3,502 research outputs found

    On the origin of \gamma-ray emission in \eta\ Carina

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    \eta\ Car is the only colliding-wind binary for which high-energy \gamma\ rays are detected. Although the physical conditions in the shock region change on timescales of hours to days, the variability seen at GeV energies is weak and on significantly longer timescales. The \gamma-ray spectrum exhibits two features that can be interpreted as emission from the shocks on either side of the contact discontinuity. Here we report on the first time-dependent modelling of the non-thermal emission in \eta\ Car. We find that emission from primary electrons is likely not responsible for the \gamma-ray emission, but accelerated protons interacting with the dense wind material can explain the observations. In our model, efficient acceleration is required at both shocks, with the primary side acting as a hadron calorimeter, whilst on the companion side acceleration is limited by the flow time out of the system, resulting in changing acceleration conditions. The system therefore represents a unique laboratory for the exploration of hadronic particle acceleration in non-relativistic shocks.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, 1 table, accepted for publication in MNRAS Letter

    The physiological effects of Transcranial Electrical Stimulation do not apply to parameters commonly used in studies of Cognitive Neuromodulation

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    Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) and transcranial random noise stimulation (tRNS) have been claimed to produce many remarkable enhancements in perception, cognition, learning and numerous clinical conditions. The physiological basis of the claims for tDCS rests on the finding that 1 mA of unilateral anodal stimulation increases cortical excitation and 1 mA of cathodal produces inhibition. Here we show that these classic excitatory and inhibitory effects do not hold for the bilateral stimulation or 2 mA intensity conditions favoured in cognitive enhancement experiments. This is important because many, including some of the most salient claims are based on experiments using 2 mA bilateral stimulation. The claims for tRNS are also based on unilateral stimulation. Here we show that, again the classic excitatory effects of unilateral tRNS do not extend to the bilateral stimulation preferred in enhancement experiments. Further, we show that the effects of unilateral tRNS do not hold when one merely doubles the stimulation duration. We are forced to two conclusions: (i) that even if all the data on TES enhancements are true, the physiological explanations on which the claims are based are at best not established but at worst false, and (ii) that we cannot explain, scientifically at least, how so many experiments can have obtained data consistent with physiological effects that may not exist

    Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation and the Understanding of Behavior

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    The development of the use of transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) in the study of psychological functions has entered a new phase of sophistication. This is largely due to an increasing physiological knowledge of its effects and to its being used in combination with other experimental techniques. This review presents the current state of our understanding of the mechanisms of TMS in the context of designing and interpreting psychological experiments. We discuss the major conceptual advances in behavioral studies using TMS. There are meaningful physiological and technical achievements to review, as well as a wealth of new perceptual and cognitive experiments. In doing so we summarize the different uses and challenges of TMS in mental chronometry, perception, awareness, learning, and memory

    Enhancing Simulation Fidelity in Occupational Therapy Education: Considerations for Standardized Patient Training and Implementation

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    The use of high-fidelity simulation and standardized patients (SPs) in occupational therapy (OT) education is expanding. However, the implementation of simulation varies across programs, leading to inconsistent outcomes and research limitations. Furthermore, details on SP use and training are lacking in OT literature. This article aims to provide OT educators with considerations for improving simulation fidelity by effectively using highly trained SPs. For example, recruiting SPs from diverse backgrounds is necessary to improve sociological fidelity, and proper training of SPs is required to ensure psychological fidelity. This article also emphasizes the need for standardized training for SPs and recommends following the Association of Standardized Patient Educators (ASPE) guidelines to ensure best practices in OT education. Adequate SP training and ongoing professional development are essential for maintaining simulation fidelity during SP experiences and optimizing student learning outcomes. Implementing SP experiences within the OT curriculum, SP recruitment and training, case development, pre-briefing, and debriefing processes are discussed, with recommendations from current evidence and the authors’ experience at an institution accredited by the Society for Simulation in Healthcare. Trained SPs can enhance simulation fidelity and provide students with realistic and compelling learning experiences, better preparing them for fieldwork and clinical practice. While further research is needed to explore the efficacy of SP encounters in OT education and the student experience, this article reinforces the need to standardize the use and training of SPs to enhance simulation fidelity and support the reliability and validity of future research efforts surrounding the use of SPs

    Measurement of Synchrotron x-ray energies and line shapes using diffraction markers

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    Standard reference markers for accurate, reproducible synchrotron x-ray energies are obtained using a three Si crystal spectrometer. The first two crystals are in the monochromator and the third is used to obtain diffraction markers which monitor the energy. Then for any value of the glancing angle on the reference Si crystal the energy for the (333) diffraction must occur at 3/4 that of the (444) and 3/5 of that for the (555). This establishes for the first time an absolute synchrotron energy scale. Higher-order diffractions are used to determine excitation line profiles. We conclude that the use of reference diffractions is necessary to measure reproducible x-ray energies and to analyze the incident photons\u27 line profile. The detection of diffractions near the edge of measurement and near the Cu edge will provide a fast secondary standard which will allow comparison of edge data between different laboratories. The diffraction profiles will allow the proper analysis of spectral line widths

    Non-Fermi-liquid behavior in nearly ferromagnetic metallic SrIrO3 single crystals

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    We report transport and thermodynamic properties of single-crystal SrIrO3 as a function of temperature T and applied magnetic field H. We find that SrIrO3 is a non-Fermi-liquid metal near a ferromagnetic instability, as characterized by the following properties: (1) small ordered moment but no evidence for long-range order down to 1.7 K; (2) strongly enhanced magnetic susceptibility that diverges as T or T1/2 at low temperatures, depending on the applied field; (3) heat capacity C(T,H) ~ -Tlog T that is readily amplified by low applied fields; (4) a strikingly large Wilson ratio at T< 4K; and (5) a T3/2-dependence of electrical resistivity over the range 1.7 < T < 120 K. A phase diagram based on the data implies SrIrO3 is a rare example of a stoichiometric oxide compound that exhibits non-Fermi-liquid behavior near a quantum critical point (T = 0 and H = 0.23 T)
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