115 research outputs found

    Non-extendability of holomorphic functions with bounded or continuously extendable derivatives

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    We consider the spaces HF(Ω)H_{F}^{\infty}(\Omega) and AF(Ω)\mathcal{A}_{F}(\Omega) containing all holomorphic functions ff on an open set ΩC\Omega \subseteq \mathbb{C}, such that all derivatives f(l)f^{(l)}, lFN0={0,1,...}l\in F \subseteq \mathbb{N}_0=\{ 0,1,...\}, are bounded on Ω\Omega, or continuously extendable on Ω\overline{\Omega}, respectively. We endow these spaces with their natural topologies and they become Fr\'echet spaces. We prove that the set SS of non-extendable functions in each of these spaces is either void, or dense and GδG_\delta. We give examples where S=S=\varnothing or not. Furthermore, we examine cases where FF can be replaced by F~={lN0:minFlsupF}\widetilde{F}=\{ l\in \mathbb{N}_0:\min F \leqslant l \leqslant \sup F\}, or F~0={lN0:0lsupF}\widetilde{F}_0= \{ l\in \mathbb{N}_0:0\leqslant l \leqslant \sup F\} and the corresponding spaces stay unchanged