 7.64, 95% confidence interval (CI) 4.62-12.65, (p&lt;0.0001). However, 14 out of 51 (27.5%) with SH were in low-risk group.Conclusions: The present study states that the prevalence of thyroid dysfunction was 18.7% and also emphasizes the importance of screening all pregnant women for thyroid dysfunction rather than targeted high-risk pregnant women to prevent both maternal and fetal morbidity

    Use of vaginal misoprostol before endometrial biopsy in premenopausal women: an observational study

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    Background: It is well-known since long time the beneficial effects of misoprostol particularly as a cervical softening agent in obstetric practice. Keep in view, study aimed to evaluate the efficacy of vaginal misoprostol 400 mcg before endometrial biopsy in premenopausal women.Methods: All the 200 patients were classified into two groups viz. study group (Group I) with 100 patients and control group (Group II) with 100 patients. To Group I patients, 400 mcg of misoprostol was given vaginally, 4 hours prior to the commencement of endometrial biopsy whereas no medication was received by Group II patients.Results: In the present study, the base line cervical dilatation is found to be 5.8±1.3 mm in Group I patients whereas 3.8±0.92 mm in Group II patients which is significantly higher (p<0.05). Only 32 patients in Group I required further dilatation whereas 88 patients in Group II underwent further dilatation. The mean time required for further dilatation in Group I and Group II patients was 42.6±17.4, 64.6±16.8 sec respectively and was significantly higher in Group II patients (p<0.05). Out of 100 patients in Group I, only 2% of patients complained severe pain whereas in Group II 48% of patients experienced intolerable pain and required anesthesia.Conclusions: Vaginal administration of 400 mcg misoprostol 4 hours prior to endometrial biopsy in premenopausal women had a significant effect on cervical resistance and cervical dilatation

    Audit of caesarean deliveries in a tertiary care hospital of northern Andhra Pradesh using modified Robson criteria

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    Background: Today, there is an increased trend in the incidence of caesarean section (CS) rate worldwide particularly in India, even with the lack of evidence supporting considerable maternal and perinatal benefits with higher CS rates. The main objective of our study was to find the incidence of CS rate, auditing the data on the basis of modified Robson criteria, factors responsible for the most common group, to know the changing trends of CS and finally put forth the strategies to reduce CS rate.Methods: This is a retrospective study of 472 CS cases carried out in a tertiary care hospital during the year 2016. All the cases were grouped according to the modified Robson criteria and the data was analyzed. The data were grouped into 3 different slots of 4 months each (FF = first four months; MF = middle four months and LF = last four months of the year 2016).Results: A significant increasing trend was observed in the groups of 2B and 5C where as a significant decreasing trend was noticed in 6C and 7C. The most common indications for caesarean delivery were cephalo-pelvic disproportion (CPD) (28%) and fetal distress (22%) in group 1 whereas in group 2A CPD, fetal distress and failed induction were found to be 12%, 24% and 30% respectively.Conclusions: The change in trend has been noticed in the last few months particularly in 2B and 5C groups suggesting that there is a change in the attitude of obstetricians in conducting caesarean deliveries before the onset of labour rather than performing CS after the onset of labour. Targeting 2B along with 5C would help our efforts in reducing the CS rate

    Study of Genetic Variability for Yield and Quality Parameters in Newly Developed Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) Interspecific Derivatives Over Two Seasons

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    The present investigation was conducted to study genetic parameters for sixteen characters viz., days to 50% flowering, days to maturity, plant height, head diameter, leaf length, leaf width, number of leaves per plant, 100 seed weight, volume weight, seed yield/plant, seed length, seed width, stem girth, leaf area index, chlorophyll content and oil content at ICAR-Indian Institute of Oilseeds Research during kharif-2022 and rabi-2022-23, respectively. The study included a total of 50 advanced (BC2F6) interspecific derivatives derived using five diploid annual compatible Helianthus species along with three checks (ARM-243B, DRSF-108 and DRSF-113). Analysis of variance revealed significant differences for all the traits. High variation was observed for plant height and seed yield/plant and lowest was observed for 100 seed weight, oil content and head diameter. The difference between GCV and PCV was low for all the characters indicating less influence of environmental factors on the expression of these traits. High heritability coupled with high genetic advance in percent of mean was observed for plant height, leaf width, number of leaves/plant, volume weight, 100 seed weight, stem girth, leaf area index and chlorophyll content indicating additive gene action in the expression of these traits. Simple phenotypic selection may be effective for improving these characters. High heritability coupled with low genetic advance was observed for days to maturity and oil content suggesting involvement of non-additive gene action in the expression of these traits indicating little scope for further improvement through individual plant selection. The results showed that the experimental material used had a substantial quantity of genetic variability to be used in crop development programs in the future